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A new strategy for drafting your writing

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1 A new strategy for drafting your writing
P.L.A.N. A new strategy for drafting your writing English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

2 New Rule* Studies have shown that when you work with your shoes off, you are more relaxed and focused. I am now requiring you to remove your shoes during our class and sit with your feet touching the ground. I will also teach with my shoes off. This will not only help you relax and focus but it will put a calm over the entire class, something that is needed in our post-lunch lively class. *This should be done as Lesson 1 in this unit but is included here for reference* Ask students to now remove their shoes. Allow time for whining and complaining and talking to happen for a minute or so.  Bring the class together and begin discussion of Fellowship experience. English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

3 JDSU Company overview Project: “Change Ready Leaders”
Define change management As students get adjusted to the “new rule” I will start explaining my Fellowship. Footer Text 11/12/2018

4 Changes Office work vs. teaching Working from home
Different management style I will share how this fellowship was different from teaching and how I had to adjust to many changes. Hopefully by this point students will start to catch on that the new rule is fake. I will then allow discussion of how the experience in class relates to understanding the concept of change management. Footer Text 11/12/2018

5 (We will share responses after the Assignment Overview)
DO NOW Soon you will be graduating from high school and entering the “real world” where you will face many new experiences, challenges, and changes. What are some significant changes that you, or any graduating senior, might face as you enter the next stage of your life? (We will share responses after the Assignment Overview) English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

6 Assignment Overview Get a copy of the “Choose Your Own Adventure of Change” Assignment Overview handout and read over it by yourself. We will go into more detail about this assignment later, just get a general understanding of what you are being asked to do. Initial questions? English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

7 Give-One Get-One Turn to a peer seated near you and share one of your ideas about possible changes after high school. After you have shared, ask your peer to share and write down one of his or her ideas, adding it to your list Repeat with 2 more peers English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

8 Personal Experience with Change
After I finished high school… Changes in society Changes in the workplace Why people are sometimes resistant to change I will share a personal experience with change that I experienced after high school and/or college. I will also share changes in my workplace (at school) and how I am the leader of some of those changes. I will then remind students of my Fellowship position with JDSU and what change management is. For others using this lesson, this would be an opportunity just to share your own experience with change throughout your life. Some reasons that people are resistant to change are: Feel that there is no need for it Disagree with it Think it won't work; it's the wrong approach Fear of the unknown: comfortable the ways things are done now and are afraid to try something in a new way It's human nature, especially with the capacity for denial and if people are already stressed and busy English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

9 PLAN The PLAN Strategy focuses on 4 key steps associated with planning and producing writing Preview the audience, goals, and words to use P List main ideas and details on a Think Sheet L Assign numbers to indicate order A Note ideas in sentences by following your plan N English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

10 PLAN English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

11 PLAN Preview the audience, goals, and words to use
When you have the above in mind while you write, the outcome will be more focused and coherent. Who is your audience? Fellow high school seniors One of the first things effective writers do is to consider the audience who will read the document to be developed and why they will be reading it. Since the only authentic reason for developing a written document is to communicate, authors also consider the specific communication goals they hope at accomplish. English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

12 PLAN Example goals include: What is the goal of your writing?
To entertain To inform To persuade or convince To evoke some kind of action To attain permission To express an idea, emotion, or attitude What is the goal of your writing? To inform and entertain English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

13 PLAN Brainstorm a list of key words and phrases related to the topic (change) that you might use in your story anticipate past experiences future the way things used to be why? emotions analyze afraid new direction positive thinking reflection laugh at yourself There are some sample words listed here as reference but responses will vary by class and student English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

14 Work Time Review your notes and make certain you have identified:
Your audience Your goals Key words English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

15 PLAN English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

16 PLAN List main ideas and details on a Think Sheet
What are you doing when you write? Thinking about what to say Organizing your ideas Putting the ideas in writing Editing and revising Most writers do this all at the same time But, novice writers like yourselves, usually can’t do this very successfully like expert writers can When you try, you might end up with poorly organized writing of minimum words filled with mechanical and grammatical errors. Instead, we will list key ideas and then organize them before putting pen to paper Novice writers often attempt to think of what to say, organize the ideas, and actually express the ideas in writing, as well as edit their work -- all at the same time. While expert writers can often do these four processes simultaneously, novice writers usually cannot. As a result, novice writers often produce dysfluent writing (using a minimum of words) that is poorly organized and full of mechanical writing errors. By separating these cognitive processes into distinct phases of writing, even novice writers tend to produce a much higher quality document. In short, most writing goals can be attained more effectively and efficiently if the author, before actually ‘putting pen to paper’ (or turning on the word-processor), invests some time first identifying some of the key ideas they plan to express, and then organizing these ideas into a logical order . English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

