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SCORE Funding Calculations

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1 SCORE Funding Calculations
For The liability and workers’ compensation programs FY 2017/18 SCORE Board Meeting Presentation, October 26, 2017

2 Purpose Explain how the General and Auto Liability (GL)
And Workers’ Compensation (WC) funding is calculated per the Master Plan Documents for each Program

3 Outline Exposure Base – “Projected Payroll”
Experience Base – “Experience Modification Factor” (EMF) GL - Funding Calculations WC – Funding Calculations

4 Exposure Base For BOTH Programs = Projected Payroll
SCORE has traditionally used the DE9 payroll for the most recent calendar year and added an inflation factor of 3%. For FY 2017/18 payroll we use 2016 Calendar Year Payroll adjusted 3% for inflation = Projected Payroll (PP). See Column B in Both Funding Spreadsheets A B Formula/Allocation CY 2016 x 3% Inflation Factor MEMBER ENTITY Projected Payroll (PP) Rate/Amount 1.03 Biggs $398,466 Colfax $664,432 Dunsmuir $655,259 Etna $376,289 Fort Jones $311,071 Isleton $200,376

5 BOTH Programs Use Experience Modification Factors to Adjust Projected Payroll
Ex-Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP) is used for the remaining loss funding calculations A B C D Formula/Allocation CY 2016 Payroll x 3% Inflation Factor Relative Loss Rate x Credibility Factor Projected Payroll x Ex Mod MEMBER ENTITY Projected Payroll (PP) Ex Mod Ex-Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP) Rate Per $100 or Amount 1.03 Calc Biggs $398,466 0.96 $384,101 Colfax $664,432 0.89 $590,566 Dunsmuir $655,259 1.57 $1,025,854

6 Liability Funding – Ex Mod Calculation
Divide member losses for last five complete years, capped at $50,000, by the corresponding member payroll to obtain the Member’s Loss Rate (LR). Divide the Member Loss Rate by the total SCORE Loss Rate ($1.82) to obtain the Relative Loss Rate (RLR) for member. Multiply the Relative Loss Rate by a Credibility Factor - See next page (Total Member Losses/ Total Member Payroll) X 100 Member LR/ Total Pool LR Member Loss Rate Per $100 Payroll (LR) Relative Loss Rate (RLR) MEMBER ENTITY Biggs $0.56 0.31 Colfax $1.10 0.61 Grand Total SCORE $1.82 $1.00

7 Liability Funding – Credibility Factor
Multiply the Relative Loss Rate by a Credibility Factor Credibility Factor = Member Payroll/ (Member Payroll + Largest member Payroll) Susanville at $3,784,518 payroll is largest Ex Mod = Member Relative Loss Rate x Member Credibility Factor + (One - Member Credibility Factor) Q R S T Member LR/Total Pool LR CY 2016 x 1.03 Inflation Factor PP/PP + Largest Member Projected Payroll) Member RLR x Member Cred + (1- Member Cred) MEMBER ENTITY Relative Loss Rate (RLR) Projected Payroll(PP) Credibility Factor (Cred) Ex Mod Biggs 0.31 $391,965 9.39% 0.93 Colfax 0.61 $458,398 10.80% 0.96 Susanville 0.57 $3,784,518 50.0% 0.78 Grand Total $1.00 $20,569,511 1.00

8 Liability Funding- Banking Layer ($0 to $25,000)
Banking Layer – we divide the Ex Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP) by 100 and multiply x the Rate per $100 of payroll at the 70% Confidence Level (CL) as calculated by the actuary ($1.37 for FY 17/18). See Column E in the Funding Spreadsheet – (ExP/$100) x Rate A B C D E Formula/Allocation CY 2016 Payroll x 3% Inflation Factor Relative Loss Rate x Credibility Factor Projected Payroll x Ex Mod (ExP/$100) x Rate MEMBER ENTITY Projected Payroll (PP) Ex Mod Ex-Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP) BANKING LAYER at 70% CL $0 to $25,000 Rate Per $100 or Amount 1.03 Calc $1.37 Biggs $398,466 0.96 $384,101 $5,334 Colfax $664,432 0.89 $590,566 $8,202 Dunsmuir $655,259 1.57 $1,025,854 $14,247

9 Liability Funding – Shared Layer ($25,001 to $500,000)
Shared Layer – we multiply the Ex-Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP)/100 times the Rate per $100 of payroll at the 70% Confidence Level (CL) as calculated by the actuary ($2.12 for FY 17/18) to obtain the Shared Layer Funding. See columns D & F A D F Formula/Allocation Projected Payroll x Ex Mod (ExP/$100) x Rate MEMBER ENTITY Ex-Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP) SHARED LAYER at 70% CL $25,000 to $500,000 Rate/Amount $2.12 Biggs $384,101 $8,211 Colfax $590,566 $12,624 Dunsmuir $1,025,854 $21,929

