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Summer Programming 2016 NEWTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS

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1 Summer Programming 2016 NEWTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Projects by S.P.A.C.E. Students 2016 NEWTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS

2 Summer Programs by Grade Level
Newton Public Schools Summer Programs by Grade Level Program Grade Level Strong Start Entering kindergarten Summer Success Literacy Rising grade 1 - 4 Summer Success Math Rising grade 5 & 6 Reading Club Rising grade 7 & 8 ELL Summer Program Kindergarten through grade 8 ELL High School Program Entering grade 9 through grade 11 Extended School Year Service Pre-K through grade 12 The Calculus Project Rising grade 7 through rising grade 10 S.P.A.C.E. Entering kindergarten through grade 9

3 PROGRAM ENROLLMENT Approximately 1563 students city-wide attended NPS programs during the summer of 2016: Title I Programs (Strong Start, Summer Success, Reading Club) – 192 students entering kindergarten through grade 8 ELL – 120 students entering kindergarten through grade 8 ELL High School – 8 students entering grade 9 through grade 11 Extended School Year – 893 students: 150 pre-k, 482 grades K-5, 161 grades 6-8, 100 grades 9-12 The Calculus Project students rising grade 7 through rising grade 10 S.P.A.C.E. – approximately 250 students entering kindergarten through entering grade 9

4 Title 1 Summer Programs Robin Norman, Title I Director
Strong Start (kindergarten) Melissa Chiozzi, Director Summer Success Literacy (Grades 1-4) Susan Colgan, Director Summer Success Math (Grades 5 & 6) Douglas Miller, Co-Director Adam Peloquin, Co-Director Reading Club (Grades 7 & 8) Sue Cohen, Director Elementary programs run for four weeks in July from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Funded by Title I. Students from Title I schools who are below benchmark and need support to maintain and improve literacy and math skills are referred by classroom teachers. Strong Start Program is for entering kindergarten students from Title I schools and from our METCO and ELL Programs who would benefit from the classroom experience. Proven to help many students transition to next grade level. Excellent attendance rate for students attending program. STEM activities with presentations by the Museum of Science. Over 1,000 books read by students in our literacy program. Weekly newsletter sent home to parents.

5 Extended School Year Service (ESY)
Maura Tynes, Director - Elementary Kathleen Browning, Director - Pre-K Paula Black, Director - Secondary Hours: As called for on Student IEPs No cost to families, provided as part of FAPE. Program staffed by certified special education teachers and related service providers. An extended school year program may be identified if the student has demonstrated or is likely to demonstrate substantial regression in his/her learning skills or is likely to demonstrate substantial difficulty in relearning such skills if an extended program is not provided. (603 CMR (4)(d) Any decision regarding needed ESY programming must take into account the child’s history of significant regression and limited recoupment capability as well as the child’s degree of impairment and the child’s rate of progress. Transportation to and from the program is provided to all students at no cost to families.

6 The Calculus Project Stephanie Piantedosi, Teacher Specialist
Program funded by private donations and district support. Four-week summer program held in July from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Designed to narrow the achievement gap. Instills a mindset that attributes success to hard work and resilience. Promotes collaboration among participating students. Improving mathematics and problem solving skills of African American, Hispanic and low-income students. Field trips to Google and Akamai to learn about STEM related careers.

7 S.P.A.C.E (Summer Program for Academic & Creative Encounters)
Jenny McGowan, Director Four-week Program: July 5 – July 28 Hours: 9:00 am – 3:45 pm with options for early drop-off at 8:00 am and extended day from 3:45 – 6:00 pm Tuition-based summer enrichment program. Enrichment program for students who work with staff in art, music, science, drama, physical fitness, etc. Program is divided in two groups: Upper School for students entering grade 5 through entering grade, and Lower School for students entering kindergarten through grade 4. Extended day program is also available to students attending other programs (ELL, Title I and Extended School Year) to extend their summer program experience. Yearly theme connecting to Upper School drama production – Up, UP, and Away was this year’s theme.

8 Strong Start Summer Program
Strong Start Director/Teacher: Melissa Chiozzi Summer Program for students entering kindergarten at Title I schools and our METCO and ELL Programs who would benefit from a classroom experience The Strong Start Staff includes 4 kindergarten teachers & one full-time aide One teacher works as an ELL teacher to support the ELL students Our full-time aide rides the bus with METCO students Strong Start offers two, two-week sessions: July 5-July 15, July 18-July 28 Excellent attendance rate for students attending program 18 of the 26 students enrolled in Session 1 continued to Session 2 Students are referred by METCO, ELL, or by elementary school staff (for example, students who have not attended preschool or those who would benefit from a structured classroom experience) The curriculum is designed to teach kindergarten readiness skills including science and literacy activities with the Newton Free Library At the end of the program, families and classroom teachers receive individual reports on the academic/social emotional strengths and needs to aid in the transition to kindergarten as well as an overview of program topics/activities

9 Strong Start Summer Program
Strong Start Director/Teacher: Melissa Chiozzi Summer Program for students entering kindergarten at Title I schools and our METCO and ELL Programs who would benefit from a classroom experience Next Steps: Increase data collection -- both quantitative and qualitative Strengthen the referral process working closely with METCO, ELL and Title I school staff to identify students who would benefit from the program Improve communication at the start of the school year with schools receiving Strong Start students

10 English Language Learning Summer Program
Allison Levit, Director of ELL ELL Summer Program (grades K-8) Sam Kobayashi, Director ELL Summer Program (Grades 9-11) Amy Worth, Director Title III funded. Programs run for four weeks in July from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Students who would have limited access/exposure to English during the summer benefit from this program. Students come back to school with new friends and more confidence developed over the summer. Visiting presenters including Newton Free Library, Drumlin Farm and Discovery Museum provide hands-on experiences for K-8 students. For high school students, trips to local museums, universities and landmarks build background knowledge and enhance their experience.

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