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2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto

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1 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
A Device to Model a Human Lung to Determine the Delivery Efficiency of Inhaled Pharmaceutical Aerosols 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto

2 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Overview Background Existing Models Developed Models Flexible Lung Model Rigid Lung Model Testing Methodology Model Assessment and Conclusion

3 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Medication Administration Medications are administrated by: Oral ingestion Intravenous Injections Respiratory system (Pharmaceutical Inhalers)

4 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Pharmaceutical Inhalers Advantages  Quick absorption into the blood stream  Less medicine for similar therapeutic result Projection  50% of medication through inhalers Problem  Less than 20% of inhaled dosage reaches the lower respiratory system Need  More efficient pharmaceutical inhalers  Means of testing pharmaceutical inhalers

5 Inhalers Pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler (pMDI)
Breath Activated Inhaler Pressurized Aerosol Inhaler with Spacer Nebulizer Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI)

6 Test Inhaler ADVAIR pMDI 120 dose (125 mcg)
Treats the two main components of asthma, airway constriction and inflammation Each dose contains 25 mcg salmeterol xinafoate and 125 mcg fluticasone propionate Inhalers doped with Rose Bengal Dye for visualization purposes

7 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Spectrophotometer Allows for precise measurements of flow concentration in all regions of the lung model Consists of: A source that generates electromagnetic radiation A dispersion device that selects a particular wavelength from the broad band radiation of the source A sample area A detector to measure the intensity of radiation

8 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Available Solutions Computer / Mathematical Models Physical Models Twin Impinger Cascade Impactor Limitations Our Goal: Devise a physical lung model, superior to the existing models, to test pharmaceutical inhalers 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto

9 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Lung Properties Human Respiratory System Mouth/Nose  Trachea  Bronchioles  Alveoli Alveoli 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto

10 Lung Geometry Weibel Model A Number of generations, z Branch diameter
Branch length

11 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Lung Geometry Weibels Model Z (Branching generation) N (z) (Number of branches) = 2 Z d (z) (Branch diameter) = do x 2 –z/3 23 generations of bronchiole branching Average Trachea diameter is 1.8 cm

12 Particle Deposition Methods and Areas of Particle Deposition Impaction
Sedimentation Diffusion

13 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Weibels Model

14 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Physical Lung Properties Average volume of inhaled air is 500cc Average pressure difference is 2mm Hg Approximation of airflow within the human lung: Quiet breathing = litres/s Mild Exercise = 1.25 – 1.5 litres/s

15 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Existing Models Computer / Mathematical Models Not very accurate, based only on mathematical equations No physical data to support the models Do not account for the randomness of particle flow and deposition inside a complex organ like the human lung Physical Models Twin Impinger Cascade Impactor

16 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Twin Impinger Tests the lung penetration capability of a pressurized metered dose inhaler (pMDI)

17 Twin Impinger Apparatus

18 Cascade Impactor Measures the aerodynamic size distribution and mass concentration levels of solid particulates and liquid aerosols

19 Cascade Impactor Apparatus

20 Other Design Concepts Medical Tubing Concept
Positive displacement pump Standard medical tubing Standard connectors Advantage: Ease of separation Concern: Flow obstruction at junctions

21 Existing Solutions Computer/Mathematical Models
Limited to the accuracy of the governing equations Requires experimental verification

22 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Limitations Twin Impinger Only 2 compartments Simplified particle flow path No flow visualization Cascade Impactor No set path to follow

23 MUSSL Lung Model Based on Direct Flow Visualization
A transparent lung model Use particle deposition tracing Ink Visualization X-ray Scintigraphy using Radiolabeled particles Planar Laser Imaging

24 Design Concepts Expanding-Contracting Lung Design
Machined representation of lung covered with silicon membrane Expanded by external breathing bag Difficult to control expansion and contraction

25 Detailed Design Description
Drawing of lung Machining of lung Mouth-trachea induction port Ventilator/breathing apparatus Tracer dye labeled aerosol Filtration and resistance devices Testing and Apparatus Setup

26 Drawing of the Lung AutoCAD Representation 2-D 8 to 9 generations
Approx. 750 branches

27 Drawing of Lung SolidWorks 2003 Drawing

28 Drawing Procedure a) The sketch is projected to offset plane.
b) The inter-planes are created. c) Circles are drawn on the midlines. d) Circles are extruded to planes.

29 Machining of Lung MasterCAM file conversion

30 Machining of Lung Machining of Bronchial Tree
Completed by Excentrotech Precision Ltd. G-code generation: MasterCAM High-speed 5-axis CNC mill        

31 Machining of Lung Machining of Exit Channels
Completed by MIE Machine Shop G-code generation: MasterCAM 3-axis CNC mill        

32 Final Design Machined representation of human lung in aluminum

33 Mouth-Trachea Induction Port
Simulates the filtering effects and geometric properties of the mouth and throat Schematics provided by Nuclear Medicine Department at McMaster University

34 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Mouth and trachea induction port development and assembly Counter bored for the insertion of the adapter Adapter to provide un obstructed/continuous flow Not a permanent fit allows switch to the clear mouth/trachea port 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto

35 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Creating the 3-D Model

36 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Design Requirements Model must transparent to allow for easy flow visualization to take place Model must be able to mimic basic mechanical proprieties of an average human lung Air Volume ( 500 cc ) Pressure ( 750 mmHg )

37 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Construction Overview 3-D Model Creation Stages Construction of the wax model Coating of the model with the flexible elastomer shell Separation of the model from the cured flexible shell 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto

38 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Stage 1 Creating the Wax Model

39 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Second Attempt: Heating of the Mold Plate was heated above melting temperature of the wax Allowed for uniform cooling of wax

40 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Completed Wax Model

41 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Mouth/trachea induction port Lung model Outlet port Stand 2004 Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto

42 Hollow, flexible cast of a human lung
According to a procedure developed at North Carolina State University Silicon or latex hollow cast could be used as a breathing model

43 Hollow Cast Model

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