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Native Americans.

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1 Native Americans

2 Native American Movement
Key Successes: -Congress approved $510 million for Indian aid programs -AIM became vocal for Native American rights -Given more say in their reservations & education -Won back 7 million acres in South Dakota 1800 acres in Rhode Island -Attempted to draw attention to the bad living conditions on reservations -”Red Power” Activists organized demonstrations demanding reparations, government responsiveness to Indian needs, and greater independence, Native American Movement Richard aoki

3 Click here and read article
Do you think this is offensive? Click here and read article


5 Sacheen Littlefeather is a Native American activist who donned Apache dress and presented a speech on behalf of actor Marlon Brando, for his performance in The Godfather, when he boycotted the 45th Academy Awards ceremony on March 27, 1973, in protest of the treatment of Native Americans by the film industry.

6 Why would Native Americans find this offensive?

7 Native Americans Native Americans began to organize in the late 1960s and early 1970s Due to low income, high unemployment, discrimination, limited education, and short life expectancy. American Indian Movement members Tom LaBlanc, John Blue Bird, and Stacey LaBlanc stand in protest in front of the FBI Building, Washington, DC, United States, 1978

8 Want Greater Economic Opportunities
In 1961 Native Americans issued the Declaration of Indian Purpose, calling for policies to create greater economic opportunities on reservations. As other groups wanted assimilation into mainstream society, Native Americans wanted independence from it.

9 Occupy Alcatraz Native Americans formed militant groups such as the American Indian Movement (AIM). 1969 AIM made a symbolic protest by occupying the abandoned federal prison on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay for 19 months, claiming ownership “by right of discovery.”



12 Wounded Knee A violent protest occurred in 1973, when AIM members occupied the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota. A clash between the occupiers and the FBI killed two Native Americans. Armed Native Americans stand guard during the occupation of Wounded Knee, South Dakota.

13 Victories The Native American movement won some notable victories, including the 1975 passage of the Indian Self-Determination and Educational Assistance Act, which increased funds for Native American education and enlarged tribal roles in administering federal programs. More Native Americans moved into policy-making positions. Native Americans won a number of land and water rights in court.

14 Shortcomings Most Native Americans live in horrible conditions
Alcoholism, suicide, poor health, & high unemployment are a problem The armed occupations of Alcatraz & Wounded Knee were unsuccessful- resulted in property damage and the death of 2 Native Americans Click here and read through article

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