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MTL: The Microsystems Technology Laboratories at MIT

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Presentation on theme: "MTL: The Microsystems Technology Laboratories at MIT"— Presentation transcript:

1 MTL: The Microsystems Technology Laboratories at MIT
Prof. Martin A. Schmidt Massachusetts Institute of Technology Microsystems Technology Laboratories - MIT

2 MTL - The Facilities Integrated Circuits Laboratory
Class sq.ft. (6") 1.25 micron CMOS baseline process Technology Research Laboratory Class sq.ft. (6") Flexible Process Environment Exploratory Materials Laboratory Class sq.ft. Thin Film Process Facility IC Design Laboratory Foundry IC Processes Microsystems Technology Laboratories - MIT

3 MTL Technology: A Tour of Scale
Gyroscopes Displays Transistors Microengines mm mm nm Tiny Technologies have as a unifying theme the use of micro/nano fabrication technologies for manufacturing. Many of these technologies derive from the IC fabrication industry. This slide illustrates examples of the applications of the manufacturing methods that are available in the MTL. Microturbomachinery is pursued at MIT as a means to make miniature heat engines with application in portable power generation, cooling, and propulsion (Prof. Alan Epstein-Aero&Astro). Microchemical plants are being built which enable synthesis and detection of chemicals for point-of-use production or analysis. Inertial forces (acceleration/rotation) can be sensed by miniature accelerometers and gyroscopes (Prof. Klavs Jensen-ChemE). These devices are the heart of many new products including crash detectors for airbags. Micromanufacturing allows creation of precision connectors like the silicon microcontactor shown in this slide which is designed for high speed contacting and testing of chips (Prof. Aleks Slocum-MechE). Compact field emitters like the one shown in this slide are assembled in arrays and allow a new class of high brightness field emission displays (Prof. Tayo Akinwande-EECS). Minuature cantilevers can be fabricated and functionalized with biomolecules for biosensors (Prof. Scott Manalis-Media Lab). Of course the microfabrication technology enables miniature transistors, and MIT uses its expertise to pursue novel device designs for new needs such as this RF transistor (Prof. Jesus delAlamo-EECS). Finally, through careful silicon processing, nanometer dimensioned silicon tips are formed which enable a broad range of exploration at the nanometer scale in science and engineering (Prof. Tayo Akinwande-EECS). Microchemical Plants Connectors Nanotips Low Power IC Microsystems Technology Laboratories - MIT

4 Lamination of Extruded 2-D Shapes
Piezo Electrical Power Low Pressure High Valve Controller Microsystems Technology Laboratories - MIT

5 Opportunities Rapid 2-D Extrusion Aligned Bonding of Chips
Plastics, Silicon, Ceramics First-Pass Success Process modeling and tool characterization Lower Cost Transition from semiconductor mindset to machine tool mindset Aligned Bonding of Chips Transition from optical to mechanical/chemical Self-assembly LEGO (A. Slocum) Microsystems Technology Laboratories - MIT

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