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Price statistics - groundnut

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Presentation on theme: "Price statistics - groundnut"— Presentation transcript:

1 Price statistics - groundnut
Source: Annual Administration Reports of Agricultural Marketing Committees in Anantapur District,

2 Price statistics - groundnut
Source: Annual Administration Reports of Agricultural Marketing Committees in Anantapur District,

3 Economic impact on farmers, Ipperu
Calculated net income by adding all known incomes from labour, rent and agriculture and subtracting all known expenses (for seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, rents, electricity and health). Source is questionnaire. Source: Fieldwork, household interviews

4 Possible Options Left: irrigated groundnut. Right:irrigated jowar

5 Water Harvesting From the tribal village in Kadiri which had started a water ahrvesting project under the leadership of the NGO Jaana Jagriti. Building a canal and dam for water harvesting and groundwater recharge.

6 Suggestions from Researchers and NGOs working in Anantapur
Prioritise water harvesting with appropriate technology Divert water from other river basins to compensate for rainfall shortage More R&D for rainfed crops Support for marketing value-added commodities based on dryland crops (eg: mango, papaya, sweet lime) Make credit available to small and medium farmers at reasonable interest rates Stop and reverse the privatisation of common lands

7 Poster from Asian Social Forum

8 Outcomes: Usefulness of Case Studies
Means of validating vulnerability indicators Ground-check on ‘reality’ as it is depicted in macro profiles Identify areas for further study and improvements that can be made in subsequent case studies Network and interact with Indian researchers and organisations Possibility for further collaborations in India

9 Disseminate information about our project and CICERO’s work
Newspaper article in Anantapur district local paper on our visit.

10 Pulses in Hyderabad market

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