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Counseling and Mental Health

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Presentation on theme: "Counseling and Mental Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 Counseling and Mental Health

2 Course Information Name of class: Counseling and Mental Health
Teacher: Ms. Cowan 3rd period- 10:40-11:40 4th period- 11:45-1:15 (B Lunch)

3 Course Content Unit 1: Historical/societal/cultural perspectives of mental health Unit 2: Nervous system and causes of mental illness Unit 3: Maladaptive conditions and treatment options Unit 4: Health and wellness across the lifespan Unit 5: Therapist responsibilities, patients’ rights, legal and ethical aspects of mental healthcare Unit 6: Skills related to counseling and mental health Unit 7: Recognizing and responding to crisis scenarios Unit 8: Careers in mental health

4 hOMEWORK If you use your time in class wisely, you will probably never have to take work home (aside from studying for a test) If you spend class time socializing, you will probably not finish you work in class and will have to complete it at home CLASSWORK is worth 40% of your grade for each 9 weeks

5 Tests and quizzes Minimum of 3 major grades per 9 weeks- may be a test or a project (depending on the unit) You can expect about 1 quiz a week, which may be announced or unannounced (may be open-notes or not- teacher’s choice!) Tests and projects count as 60% of your average; quizzes are counted as daily grades

6 Textbook None! Ms. Cowan hates textbooks (but loves to read)!
You will get your information from better books and more up-to- date material- research from the internet, news articles, chapters from readable books, DSM V, etc.

7 Teacher contact info is the very best way to reach me! 830-

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