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Spectra from Retina Nebula:

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Presentation on theme: "Spectra from Retina Nebula:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spectra from Retina Nebula:
Green = hydrogen Blue = oxygen Red = nitrogen

2 Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud

3 Stellar formation in Papillon Nebula in Large Magellanic Cloud

4 Lagoon Nebula

5 Orion Nebula from Hubble
1,500 light years from earth

6 Sketch of Orion Next photo is

7 Betelgeuse star

8 Spiral Galaxy

9 Pinwheel Galaxy: M101

10 Whirlpool Galaxy: M51

11 A Forming Galaxy

12 Galaxy 4579

13 Bubble Nebula from Hubble

14 Carina Galaxy

15 Eskimo Nebula

16 Hourglass Nebula

17 Stingray Nebula

18 Crescent Nebula #6888

19 Birthplace of massive stars: 30 Doradus Nebula

20 Magnified view of 30 Doradus Nebula
Visible light Infrared light

21 The End Ben Zalewski Jan

22 This powerpoint was kindly donated to
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