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Financial Modeling Data Collection & Integration Graph Rates of Return

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1 Financial Modeling Data Collection & Integration Graph Rates of Return
Efficient Portfolio Frontier Regression CAPM Vitex.xls

2 Efficient Portfolio Frontier

3 Prepare Spreadsheet New worksheet Label it EPF Data Returns +
Candlestick EPF

4 Inputs Relay inputs from the Returns tab Rule #3: Always color code
Relayed data is coded green so that there is no temptation to change these numbers directly. =Returns!D2 =Returns!A43 =Returns!E43

5 Prepare Spreadsheet Calculate Correlation Coefficient
=CORREL( Returns!$D$3:$D$38, Returns!$E$3:$E$38) BRK-b data Correlation function LLY data

6 Portfolios Begin with 100% BRK-b E[R]=((E3*$B$4)+(F3*$C$4))
Risk =SQRT( (E3*$B$5)^2 + (2*(E3*$B$5*$B$6*F3*$C$5)) + (F3*$C$5)^2 ) 100% =1- $E3 Note that parameters are locked and weights are unlocked cell addresses

7 Portfolios Set the portfolio for a 1% increment
copy drag formulae down E3-0.01

8 Portfolios Copy drag down to 0% BRK-b © Oltheten & Waspi 2012

9 Minimum Variance Portfolio
=Min(H:H) Finds the minimum value in column H =Match($B$10,H:H,0) Finds the row in which that minimum lives. =Index(E:E,$B$11) =Index(F:F,$B$11) Returns the value in E and F in the same row.

10 Efficient Portfolio Frontier
The portfolio is efficient until we get below the MVP I3=IF(ROW()<=$B$11,H3,NA()) MVP in row 55 If current row ≤ 55 Risk for this portfolio else generate an #N/A

11 Efficient Portfolio Frontier
This is the efficient part of the portfolio frontier The #N/A error allows the graph to build properly

12 Excel assumes that E[R] is on the x axis and Risk is on the y axis
Graph Generate an XY Scatter from columns GHI The default graph is appalling Excel assumes that E[R] is on the x axis and Risk is on the y axis

13 Graph Select Data

14 Graph Change x and y axis for both series
=EPF$H$2 =EPF$G$3:$G$103 =EPF$H$3:$H$103 =EPF$H$2 =EPF$G$3:$G$103 =EPF$H$3:$H$103 Risk in column H goes on the x axis Expected Return in column G goes on the y axis

15 Graph Properly formatted Series EPF is red 1.5pt
Series Risk is black 0.5pt © Oltheten & Waspi 2012

16 Minimum Variance Portfolio
In the Returns tab set portfolio weights in rows 45:46

17 Minimum Variance Portfolio
Calculate MVP in each month G3 = G$45*$D3 + G$46*$E3 48% of BRK-b 52% of LLY

18 Portfolio Returns If you lock the cells correctly then this formula works for any portfolio specified into rows 45:46

19 Market Model

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