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How is art both a self-expression and a statement?

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Presentation on theme: "How is art both a self-expression and a statement?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How is art both a self-expression and a statement?

2 What is art? Brainstorm some ideas here….

3 art1 the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance.

4 Why create art. Something to think about…. Do artists send messages
Why create art? Something to think about… Do artists send messages?? Why can’t they just “say” what they want? Brainstorm some ideas here….

5 Art as Decoration or Ornamentation
Video Art Harrell Fletcher: Anything anyone calls art is art Kwame Dawes: An environment of empathy Art as Decoration or Ornamentation Art's Contribution to Society Judy Dater: I like expressing emotions James Sturm: The reasons are unimportant Pete Docter: It’s fun making things Gina Gibney: Giving power to others

6 Let’s look at one of the most famous artists from spain….
Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez

7 Explore! (Links are on my webpage.
Using your device (or a borrowed laptop), work with your teams to find out the following information about Velazquez: When did he live? What type of painting did he do? (realistic, abstract, etc.) What are typical characteristics/similarities in his works? **Remember. This is ART and sometimes artists paint all of the human body. If you run across anything that is not middle school appropriate, please be “professional” and move on. Look for characteristics/similarities here!

8 Explore on your own… Do an internet search for “artist from the 17th century”. Compare and contrast artwork from that time period in general to that of Velazquez’s. For example, were most artists doing portraits or something else? Were most artists doing realistic paintings or something else? Be prepared to talk about at least one other painter and tell the class how his/her artwork compared to Velazuez’s work. Finally, in your opinion, was Velazquez’s are a form of Self-Expression or was he making a statement about something? SUPPORT your opinion!

9 Art as Decoration or Ornamentation
Video Art Harrell Fletcher: Anything anyone calls art is art Kwame Dawes: An environment of empathy Art as Decoration or Ornamentation Art's Contribution to Society Judy Dater: I like expressing emotions James Sturm: The reasons are unimportant Pete Docter: It’s fun making things Gina Gibney: Giving power to others

10 REFLECT AND REVIEW (day 2) What can art do/convey that “just saying it” can’t? Was Velazquez’s artwork self-expression or making a statement? What other artist did you investigate? How did their work compare to that of Velazquez?

11 Moving forward to the 18th century…..

12 Francisco goya

13 What is MODERNISM and how is Goya related to this movement?
Using your device (or a borrowed laptop), work with your teams to find out the following information about Velazquez: When did he live? What is MODERNISM and how is Goya related to this movement? One of his most famous paintings is “The 3rd of May 1808”. What does this painting depict? How is Goya’s style different than that of Velazquez? Do you notice similarities? What are they?

14 Moving on to modern times
You’ve now seen and studied some examples of “classical” art. Now we’re moving forward in time to the modern/abstract/surrealist movements of the early to mid- 20th century. Hold on! Things are going to get weird…..

15 Salvador Dali

16 Surrealism Dali CUT VIDEO AT 55 seconds – 1:17
CUT VIDEO AT 55 seconds – 1:17

17 Explore! (Links are on my webpage.
Using your device (or a borrowed laptop), work with your teams to find out the following information about Salvador Dali: When did he live? What is surrealism? How are his paintings surrealistic? What is his most famous painting called? According to Dali, what did it represent? Do you think he was being serious? **Remember. This is ART and sometimes artists paint all of the human body. If you run across anything that is not middle school appropriate, please be “professional” and move on.

18 Getting more surreal……
Animated paintings 4 min. of paintings

19 Joan Miró

20 Explore! (Links are on my webpage.
Using your device (or a borrowed laptop), work with your teams to find out the following information about Salvador Dali: When & where did he live? We now know what surrealism is. (Thanks Dalí!) How is Miró’s art also surrealism if it is SO different than that of Dalí? What do the following symbols represent in Miró’s art? 4. How did Miró’s use of color change over the years? Pick 2-3 paintings from different times of his life to justify your answer. Symbolism    General Info Some of his art explained:

21 Dig deeper It was mentioned in a variety of places that surrealism sprang from DADA. Search “DADA ART”. What is DADA and DADADISM? How do you see influences of DADA in the works of Salvador Dali and Joan Miró? Be specific.

22 REFLECT AND REVIEW (day 3) Take a few minutes and sketch your own modern drawing (like Goya). Be prepared to “defend” your drawing based o the principles or modernistic art. Take a few minutes and sketch your own surrealistic drawing. Be prepared to “defend” your drawing based on the principles or surrealism. OR

23 Final project – gallery walk
How can art be both a form of self-expression and a statement? Throughout this unit we have seen how a variety of Spanish artists have either created or participated in major artistic movements. The BIG question we’ve been asking ourselves is “Is the artist just expressing himself, making a statement about something, or both? We have seen over and over again that the artist often is BOTH expressing himself artistically and making a statement about something. For your final project, you will be creating your own unique piece of art! You must incorporate knowledge you have learned from this unit and show how your art is both self-expression and makes a statement. See rubric for full details. Have fun! Craft for kids – Make a Miró-inspired painting Info on Miró and student reproductions

24 Getting more abstract……

25 Pablo picasso


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