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Financial Mathematics

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1 Financial Mathematics



4 Math 373 – Instructor BRNG 2290 (Tu & Th at 10:30) Jeff Beckley
Math 818 Office Hours Monday and Wednesday 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 to 10:15 am By Appointment

5 Math 373 – Optional Textbooks
Mathematical Interest Theory, Second Ed. First Edition is okay. Supplemental Study Materials Coaching Actuaries ( ADAPT software

6 Math 373 – Calculators Only Society of Actuaries Exam calculators may be used on tests and quizzes. See Syllabus Require a Texas Instruments BAII Plus See PDF files on Class Website May Use Multiple Calculators

7 Math 373 – Procedures Evaluation Regular Quizzes (24%) Homework (7%)
Three tests (69%) Two tests worth 23% each Final worth 23%

8 Math 373 – Procedures Quizzes and Tests are closed book
Only permitted calculators are allowed Quizzes cannot be made up Lowest Quiz dropped Tests can only be made up under extreme circumstances Homework is essential Due at 10:30 am 2 lowest grades will be dropped

9 Math 373 – Procedures Homework will be on-line LON CAPA
First Homework Assigned Thursday Cover use of LON CAPA on Thursday in Class Homework is essential 2 lowest grades will be dropped

10 Math 373 – Procedures Tests and Quizzes
Must show all your work to get full credit. Answer without work will get less than 50% credit Grades will be on a plus/minus scale See scale in syllabus

11 Math 373 – Academic Dishonesty (Cheating)
Cheating will not be tolerated! If you cheat on a Quiz, penalty is a zero on the Quiz and 5% of the total score for the class. If you cheat on a Test, you will receive a failing grade in this class.

12 Math 373 – Dual Purpose Learn Interest Theory Exam Prep Course
SoA Exam FM CAS Exam 2 Course Outline

13 Students Not Taking Exam Ever
Do the HW. Master these problems and you will do well in class. Excellent Class for the quantitative business student or finance major One senior business student stated: “It has been the most valuable class I have had here at Purdue.”

14 Exam FM/Exam 2 December 4-15 February 15-26
Sign Up by October 30 February 15-26 Sign Up by January 8 Goal: 250 hours of Preparation Keep a log Work as many problems as you can Plan for 250 hours

15 250 Hours Attend Class and Do HW 125 hours
Supplemental Material hours Problems Provided by Me hours

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