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Click the face to find out about the Roman soldiers

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1 Click the face to find out about the Roman soldiers

2 Romans soldiers The Auxiliaries of the Roman army were non-Roman citizens. They were recruited from tribes that had been conquered by Rome or were allied to Rome. Roman Auxiliaries were paid less than the legionnaires and had to serve for 25 years, after which they became Roman citizens. Click the box to find out more facts about Roman solders. Click star the to go back to the first page

3 Entertainment The stadium (or circus) was used for chariot- racing. A stadium had a long rectangular enclosure, curved at one end, with seats all around except at the the end opposite the curve. Down the middle was the spine, which the chariots hurtled around, lap after lap, trying to cut in front of each other. Click on the love heart button to find out more about the roman entertainment.

4 Roman LIFE Roman families were big because sons lived with their parents even after marriage. A typical Roman family consisted of father, mother, children, married sons with their family and slaves. Click on the lighting bolt to find out more about Roman life.

5 A Roman mosaic Rich Romans decorated the floors of their main rooms with mosaics. These were stuck to the floor with mortar, a type of cement. Each mosaic used thousands of pieces to make a pattern.

6 Roman gods and goddess Religion was an important part of Roman daily life. The Romans believed in many different gods and goddesses. If the gods were angry, terrible things could happen. To keep the gods happy, animals were sacrificed (killed) as offerings Sometimes a temple was built to only worship one of the gods. A temple to all gods was known as a pantheon. It was named after the word for the entire collection of their gods called the Pantheon.

7 Roman Clothes Men wore a knee-length tunic (chilton), either sleeveless or short-sleeved. Roman men wore a cloak over their tunic, which was like a wide shawl that was draped over the shoulder and carefully wrapped around the body. Important Romans dressed in a long robe called a toga.

8 Roman Quiz Did the romans give us straight Roads. True False

9 OOOOPS you were wrong The romans did give us straight roads!!!

10 You were correct!!! Romans did give us straight roads!!!

11 We went on a trip to a roman museum. here are some pictures.

12 Here is another picture

13 Here is another picture

14 Here is a video of testdodo
Press the face

15 Romans by Lilly Thanks for watching. Hope you think my powerpoint was good!

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