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Weapons of World War I – Part One

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1 Weapons of World War I – Part One
How did new weapons affect the war?

2 #1 The Machine Gun Invented by Hiram Maxim
Fired ammunition automatically Often used in trench warfare Advantage: Takes out waves of attackers; hard for troops to advance Disadvantage: Main reason for bloody stalemates; and huge loss of life

3 # 2 The Tank Developed by the British Armored combat vehicle
Unsuccessful at first Advantage: major firepower; several machine guns; sometimes cannons; hard to disable Disadvantage: Very slow, hot, cramped First successful tank offensive: Cambrai 1000 Holt Tractors used by British by 1916 1902 French Armored Car

4 #3 The U-Boat (Submarine)
Unterseeboot Germans (1850); Deisel engine by 1912 Used an underwater misslle – the torpedo Advantage: Very hard to see or detect Disadvantage: Cramped conditions and leaks Unrestricted Sub Warfare

5 #4 Aviation – Airplanes Dropped bombs or shot at targets
Good for spying Interrupter Dog fights Advantage: Quick and agile Disadvantage: Little room and flimsy

6 The Red Baron – Germany’s Flying Ace

7 #5 Aviation –Zepplins “Death from Above” Developed by Germans Blimps
Used to drop bombs Advantage: Could carry more bombs, men, equipment and size was intimidating Disadvantage: Not as fast or agile and a big target

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