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Science Jeopardy Eye See Light I Love Fossils

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Presentation on theme: "Science Jeopardy Eye See Light I Love Fossils"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Jeopardy 10 20 30 40 50 Eye See Light I Love Fossils
Fun-damentals I Love Fossils It’s Geologic Time! Eye See Light Stuff About the Earth (Geology?) 10 20 30 40 50 bonus

2 This SI unit, abbreviated as the lower case letter “g”, is the standard unit for mass.

3 In an experiment, this is the group that does not receive the independent variable. It represents the neutral state. Category

4 The formation of this, an educated guess or possible explanation to a question, is often tested with an experiment.

5 In a written lab report, errors in the experiment or data should be addressed in this section.

6 This term describes microscopes that use more than one lens to magnify a specimen.

7 (It’s a 10 point question…)
These are the trace or preserved remains of an organism that lived long ago. (It’s a 10 point question…)

8 Fossils are most likely to be found in this type of rock.

9 Of plants, rocks, insects, fish bones, animal tracks, or scat—this is the one that can NOT become fossilized.

10 One of the two ways loose sediment can become sedimentary rock during lithification.

11 The discovery of marine fossils in the middle of the desert provide evidence of this kind of change.

12 This time scale helps divide Earth’s history into manageable parts based on significant events and distinct changes of life and environments

13 This is when an entire species dies out
This is when an entire species dies out. A mass occurrence of this in a time period often marks the end of that period.

14 This is the time period in which life first evolved on Earth.

15 This mass extinction (Earth’s largest) which took place approximately 251 million years ago (mya) is believed to have wiped out nearly 90% of marine species and 78% of land species.

16 According to the fossil record, the first major appearance of complex, diverse life appeared during this “Explosion”, which ushered in the Paleozoic Era and ended the Precambrian.

17 According to the Law of Reflection, the angle of reflection is equal to this.

18 This interaction of light and matter, the bending of light as it passes from air through water, is what produces rainbows on a sunny, rainy day.

19 Of infrared, indigo, or violet light, the one which is outside the visible spectrum.

20 When white light is broken down into a rainbow, this is the color with the longest wavelength.

21 For an object to be seen by our eye, it must either emit light or do this.

22 According to radioactive dating, scientists believe the Earth to be about this many years old.

23 This principle states that geologic processes happen gradually and that processes today are similar to those that occurred in the past.

24 Rare, sudden events such as volcanic eruptions, meteor impacts, and earthquakes are examples of this geologic theory.

25 Scientists hypothesize that a catastrophic event (an asteroid hitting Earth) most likely led to this change, which most likely led to the extinction of dinosaurs.

26 Evidence of catastrophic events and resulting climate and environmental changes are found in this record.


28 This Era is “The Age of Mammals
This Era is “The Age of Mammals.” We are currently enjoying it right now, so let’s live it up (you know until it ends horrifically for us).

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