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Ecology education, South American history, 10,000 downloadable images of life in the rainforest, extensive index for research, 700 pages of the best in.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology education, South American history, 10,000 downloadable images of life in the rainforest, extensive index for research, 700 pages of the best in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology education, South American history, 10,000 downloadable images of life in the rainforest, extensive index for research, 700 pages of the best in naturalist literature, expedition and world maps, lesson plans for Earth Day and beyond ! Learn from the brave explorers and naturalists : Martius and Spix, von Humboldt, Langsdorff, St. Hilaire, d’Orbigny, and more !

2 3,754 rainforest animals 6,562 rainforest plants
929 people and scenes maps and more !


4 Explorers’ Journals The explorers have crossed the Atlantic Ocean and approach the dangerous coast of Brazil….July 1817 700 pages of fascinating text link to animals, plants, scenes, map locations, and definitions of terms. All words in italics are hypertext links !

5 Free downloads : 10,000 images Create displays, dioramas, booklets and reports

6 Treasure Hunt Your Rainforest
Besides using the Expedition Index to research a variety of subjects, learning to color and research on computer, utilizing the images for reports and displays, students may participate in the following Earth Day activities : Treasure Hunt Search expedition etchings to record etching numbers for: Giant rivers, giant trees, giant mountains, burning forests, waterfalls, deserts, ancient forests, cut forests, people in boats, the jaguar, gold mines, and more 1 Your Rainforest Search for your favorite mammal, bird, reptile, insect, etc and pick your favorite plants, write descriptions, print and color images to create dioramas or booklets.

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