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Joe Fillion, Value Consultant, Invensys

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2 Joe Fillion, Value Consultant, Invensys
Total Performance HF Optimization through Advanced Measurement Solutions for HF Alkylation Joe Fillion, Value Consultant, Invensys Title slide [from Title Slide master] The title slide is available as a Title Master and the background and graphic elements are fixed. Text is editable for the slide heading and presentation details but the small compliance text exists in editable form only on the Title Master itself. This type area should be used only for the purposes of compliance text and should not be replaced by other content. Font, type size and colours are fixed for the Title Master style and should not be modified. Footer details Footer detail appear in the bottom-left corner of the slide and appear in fixed positions and order. Editing of the Footer details is done by accessing ‘Header and Footer’ under the ‘View’ menu in PowerPoint®.

3 HF Alkalation Converts low value Iso-Butane to high value Octane using HF as the catalyst (1942 technology) Up until 2000, manual samples / lab tests were the only way to monitor HF concentration – hi risk FT-NIR hit the market in 2000 – a good solution that is VERY expensive and hard to keep running ACA.HF from Invensys: Trial complete in 2009 with success.

4 Performance through HF Measurement
Total Performance.HF Optimization Measurement ACA.HF Acid Catalyst Analyzer HCA.HF Hydrocarbon Analyzer Optimum.HF Predictive Control and First-Principles Based Online Modeling The ACA.HF is not merely an analyzer, but an essential element in a comprehensive optimization strategy Slide 4 2009 IPS North America Client Conference

5 Overview The ACA.HF provides performance equivalent or better to FTNIR, with an expected installed cost less than half of FTNIR’s $1.5 million. Ease of installation and reliability are much, much greater than FTNIR. Maintenance and cost of ownership for the base sensors is extremely low MTBF estimated to be > 29 years for sensors This does not take into consideration corrosion issues. Typical commissioning time is 1-2 days Breakthrough Product of the year by Process Magazine Selected as one of the 4 finalist in the Kirkpatrick Award 5 Invensys proprietary & confidential © Invensys 11/12/2018

6 Value Proposition Safety:
On-line measurements vs. manual samples taken to the Lab. Increased value and decreased costs Increase Octane by running at optimum (running at 87% HF) Closed loop control on temperature control (steam) Reduce amount of HF from 45 – 50 bbls to 25 bbls At $700 per bbls and less regeneration costs by keeping the HF in the unit and not have it go out with the ASO Avoid Acid Run away

7 The ACA.HF Measurement Solution
For online analysis of %HF, %Water and %ASO in HF alkylation catalyst Design objective: Affordable with reliable accuracy A multivariable analyzer¹ based on the application of proven Foxboro measurement technologies that are long-established in HF service Exceeds the precision of HF analysis with FTNIR² The ACA.HF is the new standard in safety, simplicity, reliability, and accuracy for HF catalyst analysis ¹ Patent Granted ; international rights apply ² ABB FTPA2000-HP20 FTNIR-based HF Acid Analyzer 7 Invensys proprietary & confidential © Invensys 11/12/2018

8 ACA.HF – Features Non-spectroscopic analyzer system designed to measure all components in HF alkylation catalyst:  HF, water, and acid-soluble oil (ASO) Direct chemical measurement An integrated panel-mounted analyzer system for installation in the alkylation unit All wetted parts associated with the analyzer system and sample handling are made with Hastelloy-C, Monel (optional) Teflon®, and Kalrez® (Chemraz®). Measurement is performed on sample flowing continuously through tubing and components half-inch or larger, minimizing pressure drops that cause flashing of light hydrocarbons 8 Invensys proprietary & confidential © Invensys 11/12/2018

9 ACA.HF – Features Cont’d
Unaffected by sample temperature variation Manual valves to isolate the analyzer system and purge with isobutane, alkylate, nitrogen, etc. Modular design for easy swap-out of measurement sensors and components Utilizes proven measurement technologies with an established history of service in HF applications Internal data logging and historizing of KPI’s to enable quick and easy diagnostics No wear elements requiring preventative maintenance Easy algorithm adjustment if necessary 9 Invensys proprietary & confidential © Invensys 11/12/2018

10 ACA.HF: The IOM Approach to HF Catalyst Analysis
Goal: Apply a simple solution to a simple problem: Take a ternary (3-component) sample and characterize using 2 appropriately chosen sensors. Use industrialized field proven sensors, a rugged automation controller and industry standard software, combined with application knowhow. Package solution to work “out of the box” and have a significantly low cost of ownership compared with competitive techniques. Slide 10

11 Ternary Sample (HF Catalyst) Characterization with Two Measurements*
Conductivity of HF Catalyst HF and H2O are each almost non- conductive when pure. When H2O dissolves in HF, it reacts to form ions, which are conductive: 2HF + H2O → HF2- + H3O+ When hydrocarbon (ASO) dissolves in HF, no conductive ions are formed. In HF catalyst, conductivity is directly proportional to H2O content.* Density of HF Catalyst HF and H2O have almost identical densities—about 1.0 g/cc; therefore H2O has negligible effect on the density of HF. The acid-soluble organics (ASO) in HF catalyst have densities of about 0.6 g/cc. ASO in HF reduces the density below that of an HF/H2O mixture. In HF catalyst, density is directly proportional to ASO content.* * Temperature must also be taken into account. Slide 11

12 Ternary Sample (HF Catalyst) Characterization with Two Measurements
Two measurements alone give us only “2 equations with 3 unknowns”. However, in addition to the H2O concentration being proportional to conductivity, and the ASO concentration to density, the chemical system is also bounded mathematically: %HF + %ASO + %H2O = 100 (94) Giving us our 3rd equation. For simplicity, we’ve been glossing over the fact that temperature enters into both the conductivity and density measurements. That’s because temperature compensation of these measurements is a long-established technique which is readily implemented. Also, the dependence of conductivity solely on %H2O and density solely on %ASO is not perfect. Therefore we used conductivity and density terms in our final equations for both %H2O and %ASO. 12 Invensys proprietary & confidential © Invensys 11/12/2018

13 All valves are manual shutoff valves:
Measurement of continuously-flowing sample No automated valves for stop-flow analysis No wear elements requiring preventative maintenance

14 Slide 14

15 Performance and Validation
16 Invensys proprietary & confidential © Invensys 11/12/2018

16 ACA.HF Validation Results cover 4 months (84 run days): July 9 – November 1, 2009 Refinery process unit was Shutdown August 12 to September 23 Based on Direct Comparison with FTNIR Results at the ConocoPhillips refinery in Sweeny, TX 4-minute interval data FTNIR analysis on stopped-flow sample ACA.HF analyzes continuously-flowing sample conditioned to remove phase-separated isobutane Only instantaneous readings were used in the current comparison 4-second measurement interval (signal averaging possibilities) Sample temperature not controlled 17 Invensys proprietary & confidential © Invensys 11/12/2018

17 %HF by Invensys ACA.HF and ABB FTNIR
18 Invensys proprietary & confidential © Invensys 11/12/2018

18 %Water by Invensys ACA.HF and ABB FTNIR
19 Invensys proprietary & confidential © Invensys 11/12/2018

19 %ASO by Invensys ACA.HF and ABB FTNIR
20 Invensys proprietary & confidential © Invensys 11/12/2018

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