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Industrial Revolution

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1 Industrial Revolution
AP European History

2 A Turning Point in History
The Industrial Revolution was a long, slow, uneven process in which production shifted from simple hand tools to complex machines. The rural way of life began to disappear. Travelers moved rapidly between countries and continents. Country villages grew into towns and cities. People bought goods in stores and lived in crowded apartment buildings.

3 The Industrial Revolution was made possible by:
a second agricultural revolution. a population explosion. the development of new technology.

4 The New Agricultural Revolution
Dutch farmers led the way. They: built dikes to reclaim land from the sea. combined smaller fields into larger ones. used fertilizer from livestock to renew the soil.

5 In the 1700s, British farmers expanded on Dutch experiments. They:
mixed different kinds of soils to get higher crop yields. tried new methods of crop rotation. grew turnips, which restored exhausted soil. invented the seed drill. Meanwhile, rich landowners pushed ahead with enclosure, the process of taking over and fencing off land formerly shared by peasant farmers. As millions of acres were enclosed, farm output rose.

6 Population Explosion The agricultural revolution contributed to a rapid growth of population that continues today. The population boom of the 1700s was due more to declining death rates than to rising birthrates. The agricultural revolution reduced the risk of famine. Because they ate better, women were healthier and had stronger babies. In the 1800s, better hygiene and sanitation, along with improved medical care, further limited deaths from disease.

7 Urbanization Population shifts and growing commerce caused expansion of cities Migrants to the cities challenged the ability of merchant elites and craft guilds to govern and caused strained resources Sanitation problems caused by overpopulation Employment Poverty Crime

8 New Technology New sources of energy, along with new materials, enabled business owners to change the way work was done. AN ENERGY REVOLUTION — During the 1700s, people began to harness new sources of energy. Thomas Newcomen developed a steam engine powered by coal. James Watt improved on the steam engine. IMPROVED IRON — Coal was used to produce iron, a material needed for construction of machines and steam engines. The Darby family of England developed methods to produce better quality, less expensive iron.

9 Industrialization: Why Britain?
Rich in raw materials and natural resources Wealthy men had the capital to invest in machinery and factories Agricultural Revolution provided a large pool of displaced workers Stable government Geography

10 Advancements in Textiles
Britain was the leader in wool, linen & cotton cloth Before the revolution most wool was processed by women in their homes “Putting-out” system Could not keep up with demand, so costs of cloth were high Inventors came up with ways to increase the speed of production

11 Spinning Wheel

12 Loom

13 Spinning Jenny Allowed up to 8 threads to be spun at a time

14 Flying Shuttle Increased the speed of weavers

15 Water Frame Used water power to drive spinning wheels much faster than hands could

16 Increased production lowered prices on cloth
Women couldn’t make enough money any more & couldn’t afford the new machines Were forced to leave their homes & work in factories Also increased demand for cotton coming from the USA

17 The Steam Engine The water powered machines were good, but limited where factories could be located In 1763 James Watt perfected the steam engine Now there was a source of power that was affordable & available any where, any time

18 Railways Entrepreneurs (a person or organizes, manages & takes on the risks of business) wanted a better way to transport goods Dug canals & improved roads Built railways for locomotives Good for business, but also allowed regular people to travel & to take jobs away from home

19 An Early Steam Locomotive

20 The Impact of the Railroad

21 Industrialization Spreads
Britain tried very hard to keep its tech secrets A young man smuggled out secrets to the US in 1789 Doesn’t spread to the rest of Europe until after 1815 Once things with Napoleon had settled down Britain would remain the leader for nearly 100 years

22 Consumer Revolution Encouraged purchase of new goods and homes
Porcelain dishes Cotton and linens for home décor Mirrors & Prints Created new venues for leisure activities Coffeehouses Taverns Theaters and Opera Houses

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