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Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document Proposed Submission Consultation.

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Presentation on theme: "Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document Proposed Submission Consultation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Site Allocations and Policies Development Plan Document Proposed Submission Consultation

2 Contents of presentation What is the Site Allocations and Policies document? What are we now consulting on? Main changes Key proposals The consultation process The next steps Any questions?

3 What is the Site Allocations and Policies document? Next document to be prepared in the Rutland Local Plan Develops in more detail the policies of the Core Strategy (adopted 2011) Allocates sites for development more detailed policies to be used in determining planning applications Previous consultation in 2011 and 2012

4 What are we now consulting on? Preferred Options consultation in October-November 2012 - more than 160 responses received all comments have been considered in drawing up the Proposed Submission document Consultation now taking place prior to the document being submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for public examination Comments made at this stage should relate to legal and procedural compliance and whether the plan is sound

5 Main changes No housing and employment allocations in Uppingham – to be considered in the Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan Some changes to housing allocations in Empingham and Ketton, including one new brownfield site in Ketton Comparison (non food) retail development on the retail allocations in Oakham Policy on the historic environment amended to clarify requirements relating to heritage assets

6 Key proposals Proposed Sites to be allocated for development Policy SP1 – Sites for Residential development 9 sites – about 180 new dwellings Phased to ensure continuity of housing supply and coordination of infrastructure Site in Oakham and sites in the larger villages (local service centres) – no other sites to be allocated

7 Market towns - residential development Oakham (1 site) 40 dwellings No sites in Uppingham - to be considered in the Uppingham Neighbourhood Plan

8 Larger villages (local service centres) – residential development Greetham (1 site) 19 dwellings Empingham (2 sites) 10 dwellings Ryhall (1 site) 9 dwellings

9 Ketton (4 sites) 106 dwellings

10 Policy SP2 - Sites for retail development Oakham (2 sites) for non-food comparison goods Within and on the edge of town centre to meet the needs for future retail floorspace

11 Policy SP3 – Sites for waste management and disposal Ketton quarry (2 sites) advanced treatment facility and inert disposal Cottesmore (former railway sidings) (1 site) small scale preliminary treatment facilities Greetham (adjacent to the A1) small scale preliminary treatment facilities

12 Other policies – wide range of topics development in the towns, villages and countryside affordable housing and market housing on rural exception sites design of new development and protection of residential amenity the natural and historic environment and landscape character important open spaces and frontages Rutland Water area and Eyebrook Reservoir areas criteria for waste related development Policies Map - whole of Rutland and detailed inset maps for each town and village

13 Consultation process 6 week consultation period 18 April– 4.45 pm 30 May 2013 Letter sent to all town/parish councils and meetings - notice for display on parish notice boards Widespread publicity including: Notice in local newspapers Summary Leaflet Exhibition at Council Offices and libraries in Rutland Roadshow at which Planning Officers present to give advice



16 The next steps All duly made comments will be summarised and submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration at the public examination Public examination likely to be held in October 2013 independent inspector appointed by the Planning Inspectorate to consider whether the plan is sound and meets legal and procedural requirements Inspector makes recommendations to the Council. Adoption February 2014

17 Further information Councils website Email Telephone 01572 722577 Copies of the Plan available – Printed copies and CD-ROM Any questions?

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