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HW: Study all materials reviewing digestion since start of the unit, with special focus on “mouth to stomach” for Quiz tomorrow. Do Now: 11/16/16 1) Stand.

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Presentation on theme: "HW: Study all materials reviewing digestion since start of the unit, with special focus on “mouth to stomach” for Quiz tomorrow. Do Now: 11/16/16 1) Stand."— Presentation transcript:

1 HW: Study all materials reviewing digestion since start of the unit, with special focus on “mouth to stomach” for Quiz tomorrow. Do Now: 11/16/16 1) Stand in the back of the room with all of your stuff! 2) Take out your HW 3) Read “Why is a Stomach not a Cannibal”. Answer the two questions at the bottom of the page in full complete sentences.

2 “Why Is a Stomach Not a Cannibal?”
Name all of the key ingredients in digestive juice. Name the three step process the stomach has evolved to avoid digesting itself. The key ingredients are HCl, H2O, Electrolytes, and Pepsin. The stomach regenerates, produces mucus, and produces bicarbonate.

3 What your Guts Can’t Stomach HW
Vomiting is swallowing’s opposite. Food is ejected from the stomach through the mouth. Vomit is made of half digested food, mucus, stomach acid, saliva, and bile. The three stages of vomiting are nausea, retching/dry heaves, and food comes back up from stomach. Some reasons we throw up are eating too much, anxiety, migraine, hormones in pregnancy, some drugs, food poisoning, head injury, motion sickness, alcohol, and illness like the flu.

4 How Long Is My Digestive System?
Mouth: 13 cm (5 inches) Esophagus: 25 cm (10 inches) Stomach: 20 cm (8 inches) Small Intestine: 700 cm (21 feet) Large Intestine: 150 cm (5 feet) Total Length: about 900 cm (about 28 feet)

5 Notes to Finish the Unit
Small intestine: feet long _______________________________ _________ digestion finishes here Contain “_______” that increase surface area for absorption Most chemical digestion occurs here and absorption of nutrients occurs here. All villi

6 Small Intestine Activity
How does the small intestine increase its surface area to absorb more nutrients??? 2. 3. 1.

7 Villus Small Intestine Blood Vessel Food Particle Small Intestine Diffusion It is transported throughout the body The villi increase the surface area to allow for more absorption of nutrients into the body

8 A B A A B A A

9 Large Intestine 5-6 feet long
What is this? 5-6 feet long Has helpful ___________ that feed on material passing through ___________________ occurs here Feces is _____ here until eliminated by wavelike contractions (peristalsis) bacteria Re-absorption of water stored

10 Accessory organs No ________ food passes through these organs!!

11 Liver bile Fat Largest Produces ______________
Substance that breaks up __________ (chemical digestion) __________ organ in the body Fat Largest

12 Gall Bladder stored Bile is ____________ in the gall bladder
Gall Bladder releases bile through a duct into the small intestine stored

13 Pancreas Helps you digest food by breaking down _________, ______ and __________ Pancreatic enzymes are released into the ________________ Carbohydrates Protein Fats Small intestine

14 Digestion Pancreas Esophagus Stomach Bile Sm. Intestine Lg. Intestine
Word Box: Pancreas Bile Gall Bladder Digestion Stomach Lg Intestine Sm Intestine Esophagus Rectum Digestion Pancreas Esophagus Stomach Bile Sm. Intestine Lg. Intestine Gall Bladder Rectum

15 BrainPOP – Digestion!

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