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(Feel free to inspect, dissect and use animation)

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Presentation on theme: "(Feel free to inspect, dissect and use animation)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Feel free to inspect, dissect and use animation)
Scrolling Credits This approach to creating a slide with LOTS of credits requires PPT 2002/2003 (Feel free to inspect, dissect and use animation)

2 2 consectetuer adipiscing 2 diam nonummy euismod
2 Lorem ipsum dolor 2 consectetuer adipiscing 2 diam nonummy euismod 2 laoreet dolore magna 2 aliquam volutpat 2 minim veniam, quis 2 ullamcorper suscipit 2 aliquip commodo Lorem ipsum dolor consectetuer adipiscing diam nonummy euismod tincidunt laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat ad minim veniam, quis tation ullamcorper suscipit aliquip ex ea commodo

3 Notes/Considerations
Do not make text box to long (I kept each text box to 8 lines so I could manage animation considerations, but can be longer) Staggered animation (Fly In, From Bottom) by uniform .2 seconds Manually set duration to 14 seconds (Very Slow = 5 seconds) Adjusted duration by manually removing .1 second for each line in depth (ie. Line 2 had .2 seconds off its total duration, line 4 .4 seconds, line 8 .8 seconds, etc. Necessary because first line animates further than last line Added Exit Animation, Fade Out, for additional visual effect Adjusted start time so all exits occur at same point, again needed because each line has a different distance to its animation end

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