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Gunpowder Empires, land-based

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1 Gunpowder Empires, land-based
Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Mughal Empire Qing Dynasty Tokugawa Japan

2 From 1300 to 1700, three “gunpowder empires” dominated parts of Europe, Africa, & Asia
The Safavid Empire The Mughal Empire The Ottoman Empire Three of the great empires of history—the Ottomans in Turkey, the Safavids in Persia, and the Mughals in India—emerged in the Muslim world between the 14th and the 18th centuries. As powerful societies moved to expand their empires, Turkish, Persian, Mongol, and Arab ways of life blended. The result was a flowering of Islamic culture that peaked in the 16th century. The rulers of all three great Muslim empires of this era based their authority on Islam. They based their power on strong armies, advanced technology, and loyal administrative officers.

3 Ottoman Empire Muslim Turks of Anatolia unified under Osman 1 in 1300.
Ottoman forces conquered Constantinople in 1453 ce By the late 1600s the empire expanded across the Middle East, North Africa, and Eastern Europe. Golden Age under Suleiman the Magnificent.

4 Ottoman Empire Devshirme: Blood tax where the Ottomans would kidnap or take Christian boys and raise them as able soldiers or government bureaucrats called Janissaries, slave class. Not allowed to have children. Elite military force and government force allowed the empire to keep its land holdings for centuries.

5 Ottoman Empire Millet system: Christians and Jews lived in their own autonomous communities as long as they paid a tax called the jizya. Ottomans were Sunni Muslims and were not focused on converting peoples. Turk culture blended with conquered peoples who were treated well.

6 Decline of Ottoman Empire
Incapable leaders fearful of losing power, often killed better heirs. Oppressive policies & taxation peasant discontent and rebellion Janissaries revolt and take more power. Economic decline - illegal trade, inflation Naval power defeated in Spain and Italy (Battle of Lepanto ) Dissolved with the creation of the nation of Turkey in 1923, after World War I

7 Identify and Explain ONE way in which the Ottoman Empire suppressed the minority religion of the area. Write this in SAQ Style – you have 5 minutes.

8 SAFAVID EMPIRE ( ) Ismai’il Saf al-Din took Iran and created an empire based on Shiite Islam. Rulers known as Shahs (Persian for ‘King) No religious freedom; convert to Shi’a Islam or die. Shiites kills Sunnis in Safavid Empire Sunnis kill Shiites in Ottoman Empire

9 Golden Age of Shah Abbas: 1587
Cultural blending w/Ottoman, Persian & Arab worlds and architecture Chinese artisans arrive and help build up capital of Isfahan. Persian carpets best product. Military reforms (Persian & Christian armies created) Modern weaponry Punished corruption, emphasized loyalty Chinese artisans brought, collaboration gave rise to fabulous artwork, rebuild capital city of Isfanhan Carpets: local craft to national industry

10 Safavid Decline and Fall
Shahs had family members killed to keep others from claiming power. Tribal armies from Afghanistan took over eastern territory. Ottomans began taking western territory. Safavids died politically, but never culturally - left behind a strong Persian cultural legacy Killing family members to keep another from claiming power Tribal armies from Afghanistan taking over E portions of Safavid realm, Ottomans from the west Nadir Shah Afshar: Sunni

11 Identify and explain ONE way in which the Safavid empire differed from the Ottoman Empire.
SAQ Style – 5 minutes

12 Mughal Empire Mixed Turk and Mongol peoples arrive in India with Tamerlane. Babur the Tiger founds empire in 1526. Muslim minority tries to govern a Hindu majority. Brought unity to India for first time since Gupta Empire fell.

13 Akbar Greatest leader: Akbar (1556-1605)
Ended the jizya tax on Hindus Created a fair tax system Complex government bureaucracy with diversity among officers. Created a new religion called the Divine Faith (Din-i-ilahi), a syncretic faith combining Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism. Blending of Hindu, Turkish, Persian, and Muslim styles and customs.

