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intricate precarious resource traditional secluded In Two Worlds:

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1 intricate precarious resource traditional secluded In Two Worlds:
A Yup’ik Eskimo Family Story Vocabulary intricate precarious resource traditional secluded Yup’ik Words: Open Court 5th Grade Unit 3 Heritage Lesson 2 In Two Worlds Ruiz, Lape & Cunningham – Wilson Elementary

2 intricate “use context clues”
Everything they had they made themselves, with their hands, including the many intricate snares and nets and traps. The word problem in the math book was so intricate that it was difficult to solve. intricate – very involved, having a lot of detail (page194) Marco Ruiz – Wilson Elementary

3 precarious “use context clues”
Life was hard and precarious. I was frightened by the precarious way in which the huge rock hung over the cliff. precarious: unsafe, dangerous (page 194) Marco Ruiz – Wilson Elementary

4 resource “use context clues”
Families had rights to certain places for hunting, but no one owned the land or its resources. The campers used the resources they found in the woods to build a campfire. resource: something that can be used (p. 195) Marco Ruiz – Wilson Elementary

5 secluded “use context clues”
We were the only people living in that area. We were secluded away from other people. Our secluded mountain village was not visible from the road. secluded - away from others (page 195) Marco Ruiz – Wilson Elementary

6 traditional“use context clues”
During the school year, traditional ways of life are practiced mostly on the weekends. Our music teacher likes to play traditional songs from our country’s history. traditional - passed from one generation to another (page 204) Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

7 Vocabulary Quiz precarious traditional secluded intricate resource
______ very involved, having a lot of detail ________unsafe, dangerous ________something that can be used _______ away from others _______ passed from one generation to another precarious traditional secluded intricate resource Melissa Lape – Wilson Elementary

8 small - little withered -shrank netted - caught
Word Knowledge synonym pairs These words contain synonym pairs. small - little withered -shrank netted - caught Can you think of other synonyms for these words? Marco Ruiz – Wilson Elementary

9 Scammon vast spawned snow
These words all have an s-consonant blend. What is a blend? Scammon vast spawned snow skimmed What are some other words with the s-consonant blend? Cunningham – Wilson Elementary

10 tool school food goose troop All of these words have the
digraph oo spelled/oo/. tool school food goose troop Can you think of additional examples of words with oo prounounced /oo/? Cunningham – Wilson Elementary

11 hospital survival metal people circle
In these words what sound is made by al and le? hospital survival metal people circle Cunningham Wilson Elementary

12 synonym pairs In the small lagoon, we netted
Identify the synonym pairs in both sentences. In the small lagoon, we netted the most fish we had ever caught. In Scammon Bay, the vast, snow-covered tundra stretches as far as you can see. Cunningham – Wilson Elementary

13 Identify the /oo/ sound spelling.
The sound /00/ At school, we use special tools in the kitchen to prepare food. Identify the /oo/ sound spelling. Cunningham – Wilson Elementary

14 -al A heart attack victim has a good chance of survival if taken to the hospital quickly. What sound is made with the words that contain –al? Cunningham – Wilson Elementary

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