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Warm-up Describe the Roaring Twenties with three adjectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up Describe the Roaring Twenties with three adjectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up Describe the Roaring Twenties with three adjectives.
Explain why Italy was the first country in Western Europe to experience a sweeping change of its governmental form. Why was the United States was so successful in its rapid economic advance after the war?

2 No Warm-up Get out the chart from yesterday. We’ll finish it once the bell rings.

3 Emergence of Zionism Zionism (Jewish nationalism and quest for Jewish nation-state) emerges in late 1800s partly as a result of increasing attacks against Jews in Europe (i.e. Pogroms in Russia) Dreyfus Affair in 1894 – Theodor Herzl (Austrian journalist) stunned at French mobs reacting to Alfred Dreyfus (French Jew accused of passing secrets to Germans)- led to the creation of the World Zionist Organization Balfour Declaration- British pledge in 1917 to support the creation of a Jewish state League of Nations mandate to promise Palestine to the Jews and Zionists angered Arabs


5 Africa Most western-educated elites loyal to British and French in WWI
Africa provided manpower and materials Local rebellions due to recruitment of Africans and economic shortages caused by war Lost promises after WWI lead to an attempt to build pan-African movement 1930s protest increased due to Great Depression Africa


7 Africa (contd) 1920s and 1930s beginning of organization of protest- Marcus Garvey and W.E.B. DuBois – charismatic nationalist figures Pan-African organizations- though largely failed did arouse anti-colonial sentiments Negritude literary movement, led in part by the great Senagalese poet, Leopold Sedar Senghor combated the racial stereotyping of the Africans British granted more freedom for political voice than the French Movement gave way to independent colonies struggling themselves


9 The Lost Generation Ernest Hemingway

10 Art of the Lost Generation
Marcel Duchamp “The Fountain” Dadaism

11 Marcel Ducamp “L.H.O.O.Q” The name of the piece, L.H.O.O.Q., is a pun; the letters pronounced in French sound like "Elle a chaud au cul", "She is hot in the rear” It’s an attack on traditional art

12 Surrealism Surrealist try to capture the unconscious mind -Persistence of Memory -Salvador Dali

13 Rene Magritte Often depicting ordinary objects in an unusual context, his work is known for challenging observers' preconditioned perceptions of reality. Son of Man Treachery of Images

14 Pablo Picasso (pre-WWI/and post)

15 Victorian Lady vs. THE FLAPPER


17 NEW ROLES FOR WOMEN Early 20th Century teachers Many women entered the workplace as nurses, teachers, librarians, & secretaries


19 3BQ For a set of 3 documents (I’ll tell you which ones) source them
Say how the author/audience/historical context affects the document Read through the other documents and answer the 3 questions on the last page.

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