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TERM DEFINITION 1. Militarism A. This law outlawed monopolies.

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Presentation on theme: "TERM DEFINITION 1. Militarism A. This law outlawed monopolies."— Presentation transcript:

1 TERM DEFINITION 1. Militarism A. This law outlawed monopolies. 2. Nationalism B. Refers to a strong pride in one’s nation, a major cause of World War I. 3. Zimmerman Note C. Refers to a strong pride in the military and building up one’s military; a major cause of World War I. 4. Sherman Anti-Trust Act D. Articulated by Andrew Carnegie, this idea stated that the wealthy had a duty to give back to society. 5. Gospel of Wealth E. This 1917 message from Germany to Mexico proposed an alliance against the US; brought US into World War I.

2 Key events, people, & technology
World war I Key events, people, & technology

3 Trench warfare Soldiers dug trenches for protection from artillery and machine guns. No Man’s Land. Poor conditions. Stalemate.

4 Machine guns Fire up to 600 rounds per minute.
Inflicted millions of casualties.

5 Chemical warfare Chlorine Gas & Mustard Gas used by both sides.
Caused blindness, blisters, suffocation, and bleeding. Death was slow and painful.

6 tanks First used by the British. Able to cross enemy trenches…
Slow, broke down often. Broke trench warfare.

7 airplanes First used to scout enemy trenches.
Fighters and bombers soon emerged. Helped break trench warfare.

8 aef American Expeditionary Force. General John J. Pershing.
Thousands of fresh American troops broke the stalemate of the Western Front.

9 Alvin york Medal of Honor Killed 25 Germans and captured another 132.

10 Question #1 What type of warfare characterized World War I?
A. Guerilla Warfare B. Nuclear Warfare C. Blitzkrieg D. Trench Warfare

11 Question #2 What World War I technology helped to break the stalemate of trench warfare? A. The airplane. B. The tank. C. Submarines. D. Both “A” and “B”

12 Question #3 This photograph would be most associated with what World War I technology? A. The tank. B. The airplane. C. Chemical warfare. D. Alvin York.

13 Question #4 “I pressed forward with the others to watch the United States physically entering the War, so god-like, so magnificent, so splendidly unimpaired in comparison with the tired, nerve-wrecked men of the British Army. So these were our delivers at last, marching up the road to Camiers in the Spring sunshine!” -Vera Brittain, Testament of Youth What impact did the AEF have on World War I? American troops broke the stalemate of trench warfare in the Western Front. IDK American troops were quickly defeated by battle-hardened German forces. American troops were forced to use the atomic bomb to quickly end the war.

14 Question #5 True (A) or False (B): Alvin York won the Medal of Honor in World War I for killing 25 German soldiers and capturing another 132.

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