10 Liability Funding – Excess Layer ($500,001 to $40 million) CJPRMA Premium
Excess Layer – we multiply the Ex-Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP)/100 times the Rate per $100 of payroll as calculated by the CJPRMA actuary ($0.63 for FY 17/18) to obtain the Excess Layer Funding. See column G D G Formula/Allocation Projected Payroll x Ex Mod (ExP/$100) x Rate MEMBER ENTITY Ex-Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP) EXCESS LAYER $500k TO $40M CJPRMA PREMIUM Rate/Amount $0.62 Biggs $384,101 $2,426 Colfax $590,566 $3,731

11 CSAC/CPIEA Pollution Coverage
We multiply the Projected Payroll (PP) times the Rate per $100 of payroll Total CSAC/CPIE Premium = $6,614 Total participating member payroll = $16,699,057 Premium converted to rate per $100 of payroll ($6,614/$16,699,057) x 100 = $ Charged to members based on Projected Payroll x Rate (J) L Formula/Allocation (PP/100) x Rate MEMBER ENTITY CSAC/CPIEA Pollution Coverage Rate/Amount $ Biggs $146 Colfax $244

12 Liability Funding – Administrative Expenses
Multiply fifty (50) percent of the Admin Expenses by Member projected payroll divided by the total projected payroll of all Members, Column N; plus A share of the remaining “Administrative Expenses” that is equal among all the members. Column M 18 total members Total Admin is shown in Column O M N O U Formula/Allocation (Total Admin/2)/ Number of Members (Total Admin/2)/ %PP (M) + (N) Member PP/ Total PP MEMBER ENTITY 50% ADMIN EQUAL SHARES 50% ADMIN % PAYROLL Proposed FY Admin Total % Payroll (%PP) Rate/Amount $238,368 Biggs $13,243 $4,310 1.81% Colfax $7,187 3.02%

13 Liability Funding – Total & Comparison
Banking, Shared, Excess, Pollution and Admin Expenses are totaled in Column P Comparison to FY funding In Columns (Q), (R) and (S) P Q R S Formula or Allocation Loss Funding + Refund + Pollution + Admin MEMBER ENTITY Proposed FY TOTAL FINAL DEPOSIT FY TOTAL DEPOSIT $ Change Overall % Change Overall Rate or Amount 70% CL Biggs $32,949 $33,168 (219) -0.7% Colfax $44,028 $37,054 6,974 18.8% Dunsmuir $62,041 $50,678 11,364 22.4%

14 WC Funding – Mini-Cities Pool
For purposes of Loss Funding, such “Mini-Cities” pool shall be treated as if it were a single “Participating Member”. “Deposit Premiums” for the “Mini-Cities” pool shall be distributed to its members in the proportion the member’s payroll is to the total payroll of all the members of the “Mini-Cities” pool. See Column (U) for Member % of Total Payroll See Column (V) For Mini-Cities Members % of Mini-Cities Pool Total Payroll

15 Projected Payroll (PP) Ex-Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP)
BOTH Programs Use Experience Modification Factors to Adjust Projected Payroll Ex-Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP) is used for the remaining loss funding calculations A B C D Formula/Allocation CY 2015 Payroll + 3% Inflation Factor Relative Loss Rate x Credibility Factor (Projected Payroll x Ex Mod)/ExP Adjustment Factor MEMBER ENTITY Projected Payroll (PP) EX MOD Ex-Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP) Rate/Amount 1.03 Calc Dunsmuir $501,483 $500,254 Subtotal Members $15,457,669 0.92 $14,420,575 Biggs $391,965 1.25 $475,000 Subtotal Mini Cities $4,895,573 $5,932,667 Grand Total $20,353,242

16 WC Funding – Ex Mod Calculation
Divide member losses for last four complete years, less salary continuation, capped at $50,000, by the corresponding member payroll to obtain the Member’s Loss Rate. (Column N) Divide the Member Loss Rate by the total SCORE Loss Rate = Relative Loss Rate for member (Column O) Multiply the Relative Loss Rate (O) by a Credibility Factor – See next page N O FORMULA Total Member losses/Total Member Payroll Member LR/Total Pool LR MEMBER ENTITY Loss Rate Per $100 (LR) Relative Loss Rate Per $100 (RLR) Dunsmuir $2.36 $1.05 Yreka $2.12 $0.94 Subtotal Members $1.96 $0.87 Biggs $0.04 $0.02 Colfax $0.07 $0.03 Subtotal Mini Cities $3.23 $1.43 Grand Total $2.26 $1.00

17 WC Funding – Credibility Factor
Multiply the Relative Loss Rate (O) by a Credibility Factor (Q) Credibility Factor = Member Payroll/ (Member Payroll + Largest member Payroll) Susanville at $4,091,391 payroll is largest Ex Mod = Member Relative Loss Rate x Member Credibility Factor + (One - Member Credibility Factor) See Column R

18 WC Funding- Banking Layer ($0 to $25,000)
Banking Layer – we multiply the Ex Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP)/$100 times the Rate per $100 of payroll at the 75% Confidence Level (CL) as calculated by the actuary ($1.73 for FY 17/18). See Column E in the Funding Spreadsheet – (ExP/$100) x Rate D E (Projected Payroll x Ex Mod)/ExP Adjustment Factor (ExP/$100) x Rate MEMBER ENTITY Ex-Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP) BANKING LAYER % CL $0 to $25K Rate/Amount $1.73 Colfax $500,254 $8,504

