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Hridesh Rajan, Christoph Bockisch, and Mira Mezini

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Presentation on theme: "Hridesh Rajan, Christoph Bockisch, and Mira Mezini"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hridesh Rajan, Christoph Bockisch, and Mira Mezini
First International Workshop on Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages for Emerging Modularization Mechanisms VMIL ‘07 Hridesh Rajan, Christoph Bockisch, and Mira Mezini

2 Thanks to the PC Samik Basu, Lodewijk Bergmans, Bruce Childers Yvonne Coady, Michael Haupt, Hidehiko Masuhara, Oege de Moor, Klaus Ostermann, Therapon Skotiniotis, Eric Tanter, Eric Van Wyk, Eric Wohlstadter

3 Introduction Emerging Modularization mechanisms
Mix-ins, open classes, aspects, etc Supported at source level, shown potential Support in VMs and ILs have SE benefits

4 Expected Results Generate interest in this topic
Frame and refine research problems

5 Potential Topics Virtual machine designs Intermediate language designs
Better compilation techniques Optimization strategies Improved join point matching techniques Use cases for deeper support in the VM and IL

6 Agenda: Morning Session
9:00 - 9:30: Welcome 9: :00: “A Flexible Architecture for Pointcut-Advice Language Implementations” by Bockisch and Mezini 20 minutes for talk + 10 minutes for discussion 10: :30: “A Machine Code Model for Efficient Advice Dispatch” by Golbeck and Kiczales 10: :00: Break 11: :30: “A Distributed Dynamic Aspect Machine for Scientific Software Development” by Kaewkasi and Gurd 11: :30: Open discussion on the morning session topics 12: :00: Lunch break

7 Agenda: Afternoon Session
2:00 - 2:30: “A Case for Explicit Join Point Models for Aspect-Oriented Intermediate Languages” by Rajan 2:30 - 3:00: “A Direction for Research on Virtual Machine Support for Concern Composition” by Ossher 3:00 - 3:30: Break 3:30 - 5:00: Formation of Focus Groups Followed by Discussions 5:00 – 5:30: Presentation of the results from the discussions and wrap-up

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