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Jeopardy Middle Ages Middle Ages II Exploration Q $100 Q $100 Q $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Middle Ages Middle Ages II Exploration Q $100 Q $100 Q $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Middle Ages Middle Ages II Exploration Q $100 Q $100 Q $100
Renaissance & Reformation I Renaissance & Reformation II Exploration Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Renaissance & Reformation
During the Renaissance their was a rebirth of interest mainly from which ancient civilizations?

3 $100 Answer from Renaissance & Reformation
Greece & Rome

4 $200 Question from Renaissance & Reformation
The rebirth of classical ideals and values describes the what?

5 $200 Answer from Renaissance & Reformation
Renaissance in 15th century Italy.

6 $300 Question from Renaissance & Reformation
The use of perspective was a NEW discovery made by which group of people?

7 $300 Answer from Renaissance & Reformation
Renaissance artists

8 $400 Question from Renaissance & Reformation
The interest in history, literature, public speaking, and art reflects which Renaissance system of thought?

9 $400 Answer from Renaissance & Reformation

10 $500 Question from Renaissance & Reformation
What contribution did DaVinci, Galilei, and Gutenberg make to society?

11 $500 Answer from Renaissance & Reformation
They invented devices that advanced society

12 $100 Question from Renaissance & Reformation II
Which religious leader decided the whole community had the right to interpret the Scriptures?

13 $100 Answer from Renaissance & Reformation II
Martin Luther

14 $200 Question from Renaissance & Reformation II
What ultimately caused thee split in the Roman Catholic Church?

15 $200 Answer from Renaissance & Reformation II
Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses

16 $300 Question from Renaissance & Reformation II
Who changed the understanding of the Earth’s place in the universe?

17 $300 Answer from Renaissance & Reformation II
Nicolaus Copernicus

18 $400 Question from Renaissance & Reformation II
Who contributed the printing press to society?

19 $400 Answer from Renaissance & Reformation II
Johannes Gutenberg

20 $500 Question from Renaissance & Reformation II
Who built the Sistine Chapel?

21 $500 Answer from Renaissance & Reformation II

22 $100 Question from Middle Ages
List 3 factors of the feudal societal system.

23 $100 Answer from Middle Ages
Lords, vassals, and fiefs

24 $200 Question from Middle Ages
Describe the serf group in the feudal system.

25 $200 Answer from Middle Ages
They have the least wealth and the fewest freedoms

26 $300 Question from Middle Ages
The king of which country was forced to sign the Magna Carta because of his abuses of power?

27 $300 Answer from Middle Ages

28 $400 Question from Middle Ages
How did the Magna Carta influence the United States?

29 $400 Answer from Middle Ages
It’s laws influenced the US constitution

30 $500 Question from Middle Ages
Scientific, cultural and artistic ideas spreading was an impact of what during this time?

31 $500 Answer from Middle Ages

32 $100 Question from Middle Ages II
What is one way European society was different from North American society during this time?

33 $100 Answer from Middle Ages II
Europeans used a feudal system to organize society

34 $200 Question from Middle Ages II
How did trade impact the development of population centers in the Mediterranean?

35 $200 Answer from Middle Ages II
Port cities grew

36 $300 Question from Middle Ages II
Which import brought the greatest wealth to Europe during this time?

37 $300 Answer from Middle Ages II

38 $400 Question from Middle Ages II
What provided a sense of unity, stability, and order in the Middle Ages?

39 $400 Answer from Middle Ages II
The Crusades were meant to free Jerusalem from whose control?

40 $500 Question from Middle Ages II
The Crusades were meant to free Jerusalem from whose control?

41 $500 Answer from Middle Ages II

42 $100 Question from Exploration
The Mayans lived in what type of geographical setting?

43 $100 Answer from Exploration
Rain forest

44 $200 Question from Exploration
Which civilization had a city named Tenochtitlan?

45 $200 Answer from Exploration

46 $300 Question from Exploration
Who built earthen mounds for religious uses?

47 $300 Answer from Exploration
Hopewell Indians

48 $400 Question from Exploration
Describe the exchange of smallpox amongst hemispheres.

49 $400 Answer from Exploration
It was exchanged from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western.

50 $500 Question from Exploration
What did Hernando Cortes conquer?

51 $500 Answer from Exploration
Aztec Empire

52 Final Jeopardy Which culture was unique due to being isolated by the sea?

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Japan

54 What key feature was increased during the Renaissance that people did not focus on in the middle ages?

55 individuals

56 Why did explorers sail for “spice islands”?

57 Spices became more valuable than gold.

58 Ericsson, Columbus, Polo and Vespucci were all what?

59 Explorers

60 Polo, Columbus, Cartier, and Cortes contributed in what way?

61 They explored lands for Europe

62 The demand for gold, spices, and natural resources by Europeans caused them to do what?

63 Become interested in discovering new lands and markets.

64 What is the Columbian Exchange?

65 The global transfer of plants, animals, disease and food between Eastern and Western Hemispheres

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