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“I was in prison and you visited me” Matt 25:36

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1 “I was in prison and you visited me” Matt 25:36
KAIROS [Name of Course] “I was in prison and you visited me” Matt 25:36 [Date of Course] KAIROS is a non-denominational ministry that brings the gospel to people incarcerated in the prison system. [Course Name] will take a team of [30] men and women, headed up by our Lord Jesus Christ, into the [Course Name] Correctional Centre from [*** morning until ****] night. God, assisted by the Chaplain ([name]), is currently choosing [**] men (we call them residents) to attend the 4 days of the Short Course. For 8 hours each day, these residents will participate in a series of talks and meditations, eat biscuits and drink tea, coffee and cordial, draw posters, eat gourmet meals, sing, bond into family groups composed of 9 inside and outside men, eat more biscuits and generally enjoy the chance to find a different, better way of life, through a new-found faith in Jesus Christ. The [Course Name] team needs your support in a number of ways. Make a donation towards the special meal that we serve to the residents on Thursday Join the 80 hour prayer vigil by taking a 30 minute time slot (see sheet at door) You can bake batches of 12 biscuits (no whole fruit, poppy seeds or icing powder) and pack them into zip-lock bags (these will be collected at the church on Sunday [Date]) Write affirming notes or letters (must be in batches of 24 on stationery provided - get a friend or two to assist you) Create a cloth banner or paper poster For further information, please contact _____name___on ___contact #____ or ____name____on _____contact #_____

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