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Taking the “P” Out of Splash-Back

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1 Taking the “P” Out of Splash-Back
Re-Inventing Public Sanitation Solutions Sam Rabb, Jim McLaughlin ENGN1000- Brown University Proposal Presentation February 17, 2011

2 The Problem Existing surfaces of male restroom fixtures do not achieve desired level of sanitation

3 Background: “Virtually No Splash” Solutions- Part 1
Pros Inexpensive Cons NOT effective Not efficient Basically, this assurance by urinal producers only kills their credibility. There was not a single product that did not promise to be “virtually splash free”

4 Background: “Virtually No Splash” Solutions- Part 2
Pros Simple and inexpensive Cons User reliant Not very effective “The Bee”- While this is a simple solution to a major issue, it is not very effective and relies on the user’s ability to aim. If you’ve ever known anyone who refuses to put the seat up, you know that relying on user aim is not an effective tactic. Furthermore, it is not cost effective for these to be implemented: purchase essentially the exact same product with a marginal improvement to improve what you already have? I think not.

5 Background: Waterless “Clean/Green” Solution
Pros Green Cons Clean? Expensive While this solution is innovative , it does not really address the major problems at hand. The concept is a chemical seal (specific gravity lower than water so waste is sealed underneath) to reduce odor and some sort of coating on the basin to maintain sanitation. It promises to be virtually maintenance free and “reduce splash considerably”, but reviews of the product are generally negative.

6 Background: Anti-Splash Backguard
Pros Inexpensive Easily integrated Cons Hard to clean Replaced often Costs add up While this solution is an excellent concept in some ways, in the long-term it just doesn’t make sense. It is hard to clean, it must be replaced several times a year, and (having seen them before) they don’t work very well. Also, over a relatively short period of time, purchasing this product means paying the value of the whole urinal over and over. HOWEVER, the concept and geometry of this product could be studied to help develop our own product.

7 Our Proposed Solution A stand-alone urinal that eliminates splash-back via improved geometry and materials

8 Engineering Theory Understand and model fluid impact and flow
Understand and utilize fluid interaction with various materials

9 Engineering Technology
Stators/Vanes Materials

10 Engineering Design Splash must be eliminated
Ergonomics must be maintained Maintenance requirements/Water usage must be optimized over each iteration

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