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2017 @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI.

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Presentation on theme: "2017 @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI."— Presentation transcript:

1 2017 @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

2 Secondary care audit - context
The audit moved to continuous data collection on 1 February 2017. There have been four run charts released: best practice tariff indicators, spirometry, oxygen, and smoking. NIV and readmissions to come The Best Practice Tariff for COPD began on 1 April 2017. Over 40,000 cases have been entered onto the web-tool so far. @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

3 Secondary care audit – 2014 findings
Reduction in inpatient mortality (7.9% 2003, 7.8% 2008, 4.3% 2014). Reduction in length of stay (6 days 2003, 5 days 2008, 4 days 2014). Variation in the delivery of specialist care, as well as access to spirometry results, smoking cessation services, and pulmonary rehabilitation. COPD admissions have risen 13% between 2008 and 2014. Only 46% of patients were seen by a member of the respiratory team within 24 hours. @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

4 Workshop aims – part 1 @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI
Understanding your data and service – reflecting on your own service and data to identify areas for change. Familiarisation with selected QI methodologies and techniques - understanding basic principles of QI as shown in the Model for Improvement Taster/starting to have identified priority areas for improvement @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

5 Workshop aims – part 2 @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI
Taster of setting aim, and breaking down the problem using driver diagram Taster of planning small test of change To network with colleagues to share expertise and examples of best practice To leave the workshop with an action plan to implement and evaluate improvement in your service. @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

6 Housekeeping Toilets Lunch and refreshments No planned fire alarms Emergency exits There will be feedback forms for completion at the end of the day Please visit the resource table and event hashtag is #COPDAuditQI @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

7 Ice breaker @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

8 Ice breaker As a table (not solely with your own team) please discuss the following: One recent success from your local COPD service or hospital One challenge you have recently faced as a COPD service. Please put them on a Post It note and place on the board @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

9 What does your data show you and how can you effect change?
Brief overview of the quality journey @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

10 Data collection Importance of good data collection in supporting QI
Good data collection might involve: Sharing data entry with colleagues – for example a rota Dedicated staff member for entering data Working with the information and coding departments to receive notes in a timely fashion, and check all eligible patients are included Completing audit questions during the patient’s admission, rather than after See the National COPD Audit Programme’s Good Practice Repository for more ideas and tips. @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

11 Intervention and impact
Phases of a quality improvement project Model for improvement Project setup What are we trying to accomplish? How will we know that a change is an improvement? What changes can we make that will result in improvement? Act Plan Do Study Diagnostic phase Intervention and impact Sustain and spread @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

12 Project set up Specific S Measurable M Achievable A Realistic R
Build a team and understand your stakeholders Who might help or hinder? What do your patients want? Agree your aim – make it SMART Consider ways of tackling a problem Driver diagrams Plan how you will achieve your aim What measures will show you are improving? S Specific M Measurable A Achievable R Realistic T Time bound @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

13 Diagnostic phase Stakeholder views of quality and priorities for improvement What does your current audit data tell you? Understanding your processes Process mapping Think about why you might have certain issues Root cause analysis Breaking down the problem, and identifying tests of change @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

14 What’s the problem? Respiratory review
To meet the COPD BPT, the following metrics must be met: 60% of patients receiving respiratory review within 24 hours of admission; and: 60% of patients receiving a discharge bundle Data in the first quarter shows that only 50% of patients are getting timely respiratory review Problem? No BPT for the hospital! @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

15 Process mapping – respiratory review
A&E consultant review Arrival @ A&E Triage Acute medicine review Patient admitted Treatment decisions Referral to resp Bloods Imaging PAS Bottle necks Duplication Unclear process Clarity of roles @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

16 Process mapping – in real life!
@NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

17 Driver Diagrams @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI Aims Primary drivers
Secondary drivers To increase the number of patients receiving a respiratory review within 24 hours from 50% to 60% by the end of the next quarter (end of December 2017) Rapid and appropriate diagnostic testing in A&E Improve systems for referral across teams (including treatment induced referral) Up-skill all members of respiratory team to provide review Increase frequency of respiratory rounds Design concise guideline on appropriate tests Make sure ED and AAU team have bleep numbers of on call respiratory specialist team member Training session on discharge bundle and best practice  Ensure there is an early morning referral round 6 days a week @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

18 How will we know that change is an improvement
@NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

19 How will we know that change is an improvement
Unit 1 Unit 3 Unit 2 Length of stay results for units 1, 2 and 3 References for Measurement for Improvement: Improvement capability games – video resources from IHI Perla RJ et al. The run chart: a simple analytical tool for learning from variation in healthcare processes. BMJ Qual Saf 2011;20:46e51 @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

20 Implement Model for improvement Act Plan Study Do
What are we trying to accomplish? How will we know that a change is an improvement? What changes can we make that will result in improvement? Act Plan Do Study @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

21 What is the PDSA Cycle? @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI Act
What changes are to be made? Next cycle? Plan Objective Questions and predictions (why) Plan to carry out the cycle (who, what, where, when) Do Carry out the plan Document problems and unexpected observations Begin analysis of the data Study Complete the analysis of the data Compare data to predictions Summarise what was learned To test changes, we use PDSA, which uses the same three questions with each change that we test: What are we trying to accomplish? (Objective in plan) How will we know that a change is an improvement? (verbal or numerative feedback conducted during PDSA What changes can we make that will result in improvement? (after study, will act to implement or plan another PDSA) @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