14 Women and Mughals Women held in high regard by Mughal leaders.
Given elaborate and rich tombs and décor. Mughal ruler Shar Jahan had the Taj Mahal built as a memorial for his beloved wife. Blended styles , architecture, and riches from Persia, India and the Turks.

15 Aurangzeb Aurangzeb (1658-1707) reversed policies of Akbar.
Forced conversion of Hindus to Islam Brought back the Jizya tax Removed Hindus from government roles Attacked and destroyed Hindu temples. Constant wars drained empire’s treasury.

16 Decline and Fall Local lords take power over time.
Rebellions begin as taxes increase. Famine causes peasant revolts. No strong ruler after Aurangzeb Trade with Europeans opened Mughals to British influence and eventual colonization in 1858.

17 Identify and explain one effect of Akbar's policies in the Mughal Empire.
SAQ – 5 min.

18 Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) to Qing Dynasty
Climate change – poor harvests, famine from Little Ice Age. Uprisings by Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong end Ming control. China absorbed most of world’s silver from trade- high inflation. Heavy taxation Economic depression Manchus help Ming defeat Japanese in Korea, Manchus take peninsula and then invade weakened China.


20 Qing Dynasty China Emperor Qianlong Ruled 1736-1796
Manchus could present themselves as Confucian rulers Ming had been very corrupt Manchus were accepted by the Chinese people as legitimate rulers. Literary Inquisition 2,000 anti-Manchu titles destroyed and many scholars punished China restricted trade with Europeans who then ignored demands.

21 Qing Dynasty Decline Empire too large to control
Population explosion (no epidemics, internal peace and food from America) Grand Canal silts up, deforestation Corrupt Merit System Opium Wars make China a puppet for European interests. Taiping Rebellion weakened central government. Sino-Japanese War ends China’s influence in Asia, shifts to Japan.

22 What could have happened!
China could have become a great colonial power and could have led the world economically BUT Europe had advantages New World resources Excess population → Americas Joint stock companies State backing of trading companies Competition between nations drove economic success

23 Something a bit different...still SAQ
Identify and explain one way in which was a turning point in Chinese history. You have 5 minutes.


25 Tokugawa Japan Tokugawa Ieyasu ( ) took control over the daimyo and set up a Shogunate to run a unified Japan in 1603. Expelled Christians and had many murdered. Was popular among the elite. Threatened power of Shogun Neo-Confucianism flourishes in Japan. Japan isolated itself from the world and did not trade with Europeans.

26 Tokugawa Japan Privately owned guns banned.
Merchant class became rich. Art and literature flourished in Japan. Kabuki acting became popular. Haiku poetry Education among farmers and merchants began with a focus on Japanese national traditions. Rice was key: could be used as currency and used to pay Daimyo and samurai, also brewed for Sake.

27 Japan SAQ Identify and explain ONE change that occurred under the Tokugawa from the previous time period.

28 Culture- “Floating Worlds”
Into this Ukiyo, the “floating world,” any man from any class who had the money and was willing to spend it could go. There he could find release from the restrictions, the duties, and the drabness of medieval society. Here, geisha, who might be prostitutes, but were also accomplished actresses, musicians, and conversationalists, held court nightly.

29 Safavid Art- Ornate Persian Rugs

30 Mughal Empire- Syncretic Art, Persian Miniatures Persian miniatures had Hindu and Buddhist influences Thirst in night Miniature painting. Persian and Arabic themes. Some European perspective. Love on a Boat at Night A Royal Mughal Court

31 Mughal Syncretic Architecture

32 Qing Art – the Four Wangs!
Imitation of Ming style was encouraged. Large-scale landscapes, flower-and-bird compositions, and figural narratives were particularly favored as images that would glorify the new dynasty

33 Japanese Art- Ukiyo-e Ukiyo-e "pictures of the floating world", is a genre of Japanese woodblock prints featuring motifs of landscapes, tales from history, the theatre and pleasure quarters.

34 ART SAQ Identify and explain ONE way in which the Gunpowder Empires used art politically.

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