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Bellwork 3/2 Describe how pressure & temperature change in our atmosphere. What kinds of gases/materials are in our atmosphere? Do the amounts of gases.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork 3/2 Describe how pressure & temperature change in our atmosphere. What kinds of gases/materials are in our atmosphere? Do the amounts of gases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork 3/2 Describe how pressure & temperature change in our atmosphere. What kinds of gases/materials are in our atmosphere? Do the amounts of gases in the atmosphere matter? Use examples from your homework to explain.

2 Really quick, about the Safety Drill

3 Fate of Incoming Radiation
Radiation- emission of energy in the form of an electromagnetic wave …for this class…the radiation we most care about is energy coming from the sun  which travels in the form of a wave

4 4 Laws Governing Radiation:
All objects emit radiant energy 2. Hotter objects radiate more total energy per unit area than cooler objects

5 4 Laws Governing Radiation
The hotter a radiating object, the shorter the wavelength 4. Objects that are good absorbers of radiation, are good emitters as well

6 Which is emitting more energy, the fire or the coffee?

7 Which is emitting longer wavelengths, the fire or the coffee?

8 Which of these are emitting radiation?

9 Fate of Incoming Solar Radiation
There are 3 things that can happen to waves of energy traveling through our atmosphere: Reflection Scattering Absorption **The “fate” of the radiation depends on how the wave interacts with particles in our atmospehre

10 REMEMBER: Our atmosphere is made up of lots of gases and particles
Major components Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon Variable Components Water vapor, aerosols, ozone Radiation (energy waves) interact with each of these gases and particles in different ways

11 Setting the Scene… The sun is OUTSIDE of our atmosphere
There are gasses and particles INSIDE our atmosphere We’re talking about what happens when the two meet

12 Reflection: light bounces off of a surface at the same angle at which it hits the surface AND with the same intensity about 30% of solar energy reaching Earth is reflected back to space HOW?? --Bouncing off of those gases & particles that make up our atmosphere 

13 Scattering light bounces off a surface, but creates a larger number of weaker waves AND… rays travel in all different directions


15 Absorption Gases are selective absorbers
absorb strongly in certain wavelengths When radiation is absorbed, energy is transformed into molecular motion which causes a rise in temperature


17 How does this play a role in creating different colors in the sky?
An application of scattering!

18 Some gases are better at scattering than others…
Nitrogen and Oxygen are very good at scattering high energy (low wavelength) waves

19 This leads to BLUE SKIES!
Most of the energy (in the visible light spectrum) being scattered is Blue, Indigo & Violet Our eyes aren’t very sensitive to Indigo & Violet, se we see the daytime sky as blue

20 This also leads to RED SUNSETS!
As the sun approaches the horizon, the radiation must travel through more atmosphere As the radiation path length increases, the wave encounters more atmospheric particles…meaning blue light is all scattered away and red/orange light reaches our eyes

21 “Blue Skies & Red Sunsets”

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