22 Why test changes? To increase the belief that the change will result in improvements in your setting To learn how to adapt the change to conditions in your setting To evaluate the costs and ‘side-effects’ of changes To minimize resistance when spreading the change throughout the organization @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

23 Move quickly to testing changes
Year Quarter Month Week Day Hour ‘What tests can we complete by next Tuesday?’ “If you think we can test the change in a month, what can you test a day from now?” Assumptions about Time: 2 Orders of Magnitude LESS teams are most effective when they move quickly to testing changes (& maintain momentum) best to first test innovative changes on a small scale okay to test multiple changes at once test under a variety of conditions importance of linking tests of change don’t try to get buy-in or consensus for tests (but will be necessary for implementation) @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

24 LEARN: Repeated Use of the Cycle
Changes that result in improvement A P S D DATA D S P A A P S D A P S D Hunches Theories Ideas @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

25 Examples of PDSA Cycles
Increased number of patients reviewed within 24 hours A P S D Data Cycle 1: laminated poster with respiratory contact details placed in ED and admission ward Cycle 2: Instigate 2 x respiratory rounds of A&E per day Cycle 3: Education event provided to ED and admission staff Cycle 4: Instant alert for known COPD patients to respiratory team on arrival Not enough patients being seen by a member of the respiratory team in 24 hours @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

26 Measuring change @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI Cycle 4 Cycle 2 Cycle 3

27 SUSTAIN and SPREAD Test with larger group Adapt your methods
Link with other organisational drivers @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

28 Coffee break @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

29 Identifying a key priority for change in your COPD service and generating an improvement aim
All attendees (group work, based on preparatory work done prior to event) @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

30 Identifying a key priority for change
Table shuffle (into themed groups) Packs have been provided to each attending team Aim development should focus on SMART objectives Look for areas where you can realistically make improvements S Specific M Measurable A Achievable R Realistic T Time bound @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

31 Identifying a key priority for change
Not ‘we aim to improve our specialist review time’, but: ‘We aim to improve the number of patients receiving a discharge bundle from 60% to 70% within 3 months’ Use your run charts Use your exports What can you do? Where do you want to be? Once you have decided on your aim, please write it on your A3 driver diagram. @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

32 Lunch @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

33 Breaking down the issues, and identifying the first area for change
Using driver diagrams All attendees @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

34 Breaking down the issues
Using driver diagrams @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

35 Coffee break

36 Review of the model for improvement
@NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

37 Implement Model for improvement Act Plan Study Do
What are we trying to accomplish? How will we know that a change is an improvement? What changes can we make that will result in improvement? Act Plan Do Study @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

38 What is the PDSA Cycle? @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI Act
What changes are to be made? Next cycle? Plan Objective Questions and predictions (why) Plan to carry out the cycle (who, what, where, when) Do Carry out the plan Document problems and unexpected observations Begin analysis of the data Study Complete the analysis of the data Compare data to predictions Summarise what was learned To test changes, we use PDSA, which uses the same three questions with each change that we test: What are we trying to accomplish? (Objective in plan) How will we know that a change is an improvement? (verbal or numerative feedback conducted during PDSA What changes can we make that will result in improvement? (after study, will act to implement or plan another PDSA) @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

39 LEARN: repeated use of the cycle
Changes That Result in Improvement A P S D DATA D S P A A P S D A P S D Hunches Theories Ideas @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

40 Planning your first test of change
@NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

41 Planning your first test of change
@NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

42 Feedback, sharing of best-practice, discussion and questions
@NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

43 What do we need to do when we get back?
@NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

44 Thoughts on next steps Identify a team Think about your stakeholders
Process map your pathways Identify priorities Review your aim Start to plan your measures Agree a plan- each element underpinned by PDSA test cycles- in small bites! @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

45 Your team Clinical leader Technical expert Day to day leader
Additional team members Ideally: Project sponsor Institute for Healthcare Improvement: Science of improvement ( Clinical leader: Overall lead for project, probably senior within organisation Technical expert: This may be patients, frontline staff, IT etc Day to day leader Additional team members: This may be managers, finance, or others who might not work through whole project Ideally Project sponsor: someone senior, maybe trust board member who can support and facilitate the changes and help you overcome any potential organisational barriers @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

46 Stakeholders Who might need to know about your work?
Who could support and influence the outcome? Who might stop/ stall the outcome? How will you involve patients/ carers? @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

47 Plan your project @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

48 @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

49 Other resources QI Hub Developing a patient and public involvement panel for quality improvement, HQIP The Handbook of Quality and Service Improvement Tools, NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement (Now archived LIBRARY) Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit, IHI @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

50 Plans for future activity and concluding remarks
@NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

51 Plans for future activity and concluding remarks
Collaboratives Appetite for a QI webinar Following up The audit team will be in touch in the next three months to ask how your improvement is going Feedback forms Please complete them to help us improve! @NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

52 Networking, further questions, and close
@NatCOPDAudit #COPDAuditQI

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