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Juxtaposition in Poetry Tuesday January 15

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1 Juxtaposition in Poetry Tuesday January 15

2 What is juxtaposition? On the next few slides are a few examples of juxtaposition in photography As we look, think about what juxtaposition could be.





7 What do you think juxtaposition is?
After seeing the photographs, discuss with your group: What do you think juxtaposition is? We will share in 2 minutes.

8 Juxtaposition is… placing close together or side by side,  especially for comparison or contrast.

9 READ the following poems as a group “The Seed-Merchant’s Son by Agnes Grozier Herbertson and “Flowers” by Dennis Roy Craig For each poem, decide a) what is being juxtaposed? b) where in the poem is there a “shift” in ideas? c) What effect does the juxtaposition have on the poem?

10 WATCH. First world problems read by third world kids http://www
WATCH! First world problems read by third world kids THINK! While you watch and for tomorrow, think about what is being juxtaposed in this video

11 WELCOME BACK 91! Today is Wednesday January 16

12 From yesterday… What was being juxtaposed in the video “First world problems anthem”?

13 Here is an example of the same things being juxtaposed…in the opposite way Discuss in your groups what effect these juxtapositions have. Is it the same effect that the poetry had (that we did yesterday)?


15 Each group will be divided in half
Each group will be divided in half. Half of the group will write FIRST WORLD PROBLEM couplets, and the other half will write THIRD WORLD PROBLEM COUPLETS We will put them all together at the end to make a poem! (Couplet: a pair of successive lines of verse, especially a pair that rhyme and are of the same length) An example:

16 Your tasks: Write a rhyming couplet of either two first world problems OR two third world problems. Write them on your colored sheets of paper Miss. U’s example: I got a stomach ache from all the free samples at the store Then I texted so fast that my fingers got sore 2. As a group, decide how you are going to juxtapose these couplets. (How do you want to join them together?) 3. Tape your poem together. 4. Work together to give your poem a title. Write the title on another colored sheet of paper and tape it to the top of your poem.

17 Time to Share! Please choose one group representative to read your entire poem to the class.

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