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Design, Construction, and Testing of a Thermal Conductivity Measurement Apparatus for Thermal Science Laboratory at Southern Arkansas University Jase.

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Presentation on theme: "Design, Construction, and Testing of a Thermal Conductivity Measurement Apparatus for Thermal Science Laboratory at Southern Arkansas University Jase."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design, Construction, and Testing of a Thermal Conductivity Measurement Apparatus for Thermal Science Laboratory at Southern Arkansas University Jase Anderson, Marco Ramos Diaz, & Alma Stratton Dr. Lionel Hewavitharana & Dr. Mahbub Ahmed Southern Arkansas University 100 East University, Magnolia, AR Objective To design, build, and test a reliable low cost equipment to measure the thermal conductivity of copper. The additional requirements were that the apparatus should be professional looking, and could be operated by students at Southern Arkansas University. Introduction Measurement of thermal conductivity based on the Fourier’s law of heat conduction is a common laboratory exercise offered in most thermal science courses in engineering programs. The equipment used for this exercise can be built in house; saving money, while retaining the required quality. This poster presents a successful attempt to build a thermal conductivity measurement apparatus based on the Fourier’s law of heat conduction. Materials Used Design Process Fabrication Machining copper rod Boring holes for water jacket and thermocouples Sweating copper pipe for cooling Installing thermocouples Wrapping the rod with insulation Constructing stand Building wood frame Attaching ABS and fabricating brackets Attach data loggers ANSYS Analysis Experimental Trials Data was collected from the thermal conductivity apparatus and plotted using four trials. First, the change in temperature vs distance was plotted for all four trials and the slopes from those plots were used for the temperature gradient. Then, The heat flux was found and plotted vs the temperature gradient. Conclusion In conclusion we found that the thermal conductivity for the copper rod to be W/m·K. The percent error was found using the standardized value for copper (401 W/m·K). Percent error was found to be 2.39% Proceedings of the 2018 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference The University of Texas at Austin April 4-6, 2018

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