19 WC Funding – Shared Layer ($25,001 to $250,000)
Shared Layer – we multiply the Ex Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP)/$100 times the Rate per $100 of payroll at the 75% Confidence Level (CL) as calculated by the actuary ($4.03 for FY 17/18). See Column F in the Funding Spreadsheet – (ExP/$100) x Rate A F Formula/Allocation (ExP/$100) x Rate MEMBER ENTITY SHARED LAYER 75% CL $25K to $250K Rate/Amount $4.03 Yreka $134,554 Subtotal Members $814,401 Biggs $15,552 Subtotal Mini Cities $73,699 Grand Total $888,101

20 WC Funding – Excess Layer ($250,000 to Statutory Limit) LAWCX Premium
Excess Layer – we multiply the Ex Mod Adjusted Payroll (ExP)/$100 times the Rate per $100 of payroll as calculated by the LAWCX actuary ($1.27 for FY 17/18). See Column G in the Funding Spreadsheet – (ExP/$100) x Rate A G Formula/Allocation (ExP/$100) x Rate MEMBER ENTITY EXCESS LAYER $250K TO STATUTORY LAWCX PREMIUM Rate/Amount $1.27 Dunsmuir $8,589 Yreka $41,738 Subtotal Members $252,623 Biggs $4,824 Tulelake $4,425 Subtotal Mini Cities $23,519 Grand Total $276,000

21 WC Funding – Administrative Expenses
Multiply seventy percent (70%) of the Admin Expenses by Member projected payroll divided by the total projected payroll of all Members, Column M; plus A share of the remaining “Administrative Expenses” (30%) that is equal among all the members. Column L Total Admin is shown in Column M A L M N Formula/Allocation (Total Admin x .3)/ Number of Members (Total Admin x .7)/ %PP (L) + (M) MEMBER ENTITY 30% ADMIN FIXED EXPENSE 70% ADMIN % PAYROLL Proposed Admin Total FY 17-18 Rate/Amount $109,794 $256,187 $365,981 Dunsmuir $6,458 $7,698 $14,157 Yreka $36,137 $42,595 Subtotal Members $71,043 $234,003 $305,047 Biggs $4,681 $11,140 Colfax $4,421 $10,879 Subtotal Mini Cities $38,751 $22,183 $60,934 Grand Total

22 WC Funding – Total & Comparison
Banking, Shared, Excess, and Admin Expenses are totaled in Column (Q) Comparison to FY funding In Columns (R) and (S) A Q R S T Formula/Allocation (H) + (K) + (N) MEMBER ENTITY Proposed FY TOTAL DEPOSIT Prior Year FY DEPOSIT $ Change Overall % Change Overall Rate/Amount 75% CL 70% CL Dunsmuir $60,425 $62,262 ($1,837) 3.2% Subtotal Members $1,259,294 $1,292,610 ($33,316) 36.8% Biggs $38,207 $37,503 $704 1.9% Tulelake $35,578 $34,613 $966 2.8% Subtotal Mini Cities $189,857 $462,801 ($272,944) -59.0% Grand Total $1,912,268 $1,722,095 $190,172 11.0%

23 Comments & Questions?

24 Liability Funding – Adjusted Shared Layer
Shared Layer x Ex Mod = Unadjusted Shared Layer. Column F Total unadjusted funding does not balance with original funding total ($427,475 v. $448,415). To balance the amount the Unadjusted Shared Layer is divided by a Weighted Ex Mod Weighted Ex Mod = unadjusted shared layer/shared layer = Adjusted Shared Layer = SL x Ex Mod/Total Weighted Ex Mod. Column G Adjusted Shared Layer balances with the original funding amount per actuary A F G Formula/Allocation Shared Layer x Ex Mod SL x EX Mod/ (Tot. Weighted Ex Mod) MEMBER ENTITY UNADJUSTED SHARED LAYER ADJUSTED SHARED LAYER* Rate/Amount Calculation Biggs $7,989 $8,380 Colfax $9,570 $10,039 Dunsmuir $16,037 $16,823 Grand Total $427,475 $448,415

25 WC Funding – Adjusted Shared Layer
Shared Layer x Ex Mod = Unadjusted Shared Layer. Column F Total unadjusted funding does not balance with original funding total ($723,468 v. $719,284). To balance the amount the Unadjusted Shared Layer is divided by a Weighted Ex Mod Weighted Ex Mod = unadjusted shared layer/shared layer = Adjusted Shared Layer = SL x Ex Mod/Total Weighted Ex Mod. Column G Adjusted Shared Layer balances with the original funding amount per actuary A F G Formula/Allocation Shared Layer x Ex Mod SL x EX Mod/ Total Weighted Ex Mod MEMBER ENTITY UNADJUSTED SHARED LAYER ADJUSTED SHARED LAYER* Rate/Amount Calculation Dunsmuir $17,798 $17,695 Subtotal Members $513,053 $510,086 Biggs $16,847 $16,749 Subtotal Mini Cities $210,415 $209,198 Grand Total $723,468 $719,284

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