17 PLAN Using a Think Sheet…
Key Topic = Moment of change you have selected to write about “is about” = brief explanation of topic Sample Work Time = 5 min Give each student a copy of the PLAN Think Sheet Using a document camera or overhead projector, show a blank Think Sheet and complete the top section (Key Topic and “is about”) for a moment of change that you will use throughout the example. Refer to the document PLAN Think Sheet Sample. After completing the sample, give students about 5 minutes to complete on their own. English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

18 PLAN Using a Think Sheet… Main Ideas
Your main ideas will go into each of the boxes at the top of each of the columns Main ideas = the 4 different characters in your story Use the back side of the Think Sheet for the 4th character Sample Work Time = 5-7 min To complete this step of the writing strategy, students will identify who each of the 4 characters will be in their story. The 4 characters should align with the personalities and responses of the ones from Who Moved My Cheese? for Teens (Sniff, Scurry, Hem, Haw). After completing the sample, give students about 5 minutes to come up with their characters. Their character names can be metaphorical, like in the story, and creative. But the sample one just has regular names. English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

19 PLAN Using a Think Sheet…
Essential Details = how each of the characters react to the change Also include the “writing on the wall” Sample Work Time = 10 min/end of class period For the next step, the author identifies various specific points, essential details, or facts they plan to discuss when discussing how each of the characters respond differently to the change. This part should include notes about the “writing on the wall” that will be included in these sections of the story as well. Note that just one character is done as a sample for the sake of time. Give students the rest of the class period to start work on this after going over the sample. It is a good stopping point and will allow them time to finish this part for homework. English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

20 PLAN Using a Think Sheet…
Key Idea = a summary statement about the overall topic of the story Sample Work Time = 5-7 min This last step is where students can summarize the “moral” of the story. Show sample, then give them time to do their own. English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

21 PLAN English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

22 PLAN Assign numbers to indicate order
Use the small bubbles to indicate in what order the essential details will be revealed in that section of the story for that character No need to assign numbers for the characters since it is a “choose your own adventure” story and readers can select that order. Work time = 7-10 min Once the author has completed the process of listing main ideas and details on the think-sheet, the next phase is to indicate order in which each of the various ideas will be expressed when writing. Have students repeat this for the essential details for each character. Remind students that the order they indicate on the Think Sheet is just a preliminary plan. They can change the order when they start to write if needed. English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

23 PLAN English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

24 PLAN Note ideas in sentences by following your plan
Start by describing the change event Use descriptive writing by adding imagery and specific details Then write the story of each character and how he or she responded to the change. Don’t forget to include “the writing on the wall” for each section. Work time = rest of class period The last step of the basic writing strategy is to produce the written document. The author should introduce the topic in the opening paragraph(s) using the ‘is about’ information expressed at the top of the Think Sheet. In this section, students should set up and describe the change situation they have chosen to write about. They explain what is changing or has changed, and then readers select which character to follow (to read about) and find out how that character handled the change. Give students the rest of the period to work on their drafts. Circulate the room and offer help where needed. Give them a few minutes at the end of class to complete the reflection (on the slide after next) The next slide is an overview of the process to put back up for reference English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

25 PLAN - Review The PLAN Strategy focuses on 4 key steps associated with planning and producing writing Preview the audience, goals, and words to use P List main ideas and details on a Think Sheet L Assign numbers to indicate order A Note ideas in sentences by following your plan N English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

26 Reflection Respond to one of the following:
Throughout this process so far, what have you learned about how to handle change in the future? OR What do you think about the PLAN Writing Strategy? Will this strategy for drafting a paper be useful to you in the future? Why or why not? The information and directions for the PLAN Writing Strategy are based on the explanation and example in the mentioned document English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

27 Credits Ellis, Edwin S.. "The Plan Writing Strategy." Calhoun County Schools. Masterminds Publishing, LLC, Web. 10 Jul 2012.  The information and directions for the PLAN Writing Strategy are based on the explanation and example in the mentioned document English 4 Choose Your Own Adventure of Change #4

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