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Intergenerational Learning

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1 Intergenerational Learning
A new focus in education?

2 Our Learning Intention/Question
Question: What is intergenerational learning and what are its benefits? I am beginning to understand how intergenerational learning can be beneficial in a community.

3 What is intergenerational learning?
Caring creating communities defines intergenerational learning as: “any set of planned activities between two different age groups” (2009, p. 2). Seniors and young children often work together in IG programs (caring creative communities, 2009, p. 2). I first learned of intergenerational learning (IG) at the Sparking Imagination Conference in Nanoose last Fall. Once I realized what IG was, I realized that over the years I had participated both informally and formally in IG many times. Have you ever participated in IG learning? What did it look like?

4 Benefits Intergenerational Learning has benefits for all who participate. Some benefits for older participants: Sense of contributing to the community Building relationships with younger individuals Some benefits for younger participants: Improvements in self-esteem and confidence An opportunity to build a relationship with an older adult Benefits for both the older and younger participants: Sharing of knowledge, skills, and ideas! (Newman & Hatton-Yeo, 2008, p. 31). Intergenerational Learning and the Contributions of Older People. Ageing Horizons (8).

5 Benefits Continued The i2i Intergenerational Society has identified seven benefits of IG: (i2i Intergenerational Society, n.d). Link to benefits of IG page: .

6 Brief tour of the i2i website:

7 Examples of IG Meadows School Project- started by teacher Sharon Mackenzie in Vernon BC. Students in this program attended class at an Assisted Living Centre. Students went to school at the assisted living centre for weeks at a time. While there, students work with residents to achieve curricular outcomes, volunteer and spend time visiting with residents. SKIP program- founded by Liz Martorano in Brantford Ont. There are three programs run by SKIP. One is a program go to seniors homes to visit with residents. The Mentoring Hearts program, has older adults mentor students with career advice. Lastly, SKIPs Music Enrichment programs allows students to play music for older adults.

8 Kindergarten and Preschool
Founded by Barbara Carriere of Invermere BC. Students visit a senior centre twice a week. Students play, do art and read at the centre. Residents are encouraged to play, read and interact with the children. This program is voluntary for residents. Intergenerational Learning Centre, Seattle WA. Pre-school located right in seniors centre, students visit five days a week. Students play, do crafts, sing, dance, eat and visit with residents. The film Present Perfect by Evan Briggs was filmed at this pre-school.

9 Video Video clip of the pre-school in the Seattle Nursing home The Mount.

10 What do you think? Comox Waving Grandma
Would you use IG in your class? Link: huge-valentines-surprise / Is this an example of IG? What are the students learning from “the waving granny”? Would you use IG in your class? Why or why not?

11 Thank you for listening! I hope you enjoyed the presentation!

12 References Creating Caring Communities A Guide to Establishing Intergenerational programs for schools, care facilities and community groups. (2009). Intergenerational-Toolkit.pdf Hammer, Kate. (2012). Kindergarten in a Retirement Home Proves a Hit with Young and Old. The Globe and Mail. proves-a-hit-with-young-and-old/article / Invitation to Intergenerational Immersion. Newman & Hatton-Yeo (2008). Intergenerational Learning and the Contributions of Older People. Ageing Horizons (8). Shaw-Brown, Genevieve. (2015). Seattle Preschool in a Nursing Home ‘Transforms’ Elderly Residents. Abc news. elderly-residents/story?id= SKIP Seniors and Intergenerational Programs. (2014). Seniors home brings young and old together. The National. The Intergenerational Learning Centre. vincent/services/child-care/ Van Straaten, Tess. (2016). Famous Comox waving granny gets huge Valentine’s Day surprise! Check news /

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