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Using Early Alert to Improve Student Retention

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1 Using Early Alert to Improve Student Retention
Presented by Sinclair Community College Dayton, OH Shawn Gormley, Web Architect, Web Systems

2 Session Objectives Share our story about Student Retention and Student Success Explore Sinclair’s Software solution for Case Management and Early Alerts; The Student Success Plan – SSP Develop Case Study for Early Alert Review some of the research findings that affirm our actions Q/A to discuss what approaches you might be taking to address the same challenges

3 Sinclair: Overview and Context
Public, urban, comprehensive community college of 23,000 (fall credit headcount) Located in Dayton, Ohio – founded in 1887 as a YMCA occupational training school Most enrolled courses are in general education – and large occupational areas like healthcare and engineering

4 Student Demographics Enrollment 23,241 Students 12,432 FTE
765 FTE Off Campus (6%) 1,436 FTE – DEV (12%) 41% Men 59% Women 34% Full-Time 66% Part-Time Enrollment Pattern 60% Day 26% Evening 4% Weekend Ethnicity 75% Caucasian 25% Minority Faculty Full-Time (29%)

5 Student Demographics Detail
25% minority (mostly African American) 40% white Appalachian Growing Hispanic population – yet still small 60% women 100% commuter 30% urban 30% are age 30 or older 58% receive need-based financial aid 64% are “at risk” (new students that are tested and considered under-prepared)

6 Need to Improve Student Success
Sinclair’s largest feeder school, Dayton Public, is ranked at the bottom of all Ohio’s public schools (in terms of student achievement) 58% of entering students are enrolled in developmental Math or English In the most heavily enrolled courses, only 66% pass with C or better

7 Why is the SSP important?
Our at-risk students have: Limited academic readiness Minimal college skills Financial or employment barriers Limited knowledge of personal strengths A limited social network or family support system Minimal experience setting and tracking personal goals

8 SSP Background Change in focus to holistic proactive counseling model
Department of Education Title III Grant 5 year development process for the Student Success Plan tool

9 Goals Improve at-risk student retention & success
Increase graduation rate of at-risk students Implement a systematic, comprehensive counseling and intervention process for at-risk students Develop a cohesive web-based counseling record management system Serve over 2,500 at-risk students annually

10 The Student Success Plan 2003 - 2008
Web-based case management solution Manages multiple populations of students Contains counseling tools to document the Sinclair Student Success Counseling Model

11 Participants (ILP) First time, degree or certificate seeking students
Over 10,000 students served since 2003 Established Risk Factors: Test into two or more lower level developmental courses Income at / below federal poverty guidelines Employed full-time employment (40+ hours per week) Undecided Major The selection criteria noted were developed based on the literature and our experience. Projected participants is based on 45% of historical numbers of first time, first term students and our ability to handle the load. Only first time students were eligible for ILP services. 11

12 Participants (CAP) Current/Former student
Self-Identified counseling needs Department referrals The selection criteria noted were developed based on the literature and our experience. Projected participants is based on 45% of historical numbers of first time, first term students and our ability to handle the load. Only first time students were eligible for ILP services. 12

13 Participants (EAL) Identified by Early Alert through faculty intervention Resource issues in classroom: Tutoring Purchase books Transportation Issues requiring in depth counseling: Learning disabilities Childcare needs Personal/Social challenges The selection criteria noted were developed based on the literature and our experience. Projected participants is based on 45% of historical numbers of first time, first term students and our ability to handle the load. Only first time students were eligible for ILP services. 13

14 Assistance Counseling & Advising
Campus and community resources specific to student’s needs Plan to pay for educational expenses Learning styles and study skills – Jung Typology, LASSI Class schedule and registration

15 Counseling & Advising Case Management
Relationship with adviser: trust and rapport Action plan for success; “to do” Web-based journal of student progress Regular appointments and follow-up Early alerts Transition from ILP advisers to academic advisers after 1-2 quarters (Average 180 days)

16 What is Early Alert? Early notification and intervention with students in academic difficulty Proactive approach Retention strategy Collaborative project

17 History of Early Alert at Sinclair
Visit to Community College of Denver Impressed with seamless support & follow-up of students through Educational Case Managers Main Keys Early intervention Student assigned to one person Sinclair Early Alert Pilot (Access database) Modified SIS screens from Western Nebraska Community College Integrated Early Alert in SSP

