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Women of Color First 100 Day Report Card

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1 Women of Color First 100 Day Report Card

No experience as an educator or in education policy No experience as a student or parent of students in public school Staunch supporter of school choice Investments in for-profit industry (Apollo) and private, Christian education UNPRECEDENTED OPPOSITION HISTORIC tie-breaking vote by VP Pence to confirm Candice Jackson – Acting Head of the Office of Civil Rights (limited civil rights experience, but we do know that she’s an opponent of affirmative action, helped edit a book decrying Civil Rights Act of 1964) Currently only one other confirmable nominee named – Carlos Muñoz of Florida at General Counsel There are 150 political appointee positions in ED total Rumors of restructuring and down-sizing of ED


4 EXECUTIVE ACTIONS Eased state reporting requirements under ESSA
Executive Order on k12 regulations Rescinded Title IX guidance on gender identity Delayed enforcement of “gainful employment” rule Withdrawn guidance to student loan servicers ESSA State Templates – Congress negated the Obama regulations for ESSA through the Congressional Review Act. DeVos issued state templates to replace them that reduces amount of reporting by states (particularly around how low-income and minority students fare) Rescinded Title IX guidance (gender identity) – asserting Title IX protections extended to transgendered students “Gainful employment” regulations – established debt-to-earnings ratio for graduates of career education programs at for-profits and non-degree certificate programs at public and non-profit institutions Rule asks whether more than 20-30% of discretionary income and 8-12% of total earnings go to debt repayment. If institutions fail 2 of 3 years in a row, they’re no longer eligible to participate in federal financial aid. A report released in January 2017 showed that 98% of institutions that failed this test were in the for-profit industry. ED pushed back the deadline for schools failing the test to appeal calculation of debt-to-income ratio and publish disclosures for consumers (from March/April to July) SIDENOTE: Corinthian Colleges closed after government won lawsuit for $30 million, finding they defrauded students (inflated job-placements cited in student recruitment) Withdrawn guidance on student loan servicers – Obama Administration required Office of Federal Student Aid to put measures in place (via contracts, incentives, penalties) to help ensure accurate, consistent and timely information for borrowers, including requirements for targeted outreach to those likely to default. These guidelines were first issued in response to complaints to ED and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Executive Order on k12 regulations – Charges DeVos to review k12 regulations to eliminate inconsistencies with federal law with goal of restoring flexibility to localities

5 FY18 - “Skinny Budget”

6 FY18 - “Skinny Budget” (cont.)
$9 billion (13%) cut to Dept. of Education CUTS Eliminates 21st Century Learning Centers ($1.2 billion) Eliminates Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants ($732 million) Raids Pell Surplus ($3.9 billion) Cuts TRIO by 10% ($92 million) Cuts GEAR UP by 33% ($101 million) and cancels grant future competitions

7 FY18 - “Skinny Budget” (cont.)
LEVEL-FUNDING Individuals with Disabilities Education Act HBCUs INCREASES $168 million increase for charter schools $250 billion for new private school choice program

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