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Qualification Standard (QS) – Status Purposes and Uses

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1 Qualification Standard (QS) – Status Purposes and Uses
BHQFHE:Final Dissemination Conference University of Tuzla September 2016 Qualification Standard (QS) – Status Purposes and Uses DEVELOPMENT OF BHQFHE Slavica Škoro, HEA TEMPUS DE-TEMPUS-SMHES

2 What is QS? One of the crucial element to meet the expectations about the quality and given standards of qualification Different document in use across Europe Form usually adopted at the state level, basic building element of QF QS in BiH introduced with Action Plan for for the Development and Implementation of the QF in BiH Qualification Standard means the content and the structure of a qualification conditions for the acquisition of an official document on a particular qualification It includes all the data necessary for determining: the level of qualification (1-8), minimal number of ECTS points, profile of a qualification, as well as, information necessary for quality assurance of qualifications. TEMPUS DE-TEMPUS-SMHES

3 The role of QS Common standards/ guidelines for qualifications
Crucial for curriculum development/ design/validation – starting point with instructions for development of SP Important for recognition LO – the most useful way to express qualification Starting basis for developing module/ courses desrcriptions overall outcomes of the qualification – goals to be achieved by the SP Element of QA of SP –allows the LM to recognise what a holder of qualificaton knows and can do – establishes trust between all stakeholders and ensures recognition of the qualification TEMPUS DE-TEMPUS-SMHES

4 Content of QS 1.Basic characteristics of the qualification:
Title – generic and subject specific Minimum volume Level Entry routes to SP for achievement of the qualification 2. Learning outcomes LO on the level of SP/qualification LO hierarchically organised into logical groups/units ( should consist of not too small, neither too large number of statements (5 to 10); additonal information, ECTS, exam criteria... TEMPUS DE-TEMPUS-SMHES

5 Content of QS 3. Relevance of the qualification LM
Further study/mobility Other requirements 4. Quality assurance ( names of expert group members, other relevant information to briefly document the process of creation of QS) TEMPUS DE-TEMPUS-SMHES

6 Role of stakeholders in development of QS and QA
QS informs all interested parties of what is offered and required: transparent guidence for the design of SP To ensure quality of QS by involvement of all key stakeholders in design, consultation, development, validation or even implementation HEIs – conduct or initiate the process employers/representatives of profession –the relevance of LO for LM, transparency of QS Academics and students - the correctness of writing of LO; linkage between LO and assessment criteria, ECTS etc. Policy makers and students –effectiveness, soustainability and transparency of QA LO should be clear and understood by all : academics, employers, agencies for QA and policy makers, students.... TEMPUS DE-TEMPUS-SMHES

7 Role of QS in development of SP
SP are the key elements in the qualificaton system Should be based on the respective QS QS contains elements required for SP development and facilitates programme development It starts from the overall LO intended to be achieved The key steps are related to the identification and development of LO at both the SP level and module/ courses level QS prescribes only minimum requirements Additional element of QA in development of SP TEMPUS DE-TEMPUS-SMHES

8 QS and quality assurance
QA – essential component for ensuring reliability, credibility and transparency Two perspectives: Quality assurance of QS Effects of QS on QA of SP and HEIs QA - System and procedures applied to preserve the agreed standards and their constant improvement. Necessary to ensure accountability and improvement of HE Common principles for quality assurance (9) – Recommendation on EQF Standards and guidelines for QA in the EHEA reference document ESG adopted 2005 and revised 2015 ( Ministerial Conference in Yerevan) fully harmonized to the EQF common principles Internal, external QA and quality assurance agencies TEMPUS DE-TEMPUS-SMHES

9 QS and QA of SP and HEIs Integrated with existing internal/external quality assurance systems The method of development and implementation of QS should be harmonised with internal/external QA systems. The process of development and evaluation of SP should be based on QS The SP should be designed in line with quality assurance principles -ESG Link between QS and ESG 1.2. Design and approval of programmes „ Institutions should have processes for the design and approval of their programmes. The programmes should be designed so that they meet the objectives set for them, included the intended LO. The qualification resulting from a programme should be clearly specified and communicated and refer to the correct level of the NQF for the HE and, consequently, to the FQ of the EHEA“ TEMPUS DE-TEMPUS-SMHES

10 Thank you for your attention. Slavica Škoro, HEA slavica. skoro@hea
Thank you for your attention ! Slavica Škoro, HEA TEMPUS DE-TEMPUS-SMHES

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