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Roland Kwitt & Tobias Strohmeier

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Presentation on theme: "Roland Kwitt & Tobias Strohmeier"— Presentation transcript:

1 Roland Kwitt & Tobias Strohmeier
Towards Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic by Statistical Means and Machine Learning Roland Kwitt & Tobias Strohmeier Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H.| Jakob-Haringer-Str. 5/III | A-5020 Salzburg T | F | |

2 Overview Motivation Dependency between Anomalies and Attacks
The Detection Process Assumptions Statistical Analysis Machine Learning Results Further Work © Salzburg Research

3 Motivation Attacks against computer networks are dramatically increasing every year Security solutions merely based on firewalls are not enough any longer  Prevention + Detection of malicious activity Attacks tend to vary over time  signature based approaches lack flexibility  Anomaly detection provides means to detect variations of old attacks as well as novel attacks © Salzburg Research

4 Dependency between Anomalies and Attacks
Actually, there is a huge amount of possibilities! Examples: Network probes or scans are necessarily anomalous since they seek information legitimate users already possess Many attack rely on the ability of an attacker to construct client protocols themselves  in most cases the target environment is not duplicated carefully enough A lot of successfully executed attacks result in so called response anomalies! For example, due to the exploitation of implementation failures Deliberately manipulated protocols designed to pass improperly configured firewall systems © Salzburg Research

5 The Detection Process (1)::Assumptions
Many malicious activities deviate from normal activities A subset of them can be detected by monitoring the distributions of certain packet header fields Based on monitoring benign traffic, a baseline profile, describing normal traffic behavior can be established Do we have enough almost anomaly free traffic (training data) ? Is the training data representative for normal traffic conditions ? We make the assumption the data generating process is (weak) stationary (idealization) ! © Salzburg Research

6 The Detection Process (1)::Assumptions (Sample)
Training Test - Normal Test – Attack © Salzburg Research

7 The Detection Process (2)::Statistical Analysis (1)
Let a random variable X denote whether a monitored header field takes on a certain value or not  Bernoulli Experiment  X ~ Bernoulli (1,p) Let a random variable Y denote the number of successes in v executions of the same experiment  Actually, we do observe the whole domain DK of a header field. Each random experiment can thus result in mk = |DK| outcomes  (k … k-th header field) © Salzburg Research

8 The Detection Process (2)::Statistical Analysis (2)
We introduce a learning window L and a (sliding) test window T of n-packets Calculation of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) of both multinomial distributions Actually the MLEs of L are the expected probabilities under normal traffic conditions  The difference between the MLEs of both windows is an indicator for anomalous activity Problem: Too much fluctuations  Calculate the ECDFs of the MLE differences  Same system: learning window + (sliding) test window of n-fluctuations Determine the differences between the areas under both ECDFs (complexity O(1))  anomaly score for each header field © Salzburg Research

9 The Detection Process (3)::Machine Learning
Problem: Reduce k-dimensional anomaly vector to 1-dimensional anomaly score Solution: Self-Organizing Map (unsupervised learning) In the training phase (normal traffic) the SOM builds cluster centers for normal anomaly vectors  the SOM learns the usual ECDF differences under benign traffic conditions Anomalous high ECDF differences result in anomalous vectors  no suitable cluster center can be found  the distance (quantization error) to the nearest cluster center is very high © Salzburg Research

10 Results (1) Monitor Stack © Salzburg Research

11 Results (2) Source: DAPRA 1999 ID Data Set
Training = Week 1, Day 1; Test = Week 2, Day 4; Host = Marx © Salzburg Research

12 Results (3) Source: DAPRA 1999 ID Data Set
Training = Week 1, Day 1; Test = Week 2, Day 4; Host = Marx © Salzburg Research

13 Further Work Eliminate assumption of stationarity  determine stationary intervals  piecewise stationarity Introduce higher level features such as connection details or temporal statistics (#connections in t-seconds for example) Evaluate other machine learning methods (Growing Neural Gas, Growing Cell Structures …) Testing with Endace’s DAG card to eliminate the performance bottleneck caused by libpcap! © Salzburg Research

14 Thanks for your attention !
© Salzburg Research

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