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Integrating Oral Health with Medical and Behavioral Health

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Oral Health with Medical and Behavioral Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Oral Health with Medical and Behavioral Health

2 There are two diseases that affect oral Health
1. Periodontal disease 2. Caries

3 Periodontal disease is an open, bleeding, suppurating wound of approximately 4 square inches that serves as a portal of entry for bacteria to the blood stream.

4 Perio disease affects other diseases and body systems
Heart disease Diabetes Stomach and Bowel diseases

5 Heart Disease

6 Diabetes

7 Stomach and Bowel diseases
Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome How do doctors treat IBS? Doctors may treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) by recommending changes in what you eat and other lifestyle changes, medicines, probiotics, and mental health therapies. You may have to try a few treatments to see what works best for you. Your doctor can help you find the right treatment plan.

8 Dental Caries is defined as holes in teeth caused by bacteria.

9 Fixing caries early is easy

10 Waiting can be a problem

11 It makes restoring teeth difficult.
Cavities hurt. Severely decayed teeth abscess. Abscesses can become life threatening medical emergencies requiring much more expensive hospitalization.

12 Ludwig’s Angina


14 Kids get them too

15 Medications affect the Oral Cavity
Some medications cause dry mouth which increases both dental diseases, effects speech, and causes the loss of ability to taste foods. Medications can cause problems with healing in the oral cavity following extractions. Benzodiazepines cause conflicts with dental licensure and sedation expectations of the DQAC. The whole issue of SUD and the Narcotic epidemic.

16 BONJ following extractions performed on a patient taking Fosamax
Will this person have potential Behavioral Health issues?

17 Your oral Health is important to your Medical and Behavioral Health only if:
Chewing and enjoying your food is important to you. You want normal facial dimensions and self confidence. (your face is shorter, narrower, and less deep with out teeth) You like talking to others. Can you say “Silly Snake” with out using your teeth?

18 Healthy teeth are beautiful
Healthy teeth are beautiful!!! Integrating Oral Health with Medical and Behavioral Health can bring a smile to everyone’s face.

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