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Ioannis Kakadaris, U of Houston

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1 Ioannis Kakadaris, U of Houston
Wavelets ? Raghu Machiraju Contributions: Robert Moorhead, James Fowler, David Thompson, Mississippi State University Ioannis Kakadaris, U of Houston

2 State-Of-Affairs Concurrent Presentation Retrospective Analysis
Simulations, scanners Concurrent Presentation Retrospective Analysis Representation November 12, 2018

3 Why Wavelets? We are generating and measuring larger datasets every year We can not store all the data we create (too much, too fast) We can not look at all the data (too busy, too hard) We need to develop techniques to store the data in better formats November 12, 2018

4 Data Analysis Frequency spectrum correctly shows a spike at 10 Hz
Spike not narrow - significant component at between 5 and 15 Hz. Leakage - discrete data acquisition does not stop at exactly the same phase in the sine wave as it started. November 12, 2018

5 QuickFix November 12, 2018

6 Windowing &Filtering November 12, 2018

7 Image Example 8x8 Blocked Window (Cosine) Transform
Each DCT basis waveform represents a fixed frequency in two orthogonal directions frequency spacing in each direction is an integer multiple of a base frequency November 12, 2018

8 Cannot resolve all features at all instants
Windowing & Filtering Windows – fixed in space and frequencies Cannot resolve all features at all instants November 12, 2018

9 Linear Scale Space input s = 1 s = 16 s = 24 s = 32 November 12, 2018

10 Successive Smoothing November 12, 2018

11 Sub-sampled Images Keep 1 of 4 values from 2x2 blocks
This naive approach and introduces aliasing Sub-samples are bad representatives of area Little spatial correlation November 12, 2018

12 Image Pyramid November 12, 2018

13 Image Pyramid – MIP MAP Average over a 2x2 block
This is a rather straight forward approach This reduces aliasing and is a better representation However, this produces 11% expansion in the data November 12, 2018

14 Image Pyramid – Another Twist
November 12, 2018

15 Time Frequency Diagram
November 12, 2018

16 Create new signal G such that ||F-G|| = e
Ideally ! Create new signal G such that ||F-G|| = e November 12, 2018

17 Wavelet Analysis A1 D1 D2 D3 D3 D2 D1 A1 November 12, 2018

18 Why Wavelets? Because … We need to develop techniques to analyze data better through noise discrimination Wavelets can be used to detect features and to compare features Wavelets can provide compressed representations Wavelet Theory provides a unified framework for data processing November 12, 2018

19 Scale-Coherent Structures
Coherent structure - frequencies at all scales Examples - edges, peaks, ridges Locate extent and assign saliency November 12, 2018

20 Wavelets – Analysis November 12, 2018

21 Wavelets – DeNoising November 12, 2018

22 Wavelets – Compression
Original 50:1 November 12, 2018

23 Wavelets – Compression
Original 50:1 November 12, 2018

24 Wavelets – Compression
November 12, 2018

25 Yet Another Example 50% 7% November 12, 2018

26 Final Example 2% 50% 100% 1% November 12, 2018

27 Information Rate Curve
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 normalized rate n o r m a l i z e d f t ( E ) density u momentum v momentum w momentum energy Energy Compaction – Few coefficients can efficiently represent functions The Curve should be as vertical as possible near 0 rate November 12, 2018

28 Filter Bank Implementation
G: High Pass Filter H: Low Pass Filter November 12, 2018

29 Synthesis Bank November 12, 2018

30 Successive Approximations
November 12, 2018

31 Successive Details November 12, 2018

32 Wavelet Representation
November 12, 2018

33 Coefficients November 12, 2018

34 Lossey Compression November 12, 2018

35 Lossey Compression November 12, 2018

36 Image Example A Frame Another Frame November 12, 2018

37 Image Example Average Difference November 12, 2018

38 Wavelet Transform November 12, 2018

39 Frequency Support November 12, 2018

40 Image Example LvLh LvHh HvHh HvLh November 12, 2018

41 Image Example LvLh LvHh HvHh HvLh November 12, 2018

42 How Does One Do This ? November 12, 2018

43 Dilations Rescaling Operation t --> 2t Down Sampling, n --> 2n
Halve function support Double frequency content Octave division of spectrum- Gives rise to different scales and resolutions Mother wavelet! - basic function gives rise to differing versions November 12, 2018

