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Immigrants and Urbanization

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1 Immigrants and Urbanization
Chapter 7

2 The New Immigrants Old: from Western Europe
England, France, Holland, Ireland New: from Eastern & Southern Europe Italy, Poland, Russia

3 Arrive at Ellis Island to be checked Come for a number of reasons:
Religious freedom, flee oppression, better life Millions come in a very short time Immigrants are no longer protestant, but Jewish and Catholic (Big Problem!!!)

4 Immigration to the U S

5 Ellis Island

6 Arriving at Ellis Island

7 Statue of Liberty

8 Immigrants at Ellis Island

9 Health Check at Ellis

10 Chinese & Japanese Chinese came originally for the gold rush
Congress curbs immigration in 1882 Came originally to work in Hawaii

11 Angel Island



14 Immigrant Life Looked down on (language/ religion)
Got help from political machines Nativism begins: The hatred of anything foreign

15 Irving Berlin

16 Nativism Wanted historically free, energetic, and progressive peoples
Best stock were British, Scandinavian, and German Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 Gentleman’s Agreement

17 Nativism Chinese

18 Americanization movement
Assimilate immigrants into society Teach skills to become a citizen

19 Movement to the Cities 200,000 African-Americans move North or West
Farmers needed less workers

20 The Poor and Nameless Many worries: Horrible housing
Food, housing, jobs, money 10% had 90% of the money supply Horrible housing Very expensive Tenements: no lighting, fresh air, or room. Lots of diseases




24 Solution to housing Problem:
“Dumbbell” tenements Had air shafts which = major fire hazards and horrible smells.

25 City Problems Housing Sanitation Water Transportation Crime
Fire (Chicago Fire of 1871)

26 City transportation


28 Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906




32 Charities and Aid Pushed the government to make changes in housing, work conditions, etc… Settlement Houses: Jane Addams-Hull House in Chicago

33 Jane Addams







40 Social Gospel Take the teachings of Jesus to the society.
Salvation Army: William Booth

41 William Booth

42 Political Machines Tweed Ring: William Marcy Tweed
Senator, leader of Tammany Hall $200 million of tax money disappeared Kicked out in 1872

43 Debt goes from $36-$97 million in one year M.O.
Pay for votes Rig elections “Vote the graveyards”

44 William Marcy Tweed




48 Civil Service Reform Patronage was a huge problem
Reformers v. Stalwarts Pendelton Civil Service Act Big Business puts a lot of pressure on the government

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