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Unit 7 – Excel Graphs.

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1 Unit 7 – Excel Graphs

2 Recap Quiz Time

3 Question 1 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
What keyboard key changes the reference type of the selected cell? F3 F4 F5 Next Question

4 Question 2 Good Job! Try Again Next Question What is a function?
A pre-made formula A type of cell reference A file format Next Question

5 Question 3 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
What do all functions start with? ( ) Their name Next Question

6 Question 4 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
What do we put after a function’s name? ( ) Their name Next Question

7 Question 5 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
What does a condition result in? True/False, Yes/No, etc. A number A formula Next Question

8 Question 6 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
Which function uses a condition? IF SUM All function use conditions Next Question

9 Question 7 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
Which of these represents a range of cells A1.A5 A1-A5 A1:A5 Next Question

10 Question 8 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
What do we need to put around words/phrases? “ ” # # [ ] Next Question

11 Question 9 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
What is the terminology for using a cell in a formula? Cell Evaluation Cell Referencing Cell Arbitration Next Question

12 Question 10 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
What symbol do we use for dividing two numbers? / \ _ Next Question

13 Welcome What we’ve done so far In this lesson Formulae Functions
Conditions In this lesson Graphs More Functions

14 Graphs What is a graph? A visual representation of data That’s the technical definition A pretty way of showing how data is connected That’s the not so technical definition Sometimes looking at raw data (i.e. the text in a spreadsheet) doesn’t show us everything Graphs are great at giving us the ‘big picture’

15 Graphs There are lots of different types of graphs
Bar charts Line charts Pie charts Histograms And more! We can use nearly all of them in Excel It’s easy to do as well Let’s look at an example

16 Inserting Graphs Imagine we’re keeping the books for a company
The ‘books’ are their accounts Money coming in, and money going out We have the income and expenditure for months We calculate the profit for each month afterwards

17 Inserting Graphs Looking at this raw data A graph would work well here
We can see gradual increases/decreas es in profit Not the easiest to see though A graph would work well here Would let us see more easily the change in profit

18 Inserting Graphs Looking at this raw data A graph would work well here
We can see gradual increases/decreas es in profit Not the easiest to see though A graph would work well here Would let us see more easily the change in profit

19 Inserting Graphs Add graphs always works in the same way
Select data to add Including headings Go to Insert menu Choose graph to add Here we select only the date and income

20 Inserting Graphs The graphs area is in the Insert panel
The Ribbon menu at the top has lots of graphing options The images show roughly what the graph will look like

21 Inserting Graphs Exercise
Create a new spreadsheet in Excel Create your own “Company Accounts” spreadsheet You need to include columns for Closing Date Income Expenditure Profit You need at least ten rows in this table Use the same date every month for Closing Date (e.g. 5th of every month) Use random numbers for Income and Expenditure Calculate Profit by subtracting Expenditure from Income

22 Graphs – Bar Chart We’ll start with a Bar Chart It’s this button
When clicked, we can choose the look of the bar chart 2D 3D Up/down Left/right

23 Graphs – Bar Chart We’ll use 2D Column
This will create the graph for us We’ll see Dates along the bottom Income (as columns) from left to right

24 Graphs – Bar Chart This is like an image in Word
We can freely move it about the spreadsheet And position it where we want Done by clicking/dragging on any white space in the graph Can also resize graph using circles around outside

25 Graphs – Bar Chart Exercise
Select the Closing Date and Income columns Select the headings too Go to Insert (in the Ribbon menu at the top) Click on the Bar Chart button, and choose the left-most 2D Column option Feel free to move/resize the graph

26 Editing Graphs - Style Making the graph isn’t final
We can always edit the graph Change the data used Change position of elements Change style/colour graph uses Add more elements shown

27 Editing Graphs - Style Let’s try changing the style first
There’s a button on the right- hand side of a graph Looks like a paint brush Clicking on it makes a window appear

28 Editing Graphs - Style This window shows two things
A menu at the top Style and Colour A list of options underneath By default, this window shows Styles We can scroll through to find one we like Clicking on it applies the style immediately

