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Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education

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1 Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education
Networking and Synergies among projects in the Western Balkans Introduction of the section and the people (EACEA) Grant Holders Meeting 2017 29-30 January 2018

2 CBHE Results Western Balkans
15/ 6 projects/coord 2015 18/ 11 projects/coord 2016 16/ 10 projects/coord 2017

3 Participation per country

4 WB results 2017: out of 16 projects
10 National Projects (5 AL - 4 RS - 1 KX) 3 Structural Projects (2 AL and 1 RS) 6 Regional (at least 2 WB countries cooperate) 10 Coordinated by WB Institutions 6 by RS HEIs 2 by AL HEIs 1 by BA HEIs 1 by KX HEIs

5 Activity part A Distribution of the card They to find their similar.
Result: 4 different groups

6 Grouping of 2017 projects by project profiles/topics/themes
1) Structural Projects GRADUA DualEdu TEAVET ITG4AU 2)Agriculture/agritourism/rural areas LANDS – BUGI SMARTAL 3) Curriculum Reform Projects ELEMEND HEPMP – ART-REM – DIMTV 4) University-Enterprise cooperation – BENEFIT – ISSES CTPCIE

7 Common political challenges in HE in the Western Balkan region
Recognition of qualifications (one of the two WB PET's priorities of 2018) Inclusion and access to equitable education (one of the two WB PET's priorities of 2018) VET sector reforms (new VET pilot scheme being currently being developed) Governance of HEIs Internationalisation of HEIs Teacher Training University – world of work cooperation

8 Activity part B Distribution of questions per each group and discussion

9 What have I learned from this discussion?
Did you meet new people? Can you use these contacts during your project implementation? Did you get to know new institutions you could work with in the future? Any synergies that could be developed with other projects? Have you identified among the policy challenges in the field of HE some issues that your project might tackle?


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