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Arctic Environmental Assessments Using Native Knowledge

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1 Arctic Environmental Assessments Using Native Knowledge
Point Lay

2 adgfdf As hunters we grow up and spend much of our lives observing the ecosystem around us, including the sea, ice, weather, and the animals that share our arctic home.

3 Before aerial surveys and whale tagging, our elders told scientists the route the whales follow for spring and fall migrations. Nutepelmen Enurmino Inchoun Uelen Lavrentia Lorino Yanrakinnot Enmelen Sireniki Nuneigran

4 Fall Movements (Quakenbush et al. In Prep.)
Tagging confirmed the routes our elders identified.

5 When the IWC thought our bowhead whales were in decline, our elders knew the whales were healthy and that our stock was growing.

6 Our elders then taught the scientists how to count the whales
Our elders then taught the scientists how to count the whales. Now the International Whaling Commission relies on data gathered according to the methods used by our whaling captains: observing visually and listening through the ice.

7 Our methods of observation are ancient and they work today
Our methods of observation are ancient and they work today. If we didn’t know the Arctic, our people never would have survived here.

Our federal government has come to recognize our ability to observe our animals and the impacts of our activities. Because of the trust developed over the years, the AEWC is given responsibility for the local management of our whale harvest.

9 Open Water Season Conflict Avoidance
Agreement (CAA) When oil development came to our waters, our whaling captains taught the oil companies and federal regulators how offshore activities affect the whales. We now manage these impact through the CAA.

10 Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission Open Water Season Conflict Avoidance Agreement and Process
Entered Annually Since 1986 Through Hunter- Developer Stakeholder Process. Negotiate Agreement To Mitigation Measures, such as time-area closures during hunting periods, and limitations on levels of industrial activity. Use Private Contract Format To Memorialize

11 2. Establish Adaptive Processes
Adaptation in Time: FIRST KEY MITIGATION MEASURE: Communications Centers established in key locations by offshore operators: original ComCenter at Deadhorse. Communications Protocols were part of the original CAA and remain unchanged today. Adaptation over Time: Annual Process Includes Review of Mitigation Measures

12 Legal Foundation The MMPA 101(a)(5)(A), (D)
Requires Development Impacts Be Mitigated To Preserve the Availability of Marine Mammals for Alaskan Native Subsistence Uses

13 3. Strive to Balance Diverse Societal Objectives
Ongoing Subsistence Use of Bowhead Whales: Preserve Food Security. Preserve Cultural Norms and Social Integrity. Offshore Energy Development: National and Local Economic Driver National Security

14 4. Be Inclusive Stakeholder Driven Process:
Negotiated Mitigation Measures. Community and Developers Participate in Planning, Implementation and Management. Benefits: Developer By-In Help Protect Community Integrity

15 5. Use Best Available Knowledge
Traditional Ecosystem Knowledge: Continuous Observation of Ecosystem Changes and Responses. Critical to evaluating the success of measures, especially in a context of rapid ecosystem change. Western Science: Independent Peer Review by Knowledgeable Experts is Essential. Incorporate TEK at Review of Study Design and Data Interpretation.

16 9. Look Beyond the Boundaries of the Defined Management Area
Hopefully the Arctic Council Can Help To Support This Very Important Component of Management What Is Happening in the Canadian Beaufort Sea? What Is Russia Planning? What Management Tools Are Being Used in Other Areas? CAA’s Beaufort Sea “Zero Discharge” Measures Drawn from Norwegian Measures for the Barents Sea

17 Challenge How Does Government Take Account of Stakeholder Driven Processes? Occur Outside Traditional Regulatory Process.

18 Quyanaqpak!

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