29 Editing Graphs – Style Exercise
Select the graph you made Click on the paint-brush icon to the right of it Scroll through the styles list Click on one you like

30 Editing Graphs - Colours
The other option in this window is Colour Here we can choose colour palettes Not individual colours They’re like ‘themes’ Apply colours to each part of the graph It’s best to stick to these options

31 Editing Graphs – Colours Exercise
Select the graph you made Click on the paint-brush icon to the right of it Select the Colour menu at the top of this window Click on a colour palette you like

32 Editing Graphs - Elements
We can make a graph show more things Legends Axis titles For this, we click on the green plus button to the top-right Here we can choose which elements to show An element is a part of a graph For example The dates along the bottom The columns for the income The amounts along the left

33 Editing Graphs - Elements
For example, we can include the Legend here States what the colours represent I.e. orange bars are for the Income Legends are useful when using multiple sets of data Which we’ll look at in a bit We can also choose where to put the Legend If we click on arrow next to it

34 Editing Graphs – Elements Exercise
Select the graph you made Click on the green plus icon to the right of it Check any elements you want to include You can hover over an element to see a preview of it Definitely add a Legend though!

35 Editing Graphs - Data The most useful thing we can change about a graph is the data it uses When a graph is selected, the data it uses gets highlighted That’s the purple/blue areas in the spreadsheet We can change these

36 Editing Graphs - Data Let’s say we want to look at Expenditure instead
We can click/drag on the border of the blue area Move it to the Expenditure column The graph updates with the new data

37 Editing Graphs - Data The only thing we can’t (easily) change is the data used to split the columns The dates in this case We can add another column Simply by expanding the blue column So we can include both Income and Expenditure

38 Editing Graphs - Data At this point we can change the colours
To better match the new data

39 Editing Graphs – Data Exercise
Select the graph you made Expand the Income selection to include Expenditure Feel free to change the style/colour to make a better looking graph

40 Graphs – Line Chart Bar charts work best for data with few sample points Dates, in this case And few sets of data Income and Expenditure, in this case What if we want to include Profit as well?

41 Graphs – Line Chart If we include Profit, the columns start overlapping with the dates Not very pretty Let’s use a different graph instead

42 Graphs – Line Chart Let’s undo this change and de- select the graph
We’ll then select only Closing Dates and Profit Can select dates Then, holding Ctrl, select profit

43 Graphs – Line Chart We’re then going to add a line chart
We click on the icon that looks like criss- crossing lines We’ll then choose this option 2D Line with Markers

44 Graphs – Line Chart This will add another graph to our spreadsheet
Like before, we can move/resize it

45 Graphs – Line Chart Exercise
Select the Closing Dates and Profit column Select Closing Dates Then hold Ctrl Then select Profit Go to Insert Ribbon menu Click on line graph button, and choose 2D Line with Markers Feel free to move/resize graph

46 Graph Practice For the line chart you just made
Remove the Primary Horizontal Axis Found in Axes chart element area That’s the menu where you added the legend Add a Legend to this chart Edit the data so that it includes all three columns Income Expenditure Profit Change the colour/style to suit your tastes

47 Recap Quiz Time

48 Question 1 Good Job! Try Again Next Question What is a graph?
A visual representation of data A type of file format A function we can use Next Question

49 Question 2 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
We can edit a graph after it has been made True False Next Question

50 Question 3 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
Which of these is a type of graph? Smile chart Bar chart Data chart Next Question

51 Question 4 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
What does a Bar chart contain? A circle for each data set A line for each data set A series of columns for each data set Next Question

52 Question 5 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
We cannot move or resize graphs in Excel True False Next Question

53 Question 6 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
What does a Legend’s colours show? Each data set Each axis Each title Next Question

54 Question 7 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
What does a Line chart contain? A circle for each data set A line for each data set A series of columns for each data set Next Question

55 Question 8 Good Job! Try Again Next Question
How do we change which data set a graph uses? Select graph and drag highlighted area in Excel to new area Select graph and click/drag over new area Click/drag over new area Next Question


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