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Classroom Scenarios Select two classroom scenarios to redesign. Rearrange the existing room features and seat assignments to improve student engagement.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Scenarios Select two classroom scenarios to redesign. Rearrange the existing room features and seat assignments to improve student engagement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Scenarios Select two classroom scenarios to redesign. Rearrange the existing room features and seat assignments to improve student engagement and overall classroom management. Items may be deleted but no new items can be added. Summarize your rationale in speaker notes. Delete the unused slides before submitting your project.

2 Miss Gibson’s Second Grade
White Board Door Miss Gibson Tyrone Lee Amy Tom Mary Ben Marco Pamela Dane Megan Aaron Daniel Miss Gibson’s class has been having transition issues with arguments and scuffles occurring when students move from their desks to the learning centers. Student Overviews: Tyrone - Academics: Above average Behavior: Attentive, often participates Special Needs: Speech Lee - Academics: Above average Behavior: Has a difficult time staying still Amy - Academics: Average Behavior: Frequently forgets to raise her hand Tom - Academics: Above average Behavior: Does not interact with others Mary - Academics: Above average Behavior: Very shy, never raises her hand Special Needs: Language impairment Ben - Academics: Below average Behavior: Talks during class mostly to Daniel Special Needs: Learning disability Daniel - Academics: Average Behavior: Has trouble focusing Aaron - Academics: Above average Behavior: Advanced in all areas, often participates Megan - Academics: Below average Behavior: Often falls asleep, does not participate Dane - Academics: Above average Behavior: Frequently exhibits off-task behaviors Special Needs: Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Pamela - Academics: Average Behavior: Asks a lot of questions, is picked on by Dane Marco - Academics: Average, ELL student Behavior: Does not participate in class Laura - Academics: Below average Behavior: Frequently talks to Brian and Marco in class Special Needs: Learning disability Brian - Academics: Average Behavior: Sometimes falls asleep in class Teresa - Academics: Above average, ELL student Behavior: Frequently offers to help, good participator Beth - Academics: Below average Behavior: Has difficulty paying attention, behind in most areas Tony - Academics: Below average Behavior: Has difficulty paying attention, behind in most areas Anna - Academics: Above average Behavior: Advanced in all areas, rarely participates in class Carpet Laura Brian Teresa Beth Tony Anna Books Art Supplies Books

3 Mrs. Ross’ s Fourth Grade
Door White Board Mrs. Ross Tyrone Amy Lee Tom Pamela Ben Marco Mary Teresa Megan Aaron Daniel Mrs. Ross’s class lacks motivation and has few students that speak up or participate. Students do not interact with each other. Attempts at group activities have not gone well. Student Overviews: Tyrone - Academics: Above average Behavior: Attentive, sometimes participates Amy - Academics: Average Behavior: Often forgets to raise her hand Lee - Academics: Above average Behavior: Has a difficult time sitting still Special Needs: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Tom - Academics: Average Behavior: Keeps to himself, does not interact with others Pamela - Academics: Average Behavior: Frequently asks questions but not good at raising her hand Ben - Academics: Below average Behavior: Frequently talks to Daniel during class Marco - Academics: Average, ELL student Behavior: Does not participate in class, likes to daydream Mary - Academics: Above average, ELL student, Behavior: Very shy, does not raise her hand Special Need: Gifted and Talent Education Teresa - Academics: Above average Behavior: Frequently offers to help, sometimes participates Megan - Academics: Below student Behavior: Rarely participates Special Need: Learning disability Aaron - Academics: Above average, advanced in all areas Behavior: Sometimes participates Daniel - Academics: Average Behavior: Has trouble focusing Special Need: Attention deficit Laura - Academics: Below average Behavior: Frequently caught talking to Brian and Marco in class Brian - Academics: Average Behavior: Sometimes falls asleep in class Dane - Academics: Average Behavior: Very energetic, class clown Beth - Academics: Below average, behind in most areas Behavior: Has difficulty paying attention Special Need: Learning disability Tony - Academics: Below average, behind in most areas Behavior: Has difficulty paying attention Anna - Academics: Above average, advanced in all areas Behavior: Rarely participates in class Special Need: GATE Laura Brian Dane Beth Tony Anna Books Art Supplies Books