18 Lessons Learned Prior to SSP
Importance of system scalability Systems that are time consuming lead to a lower number of students reported by faculty Duplication of counselor services issues Reporting and tracking issues Not enough communication between counselors and the faculty

19 Expanding Early Alert to SSP
Outcomes/Solutions: Merge Early Alert with Web-based Student Success Plan Application to address challenges/limitations with using the Western Nebraska System

20 Integrating Early Alert Into SSP
Visit Community College of Denver 2005 SSP 2.5 Integrated Early Alert Tools 2001 – 2002 Early Alert Pilot Western Nebraska Early Alert Student Success Plan 2003 Title III Grant 2003 SSP 1.0 2004 SSP 2.0 2008 SSP 3.0

21 How Does Early Alert Work?
Faculty report students having problems beginning the first day of classes Information provided to counselors includes referral reason, suggestions for intervention, and other appropriate comments The system informs the counselor-of-record and automatically updates the student’s record Counselors follow-up with students The system informs the faculty-of-record Historical entry recorded for the event Completely automated and integrated with SSP system 21

22 Focus for Sinclair’s Early Alert
Academic Foundations (DEV) Largest department 250 – 265 sections of DEV classes per quarter (reading, English, math, study skills, spelling/vocabulary, ESL) 4000 – 5000 students/quarter (18,000/year) 80% new students test into 1 or more DEV course 32 DEV FT faculty 80+ DEV PT faculty

23 Supported Courses WI’08 – SU’08
Quarter Course Supported WI’05 – WI’06 All DEV SP’06 – WI’07 DEV & SCC 101 SP’07 – FA’07 DEV, SCC 101 & ENG 111 WI’08 – SU’08 DEV, SCC 101, ENG 111, MAT 191, 192, 193

24 Guidelines for Faculty Intervention
Confused about directions – Verbal & Nonverbal Cues No evidence of outside study (e.g. Homework frequently not completed) Frequently tardy to class or leaves early More absences than classes attended Never has attended class from the start of the term Test scores, quizzes, etc. are low Inappropriate classroom behavior Not taking notes in class Doesn’t have textbook for class Communication problems between faculty and student

25 Counselor/Advisor Guidelines for Closing Early Alerts
Guidelines for contacting a student: Recommended timeframe to update the instructor - Within 2-3 days of the initial contact. Contact Methods: Call the student (if no response the next day…) Send an (if no response the next day…) Mail a letter (if no response in 3-4 days after sending the letter…) Close the Early Alert

26 SSP Early Alert Case Study

27 Faculty Early Alert Process
Log-in to SSP Select Course Displays Roster/ Select a Student Fill in Early Alert Details / Send System Generated s Sent to Counselor Carbon Copy Faculty Optional to Student

28 Faculty Referral Reasons
No Show Academic Concern Excessive Absences Low Homework/Quizzes Low Test Scores Personal Concern Tardiness Other Faculty Intervention Suggestions See Instructor See DEV Counselors Counseling Services Math Center English Center Writing Center Reading Center Tutoring Intervention Disability Service Intervention Withdraw Other

29 System Role in Faculty Early Alert Process
Faculty Sends Early Alert SSP Determines Assigned Counselor If none, Assigns Early Alert Coordinator Generate s Add Student/ Add Early Alert in Caseload Retains Historical Record/ Enables Counselor Response

30 Counselor Early Alert Process
Log-in to SSP View Caseload Select Student and View Early Alert Response Tool Fill in Early Alert Response Details / Send System Generated s Sent Historical Journal Note Recorded Carbon Copy Counselor to Faculty

31 Counselor/Advisor Response
Counselor Advisor Reads Early Alert Call Student No Response Resolve Issue/Close Early Alert Send Response No Response If student makes contact after the early alert is closed, updates should be made in SSP Journal and Early Alert Tool. Send Letter

32 Assigning Outcomes Counseling/Advising Outcomes Appointment Scheduled
Assistance Declined: Declines all or any assistance Considering Future Services: May attend Workshops Letter Sent Not Attending Sinclair Community College No Response to Letter Sent or Phone or Messages Other Problem Addressed Problem Addressed by Referral to Sinclair Department Unable to Reach: Disconnect busy number changed Pending

33 Assigning Department Referrals
Academic Counselors Athletic Advisor Developmental Studies Counselors English Center Early Childhood Education Center English as Second Language Financial Aid Office Instructor for Course Counseling Action Plan The Tutoring/Learning Center Reading Center Registration Student Activities Center Writing Center Outside / Community Referral DEV Professional Tutoring

