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Epidemiology Prevalence - % Incidence - # Endemic Epidemic Pandemic.

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Presentation on theme: "Epidemiology Prevalence - % Incidence - # Endemic Epidemic Pandemic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Epidemiology Prevalence - % Incidence - # Endemic Epidemic Pandemic

2 Carriers Mortality Morbidity Disease Reservoirs Acute Carriers
Incubation Period Chronic Carriers

3 Transmission Host-to-Host Zoonosis Vector Fomites Food and Water
Common-Source Epidemic

4 John Snow Stopped Cholera Epidemic in London (1855) by Removing Broad Street Pump Handle

5 Host Parasite Coevolution
Australian feral rabbits 1950 – Myxoma virus 95% mortality 1980 previrus levels Gonorrhea Scarlet fever

6 Herd Immunity Nosocomial Infections Opportunistic pathogens Mycosis

7 Public Health Control Reservoir Prevent Transmission Immunization
Quarantine Surveillance CDC –Center for Disease Control and Prevention Pathogen Eradication

8 Global Health Travel Developing Countries Reemerging Diseases

9 Biological Warfare Easy to produce and deliver - aerosol Safe
Incapacitate or Kill 1972 Biological & Toxin Weapon Convention

10 Biological Weapons Any Pathogen? Smallpox Eradicated?
Russia and United States Delivery Aerosol Drinking water Food Protection?

11 Anthrax Bacillus anthracis Common in soil Domestic animals
Pulmonary anthrax 8000 – spores Weaponized 8 day incubation Ciprofloxacin - Cipro


13 Epidemiology Word List
Prevalence Incidence Endemic Epidemic Pandemic Carrier Mortality Morbidity Disease Reservoirs Acute Carrier Incubation Period Chronic Carrier Typhoid Mary Transmission Host-to-Host Vector Fomites Food and Water Common-Source Epidemic John Snow - Cholera Herd immunity Nosocomial Infections

14 Epidemiology Word List 2
Surveillance Pathogen Eradication Global Health Travel Developing Countries Reemerging Diseases Emerging Disease Opportunistic pathogens Mycosis Public Health Control Reservoir Prevent Transmission Immunization Quarantine

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