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Provost Report at SUNY UFS Meeting

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1 Provost Report at SUNY UFS Meeting
Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. Provost Report at SUNY UFS Meeting Grace Wang Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development October 20, 2017 SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

2 A Few Thoughts about Effective Communication
Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. A Few Thoughts about Effective Communication Written communication has limitations Face-to-face meetings are important when dealing with critical issues Put communication mechanisms in place Important to share the context Be a team and face the challenges together SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

3 Office of the System Provost
Grace Wang (Interim) Director of Operations Zulaika Rodriguez Vice Provost and VC for Academic Affairs Elizabeth Bringsjord Associate Provost/Director UCAWD Lisa McKay Director of Budget Peg Palmiere VC for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion & Chief Diversity Officer Carlos Medina Associate Provost/Director of Opportunity Programs Cheryl Hamilton Associate Provost for Student Affairs John Graham Associate VC for Global Affairs Sally Crimmins-Villela Senior Associate Provost for Academic Services Carey Hatch (Interim)

4 Enrollment and Completion
Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. Enrollment and Completion SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.


6 National Enrollment Trends at Public Degree Granting Institutions by 2-Year/4-Year Level, Fall 2002 to Fall 2015 Actual and Fall 2016 to Fall 2020 Projected

7 Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. Source: Projections of Education Statistics to 2025, NCES. SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

8 Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. Five Year Trend of Graduation Rates for First-Time, Full-Time Baccalaureate Seeking Students by University System, Fall 2005 Cohort to Fall 2009 Cohort SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

9 Demographics of Students
Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. Demographics of Students SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

10 Composition of U.S. High-school Graduates, by Race/Ethnicity
Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. Composition of U.S. High-school Graduates, by Race/Ethnicity SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

11 SUNY Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity (Fall 2016)
First student enrollment. The data brief shows you this pie chart at three different points in time: 2006, 2015, and Here you see the 2016 chart. As a percent of SUNY’s total enrollment, Under-Represented Minority or URM enrollment is up from: % in Fall 2006 to 25.3% in 2016, a 10 percentage point increase over ten years, up just over 1 percentage point increase since last year. What’s happening to individual populations varies: The proportion of White students continues to decrease, by almost 9 percentage points since 2006 to 57%; a slight drop from 58% last year. Asian student enrollment has increased slightly over time; 1.4 percentage points since 2006; an 0.3 increase over last year. Black or African American students increased just over 2 percentage points since 2006; an 0.2 increase over last year. Hispanic/Latino student enrollment increased 6 percentage points since 2006, a 0.7 increase over last year. We continue to see the biggest growth in the Hispanic population and I expect that to continue.

12 Four and Six-Year Graduation Rates for FT, FT Bacc
Four and Six-Year Graduation Rates for FT, FT Bacc. Students, URM Students Compared to Non-URM Students I am going to spend a bit more time today talking about achievement gaps today because closing these gaps has to be one of our highest priorities. This is a look at four year graduation rates – the blue bars on the left; And six year graduation rates – the green bars on the right. The top number you see is the graduation rate for non-URM students. The bottom number is the graduation rate for URM students. The red number in the middle is the achievement gap. So if we look at the fall 2012 and 2010 cohorts as of 2016 [CLICK], you see we have an 11.3% achievement gap at four years; that drops to 7.8% after six years. Here again, there is good news, just as we say with retention rates. The four- and six-year graduation rates have increased for both the URM and Non-URM students for the five most recent cohorts. However, the achievement gaps between the two groups has remained relatively consistent.

13 Two- and Three-Year Graduation Rates for FT, FT Associate Students, URM Students Compared to Non-URM Students over Time Here we are look at our associate degree seeking students. Two-year graduation rates are in blue on the left; Three-year graduation rates are in green on the right. In general, the two- and three-year graduation rates have increased for both the URM and Non-URM students for the five most recent cohorts. At the same time, however, the achievement gaps between the two groups has increased for the two-year associate graduation rate and held constant for the three-year associate graduation rate. If we look again at Fall 2013 and Fall 2014 cohorts as of 2016, we see a 12 percentage point achievement gap at the two-year graduation mark; And a 13.2 gap at three years. As we continue to see our graduation rates improve, we have to close the gaps. As I mentioned, closing achievement gaps is a priority for investment fund support.

14 Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. Source: Projections of Education Statistics to 2025, NCES. SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

15 The Future Workforce Needs
Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. The Future Workforce Needs SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

16 “… about 47 percent of total US employment is at risk.”
Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. THE FUTURE OF EMPLOYMENT: HOW SUSCEPTIBLE ARE JOBS TO COMPUTERISATION? Osborne and Frey, 2013, Oxford University “… about 47 percent of total US employment is at risk.” SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

17 Tomorrow’s Classrooms and Learning Environment
Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. Tomorrow’s Classrooms and Learning Environment SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.


19 The Large Context Drive enrollment growth Address demographic changes
Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. The Large Context Drive enrollment growth Address demographic changes Meet critical workforce needs Embrace academic technologies SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

20 Program Proposal Statistics
Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. Program Proposal Statistics 495 proposals have been received last year, on average, SUNY System Administration: 54 days Campus: 26 days (responding to System) NYSED: 154 days Currently Pending at NYSED 183 Programs Pending 6.7  average months at SED SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

21 Program Proposal Statistics
Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. Program Proposal Statistics Roll-out of Business Intelligence tool Enhance transparency Improve accountability Identify the bottlenecks Contact the Program Review team early and frequently SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

22 General Education Requirement – Revision or Not?
Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. General Education Requirement – Revision or Not? This year, Faculty governance leaders will develop a white paper to see if a revision is needed and what the best practices and challenges are Next year, if the need for revisions is clear, A System-wide task force will be charged to recommend specific revisions and the process for doing so In the third year, Finalize recommendation and begin implementation Faculty governance leaders will be charged with development of a robust white paper over the course of this year about best practices & current challenges. Assuming the need for revisions is clear, the white paper will inform the work of a System-wide task force who will be charged with recommending both specific revisions and the process for doing so. It’s anticipated that the Task Force work could take a full-academic year as well. In the third year, we would finalize recommendation and begin a defined process for implementation. SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

23 Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. Micro-Credentialing Drive the enrollment of non-traditional student population The draft Task Force Report recommendations: Campus flexibility in developing micro-credentials Important role of faculty governance, business/industry partnerships and innovation Implementation Policy issues Data Strategic activities SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

24 Open Educational Resources (OER)
51 campuses have signed up to participate 16,000 fall 2017 OER enrollments $3 million in savings for Fall 2017 (target $2 million) Project $5-$7 million savings for Spring and Summer 2018 $4 million funding Funds will be distributed in 3 cycles Focus on existing or new OER initiatives on campus

25 An Open Access Taskforce has been formed
Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. Open Access An Open Access Taskforce has been formed In the process of drafting an Open Access policy recommendation for SUNY Board of Trustees’ consideration Faculty governance leaders will be charged with development of a robust white paper over the course of this year about best practices & current challenges. Assuming the need for revisions is clear, the white paper will inform the work of a System-wide task force who will be charged with recommending both specific revisions and the process for doing so. It’s anticipated that the Task Force work could take a full-academic year as well. In the third year, we would finalize recommendation and begin a defined process for implementation. SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

26 Section titles are always placed on the right and right justified, at the same height as content titles. Questions? SUNY logo endorsement always stays visible in front of all content, unless the SUNY logo is prominently featured somewhere else on the slide.

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