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Digital AIM Training - AIXM

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1 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

2 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Obstacle The AIXM obstacle model satisfies the ICAO requirements for the provision of electronic obstacle databases (Annex 15, Chapter 10). Changes as compared with version 4.5 Modified: Point, line, polygon New: Obstacle Area, Association with other features Note some particularities of this model: VerticalStructure as core feature The possibility to aggregate parts in the obstacle horizontal projection as point, line or polygon Lighting information Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

3 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Let’s look at a real example of an obstacle and see how this can be encoded according to the model. This upper represents a bridge in the south of France at Millau, which is tall as the Eiffel Tower in Paris. A group of wind power generators can also constitute an obstacle. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

4 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Obstacle made of parts Top elevation 343 m Vertical extent Horizontal extent - polygon The Vertical structure can be encoded as a series of VerticalStructureParts. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

5 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Obstacle made of parts The precision to which these parts are digitised depends on the operational requirements. If only a rough precision is necessary, this is how a computer application will “see” this obstacle. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

6 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Obstacle made of parts or, more detailed… With many pore detailed parts, the precision of the digitization can be increased. However, overdoing this will generate a lot of useless data. It is very important that the operational requirements are stated correctly. More details typically implies higher costs as well. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

7 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Obstacle area A vertical structure is considered as an obstacle when it matches the criteria for one or more obstacle collection surfaces. Such obstacle collecttion surfaces are defined by ICAO Annex 15 (Area 1, 2, 3 & 4). Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

8 Obstacle – features association
Digital AIM Training - AIXM Obstacle – features association The base vertical structure class and the ability to describe arbitrary vertical structures that may be located at aeronautical facilities. Generally used to represent buildings and other features important for airport mapping and airport facility management. It can also be used to represent navigation aids and other aeronautical features as vertical structures. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

9 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
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10 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Airport package EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

11 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Airport/Heliport New Certification, Survey Control Points, Hot Spots Non-movement area, work area, etc. AMDB – runway/taxiway elements, etc. Seaplane landing area Modified Runway Operational Point Airport availability model Runway, taxiway, etc. availability Apron area availability Pilot controlled lighting Surface contamination model This slide indicates the main changes as compared with version 4.5 Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

12 AirportHeliport feature
Digital AIM Training - AIXM AirportHeliport feature This diagrams shows the main properties of the AerodromeHeliport feature. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

13 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Airport mapping data Construction Area Stand Guidance Line Note also that the AIXM model also covers the requirements for encoding airport mapping data. This is an industry standard which provides requirements for data used to create and display an airport map on an Electronic Flight Bag device (EFB). On this diagram, you can see an extract from the AMDB standard, which highlights the most important elements of an AMDB data set: Runway geometries Taxiway geometries Apron geometries De-icing areas Etc. The standard was developed by EUROCAE WG44 / RTCA SC217 and it is named « User requirements for aerodrome mapping information (ED99A/DO272A) » The data actually upload in compliant EFB devices is encoded in the ARINC Embedded Aerodrome Database format specified by the ARINC 816 standard. Although the production of an AMDB is not (yet) required by ICAO, the airport maps included in AIP actually contain 70%-80% of the AMDB data. AMDB are nice to have for Digital NOTAM applications, as they support graphical visualisation and graphical data input of Digital NOTAM, such as closed portion of a taxiway. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

14 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Runway This diagram shows how runways and their properties are modelled, both for airplanes and helicopters. Runways are mandatory associated with an AerodromeHeliport and have a property that allows distinguishing between normal runways, used by airplanes and "runway like" surfaces used by helicopters for final approach and take-off (FATO). The properties of a runway include surface characteristics, marking, lenght, width, etc. It is also possible to describe runway elements and the painted centreline, as required by the AMDB concept. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

15 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Runway Direction This diagram shows the model for runway landing and take-off directions, which are associated with one runway. Several operationally significant points can exist on the centreline of a runway direction, playing roles such as "threshold", "displaced threshold", "start of run", etc. The lighting system installed before the threshold of a runway, providing a visual reference for aircraft landing on that runway, is modelled by the ApproachLightingSystem feature. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

16 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Taxiway This diagram shows the main properties of the taxiway feature. It is also possible to describe portions of a taxiway, as 2D surfaces, as required by the AMDB concept. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

17 Guidance Lines vs. Taxiways
Digital AIM Training - AIXM Guidance Lines vs. Taxiways The concept of guidance allows to model the predefined trajectories that aircraft can follow on the airport surfaces. Such guidance lines are typically defined and marked on taxiways and aprons. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

18 Runway Operational Point
Digital AIM Training - AIXM Runway Operational Point The diagram for runway operational points shows that they may be also associated with declared operational distances, such as TORA, TODA, ASDA, etc. In addition, GuidanceLines (taxilines) may be connected with the point, thus associating a declared distance with specific taxi entries for the runway direction. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

19 Airport usage restrictions
Digital AIM Training - AIXM Airport usage restrictions This diagram shows how airport/heliport availability information is modelled, as a complex property of the feature. The availability includes an operational status attribute and associated usage restrictions. The AirportHeliportUsage class is derived from the generic UsageCondition class, which models permissions/restrictions based on type of flight, type of aircraft and/or MET conditions. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

20 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Airport services This diagram shows the model for services that provide maintenance of the airport infrastructure and direct support to aircraft on the ground. The model allows several services of the same type to be described. However, business rules might further restrict that: - usually, there should be just one airport clearance service; - several fire fighting services should exist only if they have non-overlapping Timetables; - aircraft and passenger services should be grouped by service provider (the associated Unit). Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

21 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
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22 Point and Navaid Package
Digital AIM Training - AIXM Point and Navaid Package EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

23 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Navaids Changes as compared with version 4.5: New: Navaid service and operational status Modified: Navaid equipment This diagram shows the separation between navaid equipment (the physical antenna) and the navaid service. For example, a VOR/DME is a navaid service, using two physical equipments. NavaidComponent is used to describe the relationship of each equipment to the navaid service; equipment located together (collocatedGroup), etc. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

24 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Navaid Equipment This diagram shows the equipments that can be used to compose Navaids. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

25 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Designated points Diagram showing all relationships to Designated Point. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

26 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
Significant Points A "significant point" is a choice between a navaid, a designated point an airport position or even a simple geographical position. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011

27 Digital AIM Training - AIXM
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