44 Dilations November 12, 2018

45 Successive Approximations
November 12, 2018

46 Translations Covers space-frequency diagram Versions are
November 12, 2018

47 Wavelet Decomposition
Induced functional Space - Wj. Related to Vjs Space Wj+1 is orthogonal to Vj+1 Also J-level wavelet decomposition - November 12, 2018

48 Successive Differences
November 12, 2018

49 Wavelet Expansion Wavelet expansion (Tiling- j: scale, k: translates), Synthesis Orthogonal transformation, Coarsest level of resolution - J Smoothing function - f, Detail function - y Analysis: Commonly used wavelets are Haar, Daubechies and Coiflets November 12, 2018

50 Scaling Functions Compact support Bandlimited - cut-off frequency
Cannot achieve both DC value (or the average) is defined Translates of f are orthogonal November 12, 2018

51 Scaling Functions Nested smooth spaces Dilation Equation - Haar
Generally – Frequency Domain November 12, 2018

52 Wavelet Functions Wavelet Equation - Haar System: G Filter Generally
November 12, 2018

53 Perfect Reconstruction
Synthesis and Analysis Filter Banks Synthesis Filters - Transpose of Analysis filters For compact scaling function November 12, 2018

54 Orthogonal Filter Banks
Alternating Flip Not symmetric - h is even length! Example Orthogonality conditions November 12, 2018

55 Examples Haar Daubechies(2) November 12, 2018

56 Approximation: Vanishing Moments Property
Function is smooth - Taylor Series expansion Wavelets with m vanishing moments Function with m derivatives can be accurately represented! November 12, 2018

57 Design of Compact Orthogonal Wavelets
Compute scaling function Use Refinement Equation N vanishing moments property - H(w) has a zero of order N at w=p P(y) is pth order polynomial (Daubechies 1992) Maxflat filter November 12, 2018

58 Example N=4 November 12, 2018

59 Example N=16 November 12, 2018

60 Noise Uncorrelated Gaussian noise is correlated
Region of correlation is small at coarse scale Smooth versions - no noise Orthogonal transform - uncorrelated November 12, 2018

61 Noise Across Scales November 12, 2018

62 Denoising Statistical thresholding methods [Donohoe]
Assuming Gaussian Noise Universal Threshold Smoothness guaranteed Hard Soft Works for additive noise since wavelet transform is linear November 12, 2018

63 November 12, 2018

64 Discontinuity November 12, 2018

65 Multi-scale Edges Mallat and Hwang
Location - maximas (edges) of wavelet coefficients at all scales Maxima chains for each edge Ranking - compute Lipschitz coefficient at all points Representation - store maximas Reconstruction- approximate but works in practice November 12, 2018

66 Bi-Orthogonal Filter Banks
Analysis/synthesis different Aliasing - overlap in spectras Alias cancellation Distortion Free (phase shift l) Alternating Flip condition valid Can be odd length, symmetric November 12, 2018

67 Bi-Orthogonal Wavelets
Governing equations Spline Wavelets - Many choices of either H0 or H1 Choose H 0 as spline and solve equations to generate H1 November 12, 2018

68 Bi-orthogonal: Lifting Scheme
Lazy wavelet transform: split data in 2 parts Keep even part; predict (linear/cubic) odd part Lifting - update lj+1 with gj+1: Maintain properties (moments, avg.) Synthesis is just flip of analysis November 12, 2018

69 Summary Wavelets have good representation property
They improve on image pyramid schemes Orthogonal and biorthogonal filter bank implementations are efficient Wavelets can filter signals They can efficiently denoise signals The presence of singularities can be detected from the magnitude of wavelet coefficients and their behavior across scales November 12, 2018

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