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Introduction to romans ii

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1 Introduction to romans ii

2 The context for the letter to the Romans
Written in c 60AD Sent from Corinth – Paul is travelling to Jerusalem with alms Paul has never been to Rome, but knows some of the church leaders Paul wants to visit the church in Rome, on his way to Iberia (Spain) Paul is not setting out to correct an error in the church, as other letters do The letter sets out Paul’s Gospel message to the world – whether Jew or Gentile

3 The Structure of the letter to the Romans
Longest letter in the New Testament Longest letter we know of from the ancient world There are many analyses of its structure, its content and its message It has impacted the Church through 2000 years – Augustus, Luther, Tynsdale, Wesley and others – some have claimed it has sparked every revival! “Christianity 101” for Jews and Gentiles alike Romans is a declaration that there is a new King! We are embracing a new King, not new religion – but an old message The new King should challenge ALL our other allegiances

4 The New King! saves! Romans 1-8 (assurances)
has a Plan! Romans 9-11 (how He saves) is Lord! Romans 12-15:13 (therefore …) is advancing! 15:14-16:27 (your role)

5 Declaring a new King is dangerous
Roman emperors declared themselves to be gods When there was a new emperor, messengers proclaimed the news across the empire – this was a gospel, good news! Not a religious idea By appropriating the word, Paul is declaring a new supreme ruler, heralding another King – another, higher allegiance Jesus is Lord – not Caesar; a message Rome could not tolerate It was treasonable not to worship Caesar Human leaders all disappoint – fail to live up to their “good news” God does not disappoint; He is faithful, and has delivered!

6 The Message of Romans I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes, first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

7 Romans is Good News! Every ruler promises good – God’s promises are better! Every ruler has a Plan for their land – God’s Plan is for Creation! Every religion, philosophy, every worldview offers solutions – God’s solution is complete, all-embracing, based on His power to deliver! Romans 1:1-17 sets all that out – the rest of Romans is Paul setting out the PROOF! We need to be saved – we can’t save ourselves – God saves those who trust Him – He gives us power to live lives in righteousness

8 The Beatitude for Preachers
Blessed is the preacher who know what to leave out! Romans is a massive book Romans has a massive message We are going to have fun Our understanding will grow!

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