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Richard Waller NOF Technical Advisor UKOLN is supported by:

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1 The NOF Technical Advisory Service: Advice for the nof-digitise Programme
Richard Waller NOF Technical Advisor UKOLN is supported by: A centre of expertise in digital information management

2 Introduction This presentation will:
introduce the programme served by TAS explain the service’s rationale give information on partners in the service describe the service’s users describe the service’s activities describe the Programme members give examples of TAS inter-operation examine the issues raised over the service duration

3 NOF-digitise Programme
Programme Life: August 1999 to December 2004 £50 million funding to put information that supports lifelong learning into digitised form It brings together a wide range of partnerships and organisations and is designed to support lifelong learning under one of three broad themes: cultural enrichment citizenship re-skilling Data resources comprised a considerable proportion of newly digitised material Resources needed to be accessible, interoperable, durable and represent value for money

4 Rationale of NOF TAS Need for informed support and advocacy of Technical Standards and Guidelines Need for assistance in achieving standards compliance Need for detailed and project-specific advice Need for repository of standard and generic advice Need for input into development of Technical Standards & Guidelines Need for input into creation of Programme Manual Need for examples of best practice Need for means of communication to, from and between projects

5 The Partners Distributed team UKOLN, University of Bath
AHDS (Arts and Humanities Data Service), Kings College, London Skills UKOLN - Access (Web sites), Web site design and implementation, detailed technical support, support coordination, policy, documentation AHDS – Digitisation, policy, Web site design

6 Nature of Users Nof-Digi projects:
come from higher education, local authority, museum, archive and other backgrounds comprise a fairly heterogenous group have a very wide range of technical competence are involved in a variety of relationships with projects’ technical developers, ranging from in-house to commercial third-party with parent-child organisational relationships in between NOF: is composed of a project leader and case managers but with access to other forms of advice such as Resource is a fairly homogenous group but which seeks advice on very varied matters from detailed project-specific issues to policy

7 Overview of Service Activities
Web sites: FAQs Information Papers Workshop proceedings Technical Standards & Guidelines Programme Manual Workshops Project-specific advice NOF-oriented advice

8 FAQs FAQs are divided across different areas of the implementation cycle: Web site design Hardware and software File formats Legal issues Digitisation Metadata Compliance

9 Information Papers A series of papers intended to address key areas affecting the successful development of digitisation projects: Topics: Open Archives Initiative,Metadata Harvesting & the NOF Portal Evaluation and Impact Assessment for NOF-digitise Projects Website Perfomance Indicators Writing for the Web Web Site Performance Monitoring Guidelines for Setting Up NOF-digitise Web Sites An Introduction to Collection-Level Description Metadata Sharing and XML Content Management Systems The Digitisation Process Income generation and sustainability

10 Workshops Events: Example: Spring 2002 Virtual reality
Putting your project plan into practice: developing an information architecture Creating Learning Resources Website creation: good practice guidelines Metadata: soup to nuts Collection Level Description and NOF digitise projects Preservation and NOF digitise projects Evaluation and impact assessment for NOF digitise projects From project to service: sustaining your work post-NOF digi Image digitisation Community Languages Workshops

11 Workshops Events: Metadata: soup to nuts

12 Technical Standards & Guidelines
Current Version 5.0: Revised February 2003 Developed principally by UKOLN in association with Resource Overview of Contents Introduction Creation Management Collection Development Access Re-use

13 Programme Manual The aims of the Programme Manual are
to provide NOF project managers and team/consortia members with a range of guidelines and information to assist and support in the practical implementation of the funded projects to provide support in planning, managing and evaluating digitisation projects in future programmes funded in the UK and elsewhere

14 Project-specific Advice
NOF TAS query handling : enquiries Telephone enquiries Site visits Discussion list

15 Queries Handled

16 NOF-oriented Advice TAS also provides service to NOF in the form of:
Review meetings Case manager-oriented ‘surgeries’ Policy review and advice NOF-related discussion lists

17 Programme Members Project Leader TAS Becta Project Project Project n
Resource Case Managers TAS Becta Project Project Project n

18 Referral Process (1) Project Leader TAS Becta Project Project Project
Resource Case Managers TAS Becta Project Project Project n

19 Referral Process (2) Project Leader TAS Becta Project Project Project
Resource Case Managers TAS Becta Project Project Project n

20 TAS Position in Compliance Process
Project Leader Resource 3 Case Managers 2 TAS Becta 5 4 1 Project Project Project n

21 Service Issues The earlier a support mechanism is introduced in a programme the greater the impact and service responsiveness Ideally it should be involved in the creation of the standards on which it will advise There is a conflict between advice and real world implementation that we must handle flexibly If projects are to implement standards they need to understand them clearly and why they should use them We fashion general advice from what we perceive as the current problems as well as about problems already known We cannot prescribe nor anticipate everything … but we try

22 References NOF TAS

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