34 Benefits of Using SSP for Early Alert
Easier for faculty to report students Web based tool = more issues reported More information for faculty on students Includes counselor details, including contact info Easier tracking of follow-up outcomes Less duplication of services Single assigned counselor Historical record of counseling session details Better communication Between counselors & faculty Academic Foundations Advisors & Student Services Counselors Easier reporting and tracking results

35 ILP Results

36 Retention

37 Fall 2007 to Winter 2008 Retention of First Time Students

38 Fall 2007 to Winter 2008 Retention of First Time Students by Pell Grant

39 Retention of Minority Students
For the first time at Sinclair, there was no significant difference between minority and non-minority student persistence for all new full-time degree students Fall to Winter and Winter to Spring, 2006. The ILP process positively impacted new minority (predominantly African-American) students in their first quarter at Sinclair Community College.

40 Fall 2007-Winter 2008 Retention of First Time Students by Ethnicity

41 Academic Performance

42 Fall 2005 ILP Students Enrolled in Fall 2007

43 Fall 2004 First Time Students - Enrollment in Future Fall Terms

44 Early Alert Results

45 Early Alert Results Total Number of Early Alerts by Fall Quarter
The success of the Individual Learning Plan is supported by the Early Alert system which experienced significant growth in the past year.

46 Early Alert Results Total Yearly Comparison
06-07 07-08 Fall 628 1020 Winter 619 952 Spring 775 1006 Summer 74 179 Early Alert numbers are growing as we expand to the system to cover gateway English and Math classes, and our Student Success Course.

47 Early Alert Results Percentage of Early Alerts with Attendance Issues
Data collected by the early alert program assists counselors in determining what initial discussions should take place as preventative measures. Based on the data shown above, counselors now provide handouts on the importance of attendance.

48 Fall 2007 Early Alert Cohort
Group Numbers/Totals Percentage Total Retained FA 07 – WI 08 62/110 56.36% Direct Contact Retained 36/54 66.67% Non-Direct Contact Retained 26/56 46% Preliminary small scale sample results show that students who speak with a counselor/advisor have a higher retention rate

49 Fall 2007 Early Alert Cohort
Group Fall 2007 GPA Winter 2008 GPA Total EAL Cohort 1.07 1.45 Direct Contact 1.2 1.67 Non-Direct Contact .928 1.33 Preliminary small scale sample results show that students who speak with a counselor/advisor have a higher GPA

50 Fall 2007 Early Alert Cohort
Group Fall Withdraws (Fall Early Alert Cohort) Fall Withdraw Percentage Winter Withdraws (Fall Early Alert Cohort) Winter Withdraw Percentage Total EAL Cohort 28 (/110) 25.45% 10 (/62) 16.13% Direct Contact 13 (/54) 20.31% 5 (/35) 14.29% Non-Direct Contact 15 (/56) 26.79% 5 (/26) 19.23% Preliminary small scale sample results show that students who speak with a counselor/advisor drop less.

51 Compared to at-risk students who do not participate, SSP students:
Are more likely to return next term Are more likely to complete more courses successfully Have higher GPAs Are more likely to be enrolled two years later

52 Videos

53 In what ways did the Sinclair Community College Student Success Plan help you to be more successful in college?

54 What types of things have the faculty and staff at Sinclair done to help you succeed with your educational objectives?

55 What would have happened to you if the Sinclair Student Success Plan wasn’t available?

56 What was the one thing that helped you the most?

57 Would you recommend that all students participate in the Sinclair Student Success Plan?

58 Where to Next? Additional tools to aid counselors/advisors
Additional reports to aid analysis of student success Integration of new technology as needed 12 schools have purchased SSP 58

59 Technology & Student Services Awards
2004 Educause Excellence in Information Technology Solutions Award 2005 Macromedia Higher Education Innovation Award 2005 National Council for Student Development Exemplary Practice Award 2005 NCSD and League for Innovation Terry O’Banion Shared Journey First Place Award 2006 MetLife Best Practice College Award 2006 Innovation of the Year 2007 Bellwether Award for Instructional Programs and Services 59 59

60 Contact Information Michael Burns, Director, Systems Development & Maintenance Information Systems (937) Russ Little, Manager, Web Systems (937) Shawn Gormley, Web Architect, Web Systems (937) Sinclair Community College 444 West Third Street Dayton, OH

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