4 Mr. Lusk’s Seventh Grade History
White Board Mr. Lusk Mr. Lusk Tyrone Lee Amy Tom Mary Ben Marco Pamela Dane Megan Aaron Daniel Mr. Lusk’s class has been experiencing frequent arguments, acting out, and off-task behaviors when students transition from their desks to the computers or to their cooperative learning groups. Student Overviews: Tyrone - Academics: Above average Behavior: Often gets bored and surfs the Internet during tasks Special Need: GATE Lee - Academics: Above average Behavior: Has a difficult time staying still Special Need: Hyperactive disorder Amy - Academics: Average Behavior: Frequently forgets to raise her hand Tom - Academics: Average Behavior: Does not interact with others Mary - Academics: Above average Behavior: Very shy, never raises her hand Ben - Academics: Below average Behavior: Talks during class mostly to Daniel Special Need: Learning disability Daniel - Academics: Average Behavior: Has trouble focusing Aaron - Academics: Above average, advanced in all areas Behavior: Often participates Megan - Academics: Below average, behind in most areas Behavior: Often falls asleep, does not participate Dane - Academics: Average Behavior: Very energetic, frequently exhibits off-task behaviors Pamela - Academics: Average Behavior: Asks a lot of questions, is picked on by Dane Marco - Academics: Average, ELL student Behavior: Does not participate in class Laura - Academics: Below average Behavior: Frequently caught talking to Brian and Marco during class Brian - Academics: Average Behavior: Sometimes falls asleep in class Teresa - Academics: Above average Behavior: Frequently offers to help, good participator Beth - Academics: Below average, behind in most areas Behavior: Has difficulty paying attention Special Need: Language impairment Tony - Academics: Below average, behind in most areas Behavior: Has difficulty paying attention Anna - Academics: Above average, advanced in all areas Behavior: Rarely participates in class Laura Brian Teresa Beth Tony Anna Door Books

5 Mr. Dunn’s Tenth Grade Math
White Board Door Mr. Dunn Amy Mary Tyrone Daniel Ben Tom Lee Aaron Tony Anna Mr. Dunn’s class has been having issues with staying focused in class. Students seem to have no interest in engaging in activities. Cell phones are often confiscated due to texting during class. Student Overviews: Tyrone - Academics: Average Behavior: Rarely participates Lee - Academics: Above average Behavior: Caught passing notes to Ben a couple times Amy - Academics: Average Behavior: Very shy, never raises her hand Tom - Academics: Below average Behavior: Does not engage in class Special Need: Learning disability Mary - Academics: Above average Behavior: Frequently forgets to raise her hand Special Need: GATE Ben - Academics: Average Behavior: Often caught turning around to talk to Lee Daniel - Academics: Average Behavior: Feels comfortable asking questions in class Aaron - Academics: Above average, advanced in all areas Behavior: Often participates Megan - Academics: Below average Behavior: Asks a lot of questions, is picked on by Dane Special Need: Speech Impairment Dane - Academics: Average Behavior: Very energetic, frequently exhibits off-task behaviors Pamela - Academics: Average Behavior: Often falls asleep, does not participate Marco - Academics: Average, ELL student Behavior: Does not participate in class Laura - Academics: Below average Behavior: Frequently caught talking to Brian and Marco in class Brian - Academics: Average Behavior: Sometimes falls asleep in class Teresa - Academics: Below average Behavior: Has difficulty paying attention Special Need: Learning disability/ADHD Beth - Academics: Below average Behavior: Caught texting a few times Tony - Academics: Above average Behavior: Loves to participate and always has the answer Anna - Academics: Above average Behavior: Frequently offers to help, good participator Megan Pamela Laura Teresa Brian Dane Marco Beth

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